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Topic: George Yohng's VST wrapper for Foobar2000 (Read 186041 times) previous topic - next topic
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George Yohng's VST wrapper for Foobar2000

Reply #75
Thank you very much for explanation, Yegor. Its a little bit more clear now for me. Sometimes its strange with us, who doesn't work with code and doesn't know how the things are related in between. Therefore some questions could be without sense.
Thanks to both, Yegor and George, for your effort and please keep working on it if, you'll have time for it.

Btw. sorry if this was explained somewhere, but from pure interest, why is there such a big size difference between the two wrappers, or better to ask why is george's wrapper so much bigger?

Yegor crafted his wrapper specifically for foobar2000, while I pieced mine from code which is used in another project. This required linking several support libraries that come with it. I would guess, that Yegor spent on his wrapper much more time, than I have on mine.

George Yohng's VST wrapper for Foobar2000

Reply #76
Nice plugin.

But I have this EWQL Orchestra Free VSTi (it's discontinued now), which makes Foobar freeze, unless I remove it from the vst plugins folder. The VSTi comes with an installer and 2GB of samples, but to reproduce the freezing the dll file is probably enough.

George Yohng's VST wrapper for Foobar2000

Reply #77
This plugin is having problem with the latest version of Foobar 1.1.11 . It`s not loaded correctly i guess because foobar hangs when loading .Removing this plugin from Components folder fixes the problem ! Please update the plugin to work with 1.1.11 and next versions !

George Yohng's VST wrapper for Foobar2000

Reply #78
It's working for me in foobar 1.1.11 and some basic VST like the Kjaerhus bundle, ReaPlugs and some from RS-Met. Maybe it's the plugin that's trying to be loaded that's causing it?


George Yohng's VST wrapper for Foobar2000

Reply #79
Hi George,

first of all thank you very much for your wrapper and your support

I'm a sound engineer and Foobar is the only player that provides more advanced metering compared to others. What I always missed since ever is the phase correlation meter, which Foobar seems not to have any component for.

1st question

For this application your VST wrapper came as a heaven's gift. I use Izotope Insight for phase scope metering and it works amazing except for only one issue (which is soo annoying to me): The Izotope Insight VST reads/meters the audio before Foobar actually plays it back (or meters through its metering tools).

Do you have any idea what this issue is for?
Do you think that in the future the VST wrapper might come with a latency adjust option?

2nd question

the VST wrapper doesn't detect the Waves9 suite. I browsed throughout all these pages and your site ones. But I didn't find anything about this specific issue with Waves.

I added the following folders (with Steinberg mode option active, but nothing happens if it's unchecked though), but it keeps on "ignoring" the waves plugins:
c:\program files\steinberg\vstplugins
c:\program files\vstplugins
c:\program files\waves\waveshells

Do you have any idea how can I make VST wrapper find the Waves?

Here's my layout with spectrum an., spectrogram, peak meter, osc., and Izotope Insight through the amazing George Yohng's VST Wrapper. Thank you so much again for your efforts and thank you in advance if you can give me some hints.