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Topic: Is there a way to use Cuetools to process 24bit flac? (Read 1693 times) previous topic - next topic
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Is there a way to use Cuetools to process 24bit flac?

I use Cuetools to bulk convert my flac rips to mp3s for loading onto my phone for the car. The vast majority of the flac files are 16bits and Cuetools processes just fine thank you. There are some 24bit flac files from hdtracks etc that when Cuetools starts to process them,  it exits with the error "Audio format is not Red Book PCM" which is correct. They are not.

Is there anyway to process these with Cuetools? The beauty of batch mode in Cuetools is that I can have my entire music library encoded automatically. I'd like to be able to do that with these files? (playing the flac files in the car isn't an option).


Re: Is there a way to use Cuetools to process 24bit flac?

Reply #1
Use foobar2000. It also will be much faster, than CUETools, because foobar2000 can encode multiple files in parallel using multiple processor cores.

Cuetools is that I can have my entire music library encoded automatically
The same is doable with foobar2000 too.

One more thing about CUETools. If files have not non-integer quantity of CD frames (this can be a thing with files which are separated tracks and not CD-sourced, e.g. WEB-releases), CUETools will pad them with silence on conversion. This can destroy gapless transition between tracks.

Re: Is there a way to use Cuetools to process 24bit flac?

Reply #2
Unfortunately,  @Gregory S. Chudov hasn't continued working on BLUTools


Re: Is there a way to use Cuetools to process 24bit flac?

Reply #3

Cuetools is that I can have my entire music library encoded automatically
The same is doable with foobar2000 too.

Thanks. I will have a look at foobar2000.
Do you know if it:
  • can split iso/wav files that have an accompanying cue file?
  • resize and embed artwork