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Topic: foobar2000 for mac (Read 117260 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #175
Since the M1 Macs are way too tempting I also made the switch. Great to see that foobar2000 is available and running great on these machines. Thank you for the effort! The only thing I am missing is the left pane view where I can quickly access/filter my music library (folder) without the necessity to create or maintain a playlist.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #176
I wish the Mac version could play DSD.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #177
Thank you for converting foobar to Mac  8)

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #178
New 2.3 version is available! Thanks for the update, keep up the app development

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #179
Hi, long-time foobar user here, just migrated to mac (damn you M1, no regrets here) and it's great to see at least some version here. I'd very much vote for these features:

- scrobbling
- dsd playback
- tree structure for playlists + file browser

I hope they will be considered, I would gladly support further development.

Have a nice day, anyone...

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #180
I wonder if foobar for Mac will be the test bed for the new windows version.

I want to see that media library! 😜

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #182
Anybody had a succes installing (windows version of) fb2k with PlayOnMac?

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #183

I've been using PlayOnMac for a while with good, but not perfect results. It often hangs when closing the app. Components work okay. It handles my large library, about 85,000 tracks.

2013 MacBook Pro - Big Sur 11.6.8 - PlayOnMac 4.4.3 - Foobar 1.6.5

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #184
Many thanks for V. 2.5 beta 1. Quite a surprise to see on the download page with all the excitement surrounding the win V. 2.0.

One possible bug to report, on my Macbook pro mid 2012, Sierra 10.12.6, 'Open Containing Folder' is not working, anyone else see this?

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #185
Finder interop on old Mac OS fixed in beta 2, thanks for reporting.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #186
Thanks for the quick response, works fine now. Scanning folders into new playlists and the library is so fast!

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #187
Thanks for v2.5 beta with useful features.
The beta 2 worked fine, but beta 3 has problem for me with MacBook Air 2020 / macOS Monterey 12.5.1 + USB DAC (Chord's QUTEST). When I playback FLAC 2ch 24bit/96kHz file, I hear very strange sound (wrong tempo? wrong pitch? and huge noise) in only Right channel. For information, when I playback the same file through "Default" output (i.e. speakers on MacBook), the sound is normal.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #188
Thanks for reporting.

Beta 4 released, fixed 32 bits per sample noise regression from beta 3.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #189
Hi, Peter
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I've confirmed the noise problem solved by beta 4.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #190
The foobar2000 on my old Mac doesn't list my USB-connected external DAC as output device but does list my wireless buds.

The fb2k is v2.3; the macOS is 10.15.7; the DAC is RME ADI-2 DAC FS; and the wireless buds are iPods Pro.

The fb2k v2.3 can play tracks on the built-in speakers and iPods. But it doesn't see the DAC at all.

Other audio player apps I have used (Roon and QXPlayer) work well with the DAC.

Is there anything I missed?

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #191
So excited to find Foobar upgrades for Mac. Few questions though -

1) Not able to see external output device(Audient ID4). It shows as a sound output on mac and other djing tools.
2) Is there a way to import fpl playlist (playlists-v1.4) from windows setup to mac?
3) Is it possible to run 2 instances of Foobar on mac ( one for pre-listing and other for playing)?

Foobar: Version 2.5 beta 6
Mac: MacBook Air ( M1, 2020)

Thanks again for your efforts! I am a huge foobar fan.

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #192
Hi, I've been using foobar2000 for MAC since the first version came out, thank you very much for making the MAC version,

There has always been a problem that bothers me :'( , when you close the foobar2000 window, the app will automatically exit. This design is different from many MacOS software, could you please change it to Command+ W just to close the window, and the music will continue to play in the background, while Command+ Q is to completely exit foobar2000

In fact, I wanted to leave a message before, but I felt that the development focus was on the Windows platform until I found that the new version 2.5 added a lot of new features, so I asked if I could change it...

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #193
I just wanted to add a whole-hearted THANKS to Peter for the Mac version 2.5 with the media library, album list, facets, etc. — ever since I switched to a Mac in 2019 I've been missing fb2k, so this is really a fantastic development. It even made me reactivate this account, 17 years after I created it! 😅

If there's a place to donate/contribute, I'd be more than happy to.

Thanks again

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #194
I agree with this, it’s odd behaviour for a MacOS app and has caused me to unintentionally kill my music many times

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #195
Thanks for this feature rich update !
I am tempted to return to Mac to try some M1/M2 goodness now FB2K has library functionality and (Re)Facets on it

Please could you implement "Save all playlists", which in the windows version is reached by holding the Shift key before clicking on the File menu. 🙏

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #196
Hello, the new feature rich update is awesome! Thank you so much!!

I'm now starting to believe that foobar2000 will eventually raise in all its beauty on MacOS platform as well. This really made my day.

Would be happy to donate or maybe even help with porting some plugin if there is going be to some plugin API (probably in far future).

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #197
Hi, for me "find" does not work with foobar for mac, it's greyed out.
I can't do it with cmd + f, and can't do it from the menu either.

In fact, most of the "Edit" actions are greyed out (as you can see in the image).
If I could only have "find" working (!), I don't even care for the other actions ...

I see there was somebody else on the previous page asking about this.
Any updates or when this feature might be implemented ? Quite a core functionality ..
That's not to say I don't appreciate you making it for macOS to begin with, of course. Thank you so much for that !

(Also another vote from me for cmd + w to be closing the window but allowing the app to play in the background, with cmd + q closing the app entirely - ie. the somewhat standardized behaviour of apps on macOs)

- Apple silicon (M1 Pro)
- macOS Monterrey 12.5.1
- foobar2000 for Mac, v2.5 beta 10 (with 2.3 being the stable version still. First I tried the stable, then this beta).

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #198
Regarding "Find", I just noticed there is "View" > "Playlist search", which does the job !
I suppose it's just a matter of mapping cmd + f to that action then, instead of the greyed out "Find" placeholder ?

And/or - What about the playlist search be part of the main window, is that a difficult thing to achieve? Genuinely asking.
Because (especially) without the hotkey, I'll keep both windows open, but it's somewhat of a pain point to use mission control with 20 other things open and foobar split in multiple windows too.
Also asking because currently that playlist search has to be manually opened and resized each time the app starts.
Overall this UX can be quite majorly improved, factually speaking. And again, not to say I'm not majorly grateful for what we have so far already. Thanks !

Re: foobar2000 for mac

Reply #199
This is to report a bug of the latest beta 11 of foobar2000 for Mac, v2.5.

Problem: The following menu items don't work and foobar2000 says an error.
  File -> Add Files
  File -> Add Folder
Error Message: The open file operation failed. The open file operation failed to connect to the open and save panel service.
My Environment: macOS Ventura 13.0.1 on MacBook Air (Intel, 2020)
Remark: Alternatively, drug and drop operations of the files / folder work.

Thanks for developing foobar2000 for Mac!