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Topic: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP (Read 337601 times) previous topic - next topic
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Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #175
You can uninstall WMP Plus at Control Panel - Programs - View installed programs.

The problem with Web help is that you immediately get redirected to another URL that contains less info. So would it be possible to click Web help again, but this time with your Internet connection disabled? This will prevent the redirect from happening and allow you to retrieve the full URL with all error details. Thanks!

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #176
You can uninstall WMP Plus at Control Panel - Programs - View installed programs.

The problem with Web help is that you immediately get redirected to another URL that contains less info. So would it be possible to click Web help again, but this time with your Internet connection disabled? This will prevent the redirect from happening and allow you to retrieve the full URL with all error details. Thanks!

Sorry for the late reply here - not needed to use windows media player in the last few days.  I can now confirm the problem *does* go away if I uninstall WMP Plus.

I will now reinstall again and will report back on whether the problem comes back; and if it does, I'll post the error message

Thanks again for your help

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #177
You can uninstall WMP Plus at Control Panel - Programs - View installed programs.

The problem with Web help is that you immediately get redirected to another URL that contains less info. So would it be possible to click Web help again, but this time with your Internet connection disabled? This will prevent the redirect from happening and allow you to retrieve the full URL with all error details. Thanks!

Sorry for the late reply here - not needed to use windows media player in the last few days.  I can now confirm the problem *does* go away if I uninstall WMP Plus.

I will now reinstall again and will report back on whether the problem comes back; and if it does, I'll post the error message

Thanks again for your help

Yes its definitely happening again when I reinstall.  I see what you mean about the immediaate redirect - however when I do it without an internet connection, then Windows Media Player refuses to open internet explorer  I'll try again when I get back from work

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #178
I only tried Web help without Internet connection on XP, but on Windows 7 the button indeed doesn't do anything without a connection. I'll quickly add something to WMP Plus to get all error details and will PM you the download link when it's ready (probably during the weekend).

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #179
I only tried Web help without Internet connection on XP, but on Windows 7 the button indeed doesn't do anything without a connection. I'll quickly add something to WMP Plus to get all error details and will PM you the download link when it's ready (probably during the weekend).

Thanks.  Its possible I might be able to find another way in the meantime, and if so, I will post here.

Incidentally, WMP Plus is great.  One extra feature that might be good for the future is to have a way of getting the playlists/libraries to always display in a custom order.  I have some playlists that I like to sort in order of date last played; and yet WMP never remembers this, so I have to reset it each time I open it

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #181
Thanks for retrieving the full error URL  Unfortunately, I'm still unable to reproduce this problem on my Windows 7 system so I'll need some more info.

After approximately how many songs does the issue start occurring? Are you using any of WMP Plus!'s features in the meantime?

What are the file versions of the mf.dll, mfplat.dll and audioeng.dll files in your C:\Windows\System32 folder?

Does the issue still occur when you boot Windows in Clean Boot mode?

Incidentally, WMP Plus is great.  One extra feature that might be good for the future is to have a way of getting the playlists/libraries to always display in a custom order.  I have some playlists that I like to sort in order of date last played; and yet WMP never remembers this, so I have to reset it each time I open it

Thanks for the suggestion, but the problem is that I haven't found a way yet for WMP Plus! to determine the current view in the library. So unless the custom sort order gets applied in all views (which would be less useful), this isn't going to be added anytime soon I'm afraid.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #182
Thanks for retrieving the full error URL  Unfortunately, I'm still unable to reproduce this problem on my Windows 7 system so I'll need some more info.

After approximately how many songs does the issue start occurring?

I'd say roughly about 6-7 songs or 15 minutes; but this varies and has been longer/shorter.  When I tried to "engineer" the error message appearing by skipping straight to the end of each song, I never managed to make the issue occur, so it may be more due to time than number of songs, but that is a total guess!

Are you using any of WMP Plus!'s features in the meantime?

Yes.  Most of the features that were activated by default are still activated, as well as "disable group headers in the library pane

What are the file versions of the mf.dll, mfplat.dll and audioeng.dll files in your C:\Windows\System32 folder?

mf.dll: 12.0.7601.17514
mfplat.dll: 12.0.7600.16385
audioeng.dll: 6.1.7600.16385

Does the issue still occur when you boot Windows in Clean Boot mode?

Will have to check this separately and get back to you

Thanks for the suggestion, but the problem is that I haven't found a way yet for WMP Plus! to determine the current view in the library. So unless the custom sort order gets applied in all views (which would be less useful), this isn't going to be added anytime soon I'm afraid.

No problem

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #183
I timed, and last time it happened it was after 30 minutes.  Still not had time to try clean boot mode; might not be for a few days till I can find the time to manage it

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #184
Those 3 file versions match the ones on my system. I tried to reproduce this again but still no errors after having let songs play for more than an hour. These were all MP3 songs though. Could you please check if it only happens when other music formats are involved? If these formats aren't natively supported then please also report back which codec is installed for playback.

Also, if you go to Control Panel - Sound, select Speakers, click Properties and then go to Enhancements, are there any enhancements enabled there?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #185
Those 3 file versions match the ones on my system. I tried to reproduce this again but still no errors after having let songs play for more than an hour. These were all MP3 songs though. Could you please check if it only happens when other music formats are involved? If these formats aren't natively supported then please also report back which codec is installed for playback.

Also, if you go to Control Panel - Sound, select Speakers, click Properties and then go to Enhancements, are there any enhancements enabled there?

No enhancements enabled under the speaker option.

I'll check the file format thing; though I would have no idea how to report back on what codecs are installed I'm afraid!

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #186
OK just tried it again and I'm beginning to wonder if file type may be an issue after all

I played one list that was just MP3 for over an hour with no issues

I then moved to a list of mixed MP3 and WMA.  It played MP3 fine.  When it got to the first WMA it took a long time to begin the song but eventually did.  Then when it came to the next song (also WMA) the error message came up.  I'm wondering if somehow, when it took a long time to "work out" how to play the first WMA, it then caused some sort of system malfuntion that prevented it from playing any further songs?  Almost as if some variable in the code somewhere gets misdefined the first time a WMA song is played  (I don't really have a clue what I'm saying here - my only programming experience is in VBA  )

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #187
Thanks for the additional info. I now have a playlist with MP3 and WMA files that triggers a C00D11B1 error, but only at the end of the last song. It also happens without WMP Plus so it's probably still a different issue, although it could be related.

Do you know how these WMA files were created? Are they protected and/or lossless? To find out if they're protected, right-click the song in WMP's Library and go to Properties - Media Usage Rights. Lossless files can be recognized by their file size or by opening the file in the GSpot tool.

Also, if you right-click an empty area in WMP's Now Playing mode and select Enhancements - Crossfading and auto volume leveling, is crossfading turned on and if so, at how many seconds?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #188
Thanks for the additional info. I now have a playlist with MP3 and WMA files that triggers a C00D11B1 error, but only at the end of the last song. It also happens without WMP Plus so it's probably still a different issue, although it could be related.

Do you know how these WMA files were created? Are they protected and/or lossless? To find out if they're protected, right-click the song in WMP's Library and go to Properties - Media Usage Rights. Lossless files can be recognized by their file size or by opening the file in the GSpot tool.

Also, if you right-click an empty area in WMP's Now Playing mode and select Enhancements - Crossfading and auto volume leveling, is crossfading turned on and if so, at how many seconds?

Crossfading not turned on.

Have put it on random and am keeping a track of what's playing tonight:
1) mp3, unprotected, no issues occurred
2) wma, unprotected, no issues occurred
3) mp3, unprotected, no issues occurred
4) wma, unprotected, no issues occurred
5) mp3, unprotected, no issues occurred
6) wma, unprotected, no issues occurred
7) wma, unprotected, no issues occurred
8) wma, unprotected, no issues occurred
9) mp3, unprotected, no issues occurred
10) wma, unprotected, no issues occurred
(at this point I got bored and just flicked through 10 more files quickly without checking them - no issues)
11) mp3, unprotected, no issues occurred
12) wma, some degree of protection but which allows infinite plays/burns, no issues occurred during the playing of this song

then the issue occurred: it flicked through 4-5 files in quick succession and then gave the error message with each file aving the red cross next to it.
the one it came to land on was an m4a file with no protection.  I looked through the list, and the others were an unprotected wma, an unprotected m4a, unprotected wma and unprotected mp3.

I wonder if it was the protection on song 12 that caused the issue...

I wasn't too sure how to recognise lossless files, but I downloaded GSpot and put each file through it, and I certainly didn't see the word "lossless" appear for anything

Can I also say thanks for the thoroughness of your replies and help here!

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #189
Update - tried it again this morning.  Same thing: it works fine, until it hits the first file with some degree of protection.  This morning it played about 10 songs with no protection, then one with it, then a second one with it, and then failed when it tried to move to the next song without

Just adding this in in case the fact that it played two protected ones in a row (as opposed to failing after the first) is significant!

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #190
Thanks, I'll try again with two protected WMA files. I don't have any of such files now, but I'll create them by using WMP to rip two CD tracks with the 'copy protect music' setting enabled.

Seeing that another work week has started, it might be a few days until I have the time. I'll keep you informed.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #191
Thanks, I'll try again with two protected WMA files. I don't have any of such files now, but I'll create them by using WMP to rip two CD tracks with the 'copy protect music' setting enabled.

Seeing that another work week has started, it might be a few days until I have the time. I'll keep you informed.

No problem, I won't have any internet access till at least Saturday now anyway, so I won't be able to reply till after that.  No hurry

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #192
WMA protection indeed was the key to get this reproduced. I've been able to perfectly reproduce the issue on my system with the two protected WMA files that I created.

It definitely looks like an issue caused by WMP Plus but I'll have to do some more investigation to find the exact cause. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with a fix quickly. When I have one, I'll PM you the download link to a version of WMP Plus with the fix included, so you can try it as well. Thanks again!


Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #193
WMA protection indeed was the key to get this reproduced. I've been able to perfectly reproduce the issue on my system with the two protected WMA files that I created.

It definitely looks like an issue caused by WMP Plus but I'll have to do some more investigation to find the exact cause. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with a fix quickly. When I have one, I'll PM you the download link to a version of WMP Plus with the fix included, so you can try it as well. Thanks again!

Thanks, am glad we got to the bottom of it in the end!  Thanks again for your work on it.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #194
Is Tag Editor Plus the same  with WMP Tag Plus? If I install Windows Media Player Plus, will flac files appear in wmp library or is it a completely different plugin? Thanks

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #195
No, they're not the same. Tag Editor Plus is included in Windows Media Player Plus and is, not surprisingly, a tag editor. WMP Tag Plus is a completely different plug-in. For FLAC library and tagging support in WMP, you'll need WMP Tag Plus.

The difference between the two plug-ins is clearly shown on their respective homepages.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #196
No, they're not the same. Tag Editor Plus is included in Windows Media Player Plus and is, not surprisingly, a tag editor. WMP Tag Plus is a completely different plug-in. For FLAC library and tagging support in WMP, you'll need WMP Tag Plus.

The difference between the two plug-ins is clearly shown on their respective homepages.

I read the descriptions. I was just not 100% sure if wmp tag plus was incorporated into windows media player plus as tag editor plus. (you must admit that it can be confusing, by just reading the last sentence) 
Thank you very much for taking the time to explain.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #197
Hi, I downloaded WMP Plus and installed it with no problem, I use Windows 7, 64 bit, and the 32 bit version of WMP. When installing it, the install told me the Party Shuffle will not work, and now when I start WMP, I always get a pop up saying that WMP Plus could not create a party Shuffle playlist and will not be available. Is there any way for this pop up to be disabled??


Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #198
Did you install the latest version of WMP Plus, version 2.5?

What's the full text of that pop up?

If you try to manually create a new playlist in WMP, does that work?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #199
Did you install the latest version of WMP Plus, version 2.5?

What's the full text of that pop up?

If you try to manually create a new playlist in WMP, does that work?

I figured what was wrong, I didn't have a Playlist folder defined in my "Music" category in WMP, once I did that, all is well.

Thanks for the note.