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Topic: foo_scheduler (Read 465458 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #200
Andrew, great plugin! I love it.

But if I understand it correctly you have stopped developing it. This is a real shame because you did a lot of good work.

If this is the case, and someone else is still developing, I'd like to make a feature request. Or possibly request some help for finding a work-around.

The thing is that I want the alarm to start a random track in Playlist X. So I set the action list to the following:

1. Set playback order to "Random"
2. Set active playlist "X"
3. Start playback

This works semi-well I would say. It does change the playback order and the playlist but when it comes to starting the playback it always starts with track 1 and from there proceed with a random track.

Maybe something like a "Select track: Random"-feature is what I need.

Any thoughts?


Reply #201
I have a couple questions:

1.) Is it possible to schedule an action when foobar starts?

2.) Is it possible to schedule ReplayGain to scan files before they are played?  Like if I try to play a file and it doesn't have RG values, it will scan the file before it is played?



Reply #202
Does this plugin work with 0.9.5? I can't even get it to simply start playback at a certain time.  What am I doing wrong?


Reply #203
Does this plugin work with 0.9.5? I can't even get it to simply start playback at a certain time.  What am I doing wrong?

It does work with 0.9.5 . to start playback at a certain time do the following:

(In scheduler preferences):

0. Make sure the "scheduler enabled is checked.
1. Add your event (start playback at certain time). if your computer will be off at the time, check the "wake from  hibernate"
2. In the "actions list" create an action with "Start playback" in it.
3. right click your event and use "assign actions list" in the context menu to make sure your "start playback" action is selected.


Reply #204
Does this plugin work with 0.9.5? I can't even get it to simply start playback at a certain time.  What am I doing wrong?

It does work with 0.9.5 . to start playback at a certain time do the following:

(In scheduler preferences):

0. Make sure the "scheduler enabled is checked.
1. Add your event (start playback at certain time). if your computer will be off at the time, check the "wake from  hibernate"
2. In the "actions list" create an action with "Start playback" in it.
3. right click your event and use "assign actions list" in the context menu to make sure your "start playback" action is selected.

Ah, i was forgetting to right click the event and assign an action.  Thanks


Reply #205
't would be awesome if somebody could add File -> Save Configuration to the actions list.... in a manner that saves config, DB, playlists etc.


Reply #206
I'm pretty curious about the "menu item event" event type. It asks me for a menu item ID but right now I'm clueless where to get that ID from. Is there any doc about it somewhere? Its not shown in Preferences->Display->Context Menu, also the fb2k config file is not human readable.
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction?

I've got the action list set up so far but I'm in need of the trigger and I guess this menu item event might do the trick.


Reply #207
The menu item event type will create a new entry in the file menu (under a submenu).  Clicking the entry triggers the event.  The "menu id" is the name of the entry.  It can be any string you like.

EDIT: typo


Reply #208
halabund: oh now thats pretty simple actually, thanks alot!

What I wanted to do was the following: Have some hotkey activate the next playlist for me and start playing some track from it.

I've set it up like this:
A menu item event named "play next playlist" that triggers an action with the commands
"next playlist" and
"start playback"
Then some hotkey that triggers the menu item "play next playlist" and thats basically it.

I'm using an IR-Remote for controlling fb2k via hotkeys and its a bliss to switch through playlists without needing to see anything on display. Somehow this magically worked in my previous installation of fb2k but I never found out why.

It would be nice to have a "previous playlist" action though, maybe I'll have a look at the source and try to get something in there, hopefully its just like reversing next playlist. Its been some years since I've written C so maybe it will explode in a big ball of fire on me, if I can even get it to compile that is.


Reply #209
There's no "On playback start" event?

What I wanted is, everytime I start playback I want to have my tabbed layout change, in order to display album art and stuff. This could be achieved by a menu command ("View - Tabbed panel stack mod - select tab - ...")

But unfortunately there is no "On playback start". Do you see another chance for my idea?


Reply #210
What I wanted is, everytime I start playback I want to have my tabbed layout change, in order to display album art and stuff. This could be achieved by a menu command ("View - Tabbed panel stack mod - select tab - ...")

It is not possible to do this.  Only the few built-in actions can be used, such as starting playback, rescanning the library, or turning off the computer.


Reply #211
How do you add actions, when I try to add an action list config it says ID: and I have no idea what to type.

Theres no preset actions, where is some documentation on how to use this plugin ?

edit: Ive got it figured


Reply #212
Hi. Everytime I attempt to play a song as an alarm from my computer being in standby, I get this error.

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: E0434F4Dh, flags: 00000001h, address: 7C812A5Bh
Call path:
Code bytes (7C812A5Bh):
7C812A1Bh:  8B 45 0C 56 8B 75 14 83 E0 01 85 F6 89 45 B4 C7
7C812A2Bh:  45 BC 09 2A 81 7C 0F 84 99 00 00 00 8B 4D 10 83
7C812A3Bh:  F9 0F 0F 87 4D 1D 03 00 85 C9 89 4D C0 74 07 57
7C812A4Bh:  8D 7D C4 F3 A5 5F 8D 45 B0 50 FF 15 08 15 80 7C
7C812A5Bh:  5E C9 C2 10 00 85 FF 0F 8E 36 93 FF FF 8B 55 FC
7C812A6Bh:  89 55 0C 0F B7 16 8B 7D F8 8A 14 3A 88 11 8B 78
7C812A7Bh:  0C 0F B6 D2 66 8B 14 57 66 3B 16 0F 85 A3 89 03
7C812A8Bh:  00 8B 50 08 66 8B 5A 04 38 19 0F 84 A1 89 03 00
Stack (0013F414h):
0013F3F4h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0013F404h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0013F414h:  0013F4A0 E0434F4D 00000001 00000000
0013F424h:  7C812A5B 00000001 80004005 79E7B494
0013F434h:  0013F44C 02000038 00000001 0013F450
0013F444h:  79E7E17F 0000012F 790FE0E0 0013F460
0013F454h:  79F07282 7A777134 0000012F 0013F470
0013F464h:  79F0726A 0013F4C8 79F071AC E0434F4D
0013F474h:  00000001 00000001 0013F4A0 7A4AD47C
0013F484h:  01BECAD4 0017B3A0 00000000 00043000
0013F494h:  00000000 00000001 0017B3A0 80004005
0013F4A4h:  0013F024 00000001 00000001 0013F480
0013F4B4h:  0013F024 0013F580 79FC15DC 03A9517C
0013F4C4h:  00000000 0013F58C 79F0A629 01BECAD4
0013F4D4h:  00000000 00000000 7A4AD538 0013F5B0
0013F4E4h:  01BECAD4 01B92F28 74516251 79E71988
0013F4F4h:  0013F6F8 00000000 00000001 0013F510
0013F504h:  00000000 0017B3A0 00000000 0013F4E0
0013F514h:  0013F5B0 0013F4E4 01BECAD4 0013F4E8
0013F524h:  01B92F28 0013F58C 0013F5D8 0013F594
EAX: 0013F418, EBX: E0434F4D, ECX: 00000000, EDX: 00000029
ESI: 0013F4A4, EDI: 0017B3A0, EBP: 0013F468, ESP: 0013F414
Crash location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RaiseException" (+00000052h)

Loaded modules:
foobar2000   loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
ntdll loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
kernel32 loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
COMCTL32 loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
msvcrt   loaded at 77C10000h - 77C68000h
ADVAPI32 loaded at 77DD0000h - 77E6B000h
RPCRT4   loaded at 77E70000h - 77F01000h
GDI32 loaded at 77F10000h - 77F57000h
USER32   loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
SHLWAPI   loaded at 77F60000h - 77FD6000h
SHELL32   loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1D5000h
ole32 loaded at 774E0000h - 7761D000h
shared   loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
COMDLG32 loaded at 763B0000h - 763F9000h
uxtheme   loaded at 5AD70000h - 5ADA8000h
foo_abx   loaded at 00A10000h - 00A41000h
foo_ac3   loaded at 00A70000h - 00A9F000h
foo_albumlist loaded at 00AC0000h - 00B2C000h
foo_audioscrobbler   loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
WS2_32   loaded at 71AB0000h - 71AC7000h
WS2HELP   loaded at 71AA0000h - 71AA8000h
foo_autoplaylist loaded at 00BA0000h - 00BD2000h
foo_cdda loaded at 00C00000h - 00C41000h
foo_converter loaded at 00C70000h - 00CD7000h
foo_dbsearch loaded at 00D00000h - 00D5C000h
foo_discogs(2)   loaded at 00D80000h - 00E14000h
gdiplus   loaded at 4EC50000h - 4EDF3000h
WINMM loaded at 76B40000h - 76B6D000h
foo_dockable_panels   loaded at 00EC0000h - 00EF3000h
foo_dop   loaded at 00F20000h - 00FF4000h
SETUPAPI loaded at 77920000h - 77A13000h
QUARTZ   loaded at 74810000h - 7497C000h
OLEAUT32 loaded at 77120000h - 771AC000h
foo_dsp_continuator   loaded at 01030000h - 01048000h
MSVCP80   loaded at 7C420000h - 7C4A7000h
MSVCR80   loaded at 78130000h - 781CB000h
foo_dsp_crossfader   loaded at 01070000h - 01123000h
foo_dsp_delta loaded at 01150000h - 0116E000h
foo_dsp_std   loaded at 01190000h - 011D9000h
foo_facets   loaded at 01200000h - 01281000h
MSIMG32   loaded at 76380000h - 76385000h
foo_fileops   loaded at 012B0000h - 012F6000h
foo_freedb2   loaded at 01320000h - 01360000h
foo_infobox   loaded at 01380000h - 013BE000h
foo_input_dts loaded at 013E0000h - 01445000h
foo_input_shorten loaded at 01470000h - 0149E000h
foo_input_std loaded at 014C0000h - 015ED000h
foo_lnk   loaded at 01610000h - 01629000h
foo_masstag   loaded at 01650000h - 016A0000h
foo_navigator loaded at 016C0000h - 016F1000h
foo_playlist_manager loaded at 01720000h - 01766000h
foo_playlist_tree_mod loaded at 01790000h - 017F8000h
libmzsch360_000   loaded at 10400000h - 105D0000h
WSOCK32   loaded at 71AD0000h - 71AD9000h
libmzgc360_000   loaded at 01820000h - 018C4000h
foo_pqview   loaded at 01910000h - 0192C000h
foo_prettypop loaded at 01950000h - 0199D000h
mscoree   loaded at 79000000h - 79046000h
msvcm80   loaded at 7C4C0000h - 7C53D000h
mscorwks loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h   loaded at 790C0000h - 79BF6000h
mscorjit loaded at 79060000h - 790B6000h
rsaenh   loaded at 0FFD0000h - 0FFF8000h
foo_random   loaded at 03EE0000h - 03F1F000h
foo_removeplayed loaded at 03F20000h - 03F38000h
foo_rgscan   loaded at 03F50000h - 03FAB000h
foo_run   loaded at 03FD0000h - 03FFE000h
foo_scheduler loaded at 04020000h - 0408F000h
POWRPROF loaded at 74AD0000h - 74AD8000h
foo_scrobblecharts   loaded at 040B0000h - 040E3000h
WININET   loaded at 771B0000h - 77256000h
CRYPT32   loaded at 77A80000h - 77B14000h
MSASN1   loaded at 77B20000h - 77B32000h
foo_textdisplay   loaded at 04110000h - 0414F000h
foo_tradersfriend loaded at 04170000h - 041AD000h
foo_uie_albumart loaded at 041E0000h - 0421D000h
foo_uie_elplaylist   loaded at 04240000h - 042A1000h
foo_ui_columns   loaded at 042D0000h - 043FC000h
foo_ui_std   loaded at 04420000h - 044F5000h
foo_unpack   loaded at 04520000h - 0454D000h
foo_vis_projectM loaded at 04570000h - 045E1000h
OPENGL32 loaded at 5ED00000h - 5EDCC000h
GLU32 loaded at 68B20000h - 68B40000h
DDRAW loaded at 73760000h - 737A9000h
DCIMAN32 loaded at 73BC0000h - 73BC6000h
foo_vis_shpeck-beta   loaded at 05010000h - 0503E000h
MSVCR90   loaded at 78520000h - 785C3000h
mswsock   loaded at 71A50000h - 71A8F000h
DNSAPI   loaded at 76F20000h - 76F47000h
WINTRUST loaded at 76C30000h - 76C5E000h
IMAGEHLP loaded at 76C90000h - 76CB8000h
mdnsNSP   loaded at 16080000h - 16099000h
Iphlpapi loaded at 76D60000h - 76D79000h
rasadhlp loaded at 76FC0000h - 76FC6000h
hnetcfg   loaded at 662B0000h - 66308000h
wshtcpip loaded at 71A90000h - 71A98000h loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h loaded at 7ADE0000h - 7AF7C000h   loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
DSOUND   loaded at 73F10000h - 73F6C000h
VERSION   loaded at 77C00000h - 77C08000h
wdmaud   loaded at 72D20000h - 72D29000h
msacm32   loaded at 72D10000h - 72D18000h
MSACM32   loaded at 77BE0000h - 77BF5000h
midimap   loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD7000h
KsUser   loaded at 73EE0000h - 73EE4000h
IMM32 loaded at 76390000h - 763AD000h
xpsp2res loaded at 105D0000h - 10895000h
CLBCATQ   loaded at 76FD0000h - 7704F000h
COMRes   loaded at 77050000h - 77115000h
mlang loaded at 75CF0000h - 75D81000h
winrnr   loaded at 76FB0000h - 76FB8000h
WLDAP32   loaded at 76F60000h - 76F8C000h
netapi32 loaded at 5B860000h - 5B8B4000h
urlmon   loaded at 7E1E0000h - 7E280000h
Secur32   loaded at 77FE0000h - 77FF1000h
Apphelp   loaded at 77B40000h - 77B62000h
shdocvw   loaded at 7E290000h - 7E3FF000h
CRYPTUI   loaded at 754D0000h - 75550000h
cscui loaded at 77A20000h - 77A74000h
CSCDLL   loaded at 76600000h - 7661D000h
browseui loaded at 75F80000h - 7607D000h
MPR   loaded at 71B20000h - 71B32000h
drprov   loaded at 75F60000h - 75F67000h
ntlanman loaded at 71C10000h - 71C1E000h
NETUI0   loaded at 71CD0000h - 71CE7000h
NETUI1   loaded at 71C90000h - 71CD0000h
NETRAP   loaded at 71C80000h - 71C87000h
SAMLIB   loaded at 71BF0000h - 71C03000h
davclnt   loaded at 75F70000h - 75F79000h
PortableDeviceApi loaded at 0EBC0000h - 0EC09000h
MSGINA   loaded at 75970000h - 75A67000h
USERENV   loaded at 769C0000h - 76A73000h
WINSTA   loaded at 76360000h - 76370000h
ODBC32   loaded at 74320000h - 7435D000h
odbcint   loaded at 0E450000h - 0E467000h
LINKINFO loaded at 76980000h - 76988000h
ntshrui   loaded at 76990000h - 769B5000h
ATL   loaded at 76B20000h - 76B31000h
sti   loaded at 73BA0000h - 73BB3000h
CFGMGR32 loaded at 74AE0000h - 74AE7000h
mydocs   loaded at 72410000h - 7242A000h
smarthook loaded at 10140000h - 10151000h
shdoclc   loaded at 11770000h - 117F8000h
msdmo loaded at 736B0000h - 736B7000h
wmadmod   loaded at 0EAB0000h - 0EB6C000h
mfplat   loaded at 04F10000h - 04F47000h
DBGHELP   loaded at 59A60000h - 59B01000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 7C812A5Bh, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RaiseException" (+00000052h)
Address: 79E7B494h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert" (+0000217Ch)
Address: 79E7E17Fh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "InstallCustomModule" (+00000103h)
Address: 790FE0E0h, location: "", loaded at 790C0000h - 79BF6000h
Address: 79F07282h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000241CEh)
Address: 7A777134h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 79F0726Ah, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000241B6h)
Address: 79F071ACh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000240F8h)
Address: 7A4AD47Ch, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 79FC15DCh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "CorExeMain" (+00007F95h)
Address: 79F0A629h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+00027575h)
Address: 7A4AD538h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 79E71988h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Address: 79F0A582h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000274CEh)
Address: 79362F76h, location: "", loaded at 790C0000h - 79BF6000h
Address: 79F0A66Ch, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000275B8h)
Address: 7B40E68Ah, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 7B237E00h, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 7B0772F4h, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 7B0770E9h, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 7B0770FAh, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 7B077153h, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 7B079548h, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 793733E3h, location: "", loaded at 790C0000h - 79BF6000h
Address: 79E73620h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_NoGuiOnAssert" (+00000524h)
Address: 79E73940h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_NoGuiOnAssert" (+00000844h)
Address: 019517D0h, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01950000h - 0199D000h
Address: 00419564h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0199212Ch, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01950000h - 0199D000h
Address: 0199212Ch, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01950000h - 0199D000h
Address: 05019013h, location: "foo_vis_shpeck-beta", loaded at 05010000h - 0503E000h
Address: 79E7C74Bh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert" (+00003433h)
Address: 0046CC3Fh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 79E7C6CCh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert" (+000033B4h)
Address: 79F07FEEh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+00024F3Ah)
Address: 7A4AD9B4h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 7A4AD9B4h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 79FC15DCh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "CorExeMain" (+00007F95h)
Address: 79F93798h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "ClrCreateManagedInstance" (+00006854h)
Address: 79F93A79h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "ClrCreateManagedInstance" (+00006B35h)
Address: 019917A0h, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01950000h - 0199D000h
Address: 79F93961h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "ClrCreateManagedInstance" (+00006A1Dh)
Address: 7A4ADAA8h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 79E73E80h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_NoGuiOnAssert" (+00000D84h)
Address: 004F6F60h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D8D00h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00B77088h, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 004F6F60h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00B77088h, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 0046CCB5h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00B77088h, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 7A4ADAA8h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 7A342728h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Address: 79F9386Fh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "ClrCreateManagedInstance" (+0000692Bh)
Address: 7A4ADA40h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 004F6F80h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D55F8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0043784Ah, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F9F08h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00B77088h, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 004F9F08h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A79318Ah, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 00B77088h, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 00B77018h, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 00B52EBCh, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 00B54DF8h, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 0041357Dh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00B7701Ch, location: "foo_audioscrobbler", loaded at 00B50000h - 00B80000h
Address: 7A4ADA40h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 7A3427B7h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Address: 7A0958BFh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCompileInfo" (+00006D7Dh)
Address: 00443B20h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 019917A0h, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01950000h - 0199D000h
Address: 79E73100h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_NoGuiOnAssert" (+00000004h)
Address: 00443B20h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 019917A0h, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01950000h - 0199D000h
Address: 004F8FA9h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00437900h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004B761Ah, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00444AACh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F6598h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F97BCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 014D39B4h, location: "foo_input_std", loaded at 014C0000h - 015ED000h
Address: 004BA1F0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FE40h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D3F5Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00413568h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D0DC0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F97BCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004B7749h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FFB5h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D48734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D48816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D70467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D48830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 77D489CDh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+00000127h)
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D4DAEAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 04486AC8h, location: "foo_ui_std", loaded at 04420000h - 044F5000h
Address: 77D70467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D489F0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0000014Ah)
Address: 77D48A10h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+0000000Fh)
Address: 0042DA6Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 10002589h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000C8h)
Address: 00D4DAEAh, location: "foo_dbsearch", loaded at 00D00000h - 00D5C000h
Address: 0042E4F7h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D1214h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004DD304h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004DD304h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004DD2E8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C9106F0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000011Ch)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 004AAC33h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A7E7A2Fh, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 004A52D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A205D4Bh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "CertCreateAuthenticodeLicense" (+0005BE04h)
Address: 004AAC33h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A9088h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 10002589h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000C8h)
Address: 004D3AE8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004BE721h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D3AE8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042E736h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A34A1h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A349Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A7E7B43h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 004C5B14h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C3860h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A52D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A205353h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "CertCreateAuthenticodeLicense" (+0005B40Ch)
Address: 004A349Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A34AFh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C3860h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004BEB19h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A4EBAh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A7E7B93h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 004A52D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A2053D3h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "CertCreateAuthenticodeLicense" (+0005B48Ch)
Address: 7C816FD7h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000049h)
Address: 7C839AA8h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "ValidateLocale" (+000002B0h)
Address: 7C816FE0h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000052h)
Address: 004A4F25h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004E0049h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F0044h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004B0063h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.5.5
Windows 5.1

Additional info: Chart Player 0.2.3  (foo_scrobblecharts)
Dockable Panels 1.0.7b [Mar 28 2007 - 09:18:48]  (foo_dockable_panels)
Standard DSP Array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3  (foo_cdda)
Standard Input Array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
freedb Tagger 0.6  (foo_freedb2)
AC3 decoder 0.9.1  (foo_ac3)
Default User Interface 0.9.5  (foo_ui_std)
Pretty Popup 1.2.3  (foo_prettypop)
DTS decoder 0.1.7  (foo_input_dts)
Facets 2008-02-25  (foo_facets)
Converter 1.1.2  (foo_converter)
Playlist Tree Mod Panel [Jul 12 2008 - 23:39:03]  (foo_playlist_tree_mod)
Continuator 0.6.1  (foo_dsp_continuator)
Shell link resolver 1.1  (foo_lnk)
Masstagger 1.6  (foo_masstag)
LPCM <--> delta-PCM converter 0.1.1  (foo_dsp_delta)
Columns UI  (foo_ui_columns)
Randomized playlist entry 1.2.3  (foo_random)
Album Art Panel  (foo_uie_albumart)
ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0  (foo_unpack)
Run services 0.3.4  (foo_run)
foobar2000 core  (Core)
ELPlaylist 0.5.0(beta)  (foo_uie_elplaylist)
Live show tagger 0.6.1  (foo_tradersfriend)
Discogs Tagger 1.13  (foo_discogs(2))
Album List 4.3  (foo_albumlist)
Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.2.4 beta 2  (foo_vis_shpeck-beta)
ABX Comparator 1.3.3  (foo_abx)
projectM visualization  (foo_vis_projectM)
Shorten decoder 0.4.2a  (foo_input_shorten)
Remove played Files 1.4.0  (foo_removeplayed)
File Operations 2.1  (foo_fileops)
Navigator 0.6  (foo_navigator)
Audioscrobbler 1.3.15  (foo_audioscrobbler)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8   (foo_rgscan)
Database search 1.3.1 beta 11  (foo_dbsearch)
Scheduler 3.53  (foo_scheduler)
Playlist Manager 1.0  (foo_playlist_manager)
Special file info box v2.0.0  (foo_infobox)
RAR reader 1.1  (foo_unpack)
iPod manager  (foo_dop)
Gapless Crossfader (Intel SSE)  (foo_dsp_crossfader)
Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3  (foo_textdisplay)

Anyone know what can solve the problem?


Reply #213
Also, from reading this thread, I understand that there should be a "Hibernate" event that will allow me to put my computer into hibernation after playback end... Yet all I see is "Shutdown." Am I missing something?


Reply #214
Also, from reading this thread, I understand that there should be a "Hibernate" event that will allow me to put my computer into hibernation after playback end... Yet all I see is "Shutdown." Am I missing something?

Just add the "Shutdown" action and you'll have the option to hibernate the machine.


Reply #215
 It didn't have a checkmark if some scheduler event is selected in the menu. How I know wich is going on...? And if I want to stop it?


Reply #216
great plugin
I would like to request "pause" action and "stop after current" action


Reply #218
I would like to request "pause" action and "stop after current" action

This component is not being developed any more.

The source is available, but it needs the WTL, so it cannot be compiled with the (free) Express Edition of Visual Studio.


Reply #219
thanks for this wonderful component

could add the feature

1) ran task on missed event
for example i set run a task @ but i turn on my pc , so run task on missed event it's nice

run task every x minutes or  hours without set a precise time (like 00.00 or 9.30am...)




Reply #220
is it safe to use shutdown while foobar is still running? will "1. close foobar, 2. shutdown" works? I think that would be much safe for foobar


Reply #221
How do you add actions, when I try to add an action list config it says ID: and I have no idea what to type.

Theres no preset actions, where is some documentation on how to use this plugin ?

edit: Ive got it figured

How'd you figure this out?  I also have no idea what to type.  I feel like it's some kind of programming code or whatever.  Is there a way I can simply tell it to start playing a certain playlist at a certain time.  Seems simple enough but I am utterly lost here. 


Reply #222
No programming code....just a name for the action.

Fill in name and my advice from there is to rely on right click context menu.



Reply #223
is it safe to use shutdown while foobar is still running? will "1. close foobar, 2. shutdown" works? I think that would be much safe for foobar

I just use shutdown, without any problems.


Reply #224
I am new to this plugin.  Are there any docs at all?

Can someone please point me or in a few short paras give me a step by step to just setup an event that will pause at a certain time?

How do I figure out the list of actions and their id's?
