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Topic: Curaçao by Br3tt (Read 347570 times) previous topic - next topic
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Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #575
@jesusfreak: long time ago. What was the problem, can you tell me please?

and jack is right, but remember only album artists get selected. So artists in a compilation (Various Artist) won't get selected.
If your playlist isn't sorted in a right way (alphabetical order) it looks like GB would select artists in a random order, a little bit.

And for trying out my code for ELP and GB.

ELP: Right click in ELP>>Settings>>Tab Grouping>>Group Format/Sort Format
GB: Right click on the letters>>Settings>>Group/Sort

Btw, you don't have to click on the letters, keyboard is also working very well. eg, type G and the first album artist with G is selected or type the first letters of a band and the cursor jumps to the band.
Turn on the Status Bar and have a look

Ctrl-f:the search dialog(%el_group_format%of the search.)
Ctrl-g:jump to the following groups:
Ctrl-b:Before jumping to a group of
Delete:the removal of the track from a playlist
Alt-[Up)/ [Down]:Move the selected track( "hide all items when playlist is changed" to be off)
[Note]:foobar2000 console General-> Keyboard Shortcuts settings will take precedence.

# # [Alt] + Drag & Drop to move,but you can select the track.

¦ incremental key input in the group format(%el_group_format%) and incremental search.(enable incremental search is on only)
Additionally,the following shortcut key is enabled.
Ctrl-e:Reset the search term.
Ctrl-d:Find Next.(Ctrl-s good but if you have a free???)
Ctrl-r:a search before.]

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #576

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #577
Having trouble talking? 

Preferences > Advanced > Tools > Playback Statistics


Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #579
Code: [Select]
You can shorten this to:

Code: [Select]

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #581
Hey Br3tt, great config you've created here! Huge props!
I'm trying to personalize my config a bit more but I'm going to need some help.

    (1) How can I make it so that the Lyrics panel is always collapsed on start up?

    (2) How to I change the text color for everything in the playlist view including highlights?
    Mainly artist, album, and tracklist titles.

    (3) For the controls at the bottom, where are the button images located so that I can alter their color?

    (4) How can I make all of the places with images load both PNG or JPG, for "Cover", "Folder" and "Front"?

    (5) Where the "SHPECK" and other artist/album images go, can make it slightly transparent so that it blend with the wallpaper image?[/li]

Once again, great job on the interface, I hope you continue to develop on this or at least keep it up to date with any new version releases of foobar2000.

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #583

1) dont know, sorry

2) change the definitions highlighted in this picture which can be found under elplaylist settings:


4) in the installation instructions where it tells you to define your cover/art path/s, if you replace ".jpg" with ".*" it should (in theory / i think) load up any image extension

5) i dont quite understand what you want here im afraid

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #584

Thanx for enjoying thaht config, but i've stopped developing it since i do not use it.

give a look to my last config which is up to date :


Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that. I mean no offense to your other design but the Curaçao looks and functions much better in my opinion.
Oh well, I'll keep updating foobar until it breaks compatibility.


1) dont know, sorry

Okay I'll keep looking around in the settings, maybe there's something that will do this this.

2) change the definitions highlighted in this picture which can be found under elplaylist settings:


Thanks again! I should have thought to check there. Question: where are the buttons for the controls like the extension, khz, and channel (bottom-left)?

4) in the installation instructions where it tells you to define your cover/art path/s, if you replace ".jpg" with ".*" it should (in theory / i think) load up any image extension

Ah, will try this. Thanks!

5) i dont quite understand what you want here im afraid

Eh, don't worry about it, I think that it looks fine to me right now, it blends pretty well with the rest of the interface.

I'll post a screenshot once I make the final tweaks.

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #585
for duration look for this line under Track List settings:

Code: [Select]
$drawtextex(%length%' ',$add($sub(%el_width%,$add($get(length_width),$get(padding_right))),1),$add($get(,1),$get(length_width),%el_row_height%,44-44-44,right vtop end_ellipsis)
$drawtextex(%length%' ',$sub(%el_width%,$add($get(length_width),$get(padding_right))),$get(,$get(length_width),%el_row_height%,[b]%__ARTIST_COLOR__%[/b],right vtop end_ellipsis)

i cant remember if i set it to %__ARTIST_COLOR__% manually or not but if it isnt that then adjust as you require.
then in Per Second look for the line:

Code: [Select]
$drawtextex('-'%_time_remaining%' ',$add($sub(%el_width%,$add($get(length_width),$get(padding_right))),1),$add($get(,1),$get(length_width),%el_row_height%,44-44-44,right vtop end_ellipsis)
$drawtextex('-'%_time_remaining%' ',$sub(%el_width%,$add($get(length_width),$get(padding_right))),$get(,$get(length_width),%el_row_height%,[b]$get(txt_color)[/b],right vtop end_ellipsis)

same again, adjust the bold text as required

as for the file info in the bottom left, right click on it & select "splitter settings", & its all under the script tab

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #586
Sup all.

I've got a few more questions.
    1. How do I change the album info font, color and arrangement, the info that's placed over the cover art reflection?
    2. How do I change the color of blue that's in the Seekbar?
    3. On the top-left corner of the interface, you can choose different layout. Can I make my own (with current interface size) and add it as #3?[/li]

4) in the installation instructions where it tells you to define your cover/art path/s, if you replace ".jpg" with ".*" it should (in theory / i think) load up any image extension

Hey Jack Schmaltz. Unfortunately this didn't work. Is there a way to add all 6 configurations: cover.jpg/folder.jpg/front.jpg, and cover.png/folder.png/front.png?

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #587
1, if your referring to the info on the left panel, right click>>splitter Settings>>script>>per second, scroll to the bottom & everythings there

2, right click seekbar>>highlight "WSH SEEKBAR">>configure>>look for lines starting with "gr.FillGradRect(" (should be 5 in a row), cant remember which lines specificaly but the adjustments need to be done there

3, dont know sorry

as for the cover art, really dont know how else it can be done in ELP if the wildcard doesnt work, maybe someone else can enlighten but considering the way its configured prob best to try & standardise your cover names to fit.

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #588
Question: is there away to remove the window decoration from around the interface or, if not, can I get foobar to point to a particular visual style that's not currently loaded on my desktop?

Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #589
do you mean the panels? if you do its coded in the script with drawroundrect's, you could remove them but i wouldnt recomend it as it would make a tremendous mess of the script


Curaçao by Br3tt

Reply #590
I just found this theme and I love it.  There is a few things I would like to add but I am not sure of the syntax.  Perhaps you guys can help.
1. I would like to add a biography link to the top right set of buttons.  I am not sure how to add a new button up by the album list and all.
2. I would like to remove the track number from the track listed under the album art
3. can the stars under the album art be set up to be clickable for rating? Also does the rating in the lower left set the rating in the actual MP3 tag or in the database.  I don't want to write to my tags if I can help it.
4. how can I make the got lyrics icon show if there is a .lrc file as well as embedded lyric.
