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Topic: Should the windows installer be signed digitally? (Read 570 times) previous topic - next topic
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Should the windows installer be signed digitally?

When installing foobar2000-x64_v2.1.exe Windows 10 Smart Screen says it will block installation; as it seems it's because the installer does not have a digital signature.
I think it would be a good idea to add a digital signature to reduce confusion for new users.
Well, Microsoft makes the rules...

Re: Should the windows installer be signed digitally?

Reply #1
This has been discussed before and the conclusion was its more hassle than its worth.

Re: Should the windows installer be signed digitally?

Reply #2
Actually, signing is really easy, but code signing certificates are very costly.


Re: Should the windows installer be signed digitally?

Reply #3
Basically there was an incident where due to an error on certificate provider's side, code signed installer was treated worse than unsigned by MS, after which I gave up.
You can always get foobar2000 from Microsoft Store, it's up to date and fully functional once again now.
I honestly want to get this sorted out eventually, it's more of a problem of personal time shortage (another thing that needs renewing) than money shortage.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Re: Should the windows installer be signed digitally?

Reply #4
You can always get foobar2000 from Microsoft Store, it's up to date and fully functional once again now.

Maybe one could reduce the number of reports by updating the text at . Yes I see there is a news item on the main page (and concerning the preview!), but a loud message at the top of the download page that hey if your Windows/AV doesn't like the installer, then use the Microsoft Store ... ?

Anyway, thanks for not forcing us to use Microsoft Store.