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Topic: Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer) (Read 1488 times) previous topic - next topic
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Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer)

I have used foobar for several years mostly FLACs 16bits 44KHz up to 24bits 192KHz, some DSD, very few ape, mp3
I have never experienced any problem what so ever, until now
I upgraded to the version 2.0 and failed miserably to play, although it appears to be working as I could see the visualization "spectum analyzer" I checked sound, audio config, windows config, restart but nothing worked.
I installed foobar2000 v2.1 preview, same thing, no sound, no nothing.
I downgraded to 1.6.16 and as always it works like a charm.
So, what should I send to help troubleshoot?

Here is some info
HP Pavillion Gaming
Intel i9750H, 32Gb RAM, 64bits, Windows 11 Pro, 22H2, OS build   22621.1702
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22641.1000.0


Core (2023-01-13 20:48:54 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.6.16
foo_albumlist.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:42 UTC)
    Album List 1.6.16
foo_cdda.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:42 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 1.6.16
foo_converter.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:44 UTC)
    Converter 1.6.16
foo_discogs.dll (2020-04-11 08:21:32 UTC)
    Discogs Tagger 2.23
foo_dsp_effect.dll (2022-12-24 22:56:28 UTC)
    Effect DSP 0.50 beta 7
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:42 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:42 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.6.16
foo_fileops.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:44 UTC)
    File Operations 1.6.16
foo_freedb2.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:42 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.8
foo_input_monkey.dll (2023-03-23 12:34:46 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 10.07
foo_input_std.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:52 UTC)
    FFmpeg Decoders 4.4.1
    Standard Input Array 1.6.16
foo_input_vgmstream.dll (2022-06-27 18:48:40 UTC)
    vgmstream plugin r1745-49-g626a897e
foo_out_asio.dll (2022-09-19 15:21:32 UTC)
    ASIO Output 2.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:44 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 1.6.16
foo_ui_columns.dll (2023-05-10 00:09:38 UTC)
    Columns UI 2.0.0
foo_ui_std.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:48 UTC)
    Default User Interface 1.6.16
foo_unpack.dll (2023-01-13 20:48:46 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR/7-Zip Reader 1.6.16

Re: Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer)

Reply #1
I can't reply to above, but mention that I also have problems upgrading to 2.0 64Bit. When upgrading I answered "yes" to continue with existing settings, but when starting the 2.0 nothing was there. Not even the connected USB DDC. So, I reverted to 1.6.16, and everything was in place again. I hope someone can help - the software is fantastic!

Re: Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer)

Reply #2
Sounds a lot like you are using 2.0 with Null Output.

If you were using ASIO in 32-bit foobar2000 v1.6 and upgraded to 64-bit foobar2000 v2.0, your old component will no longer be present. That can leave your selected output device incorrect.
You can install the component again from the source archive to 64-bit foobar2000 and it will work just like before:

If this is not the case, did you try a clean portable install of foobar2000 v2.0? Portable install in a new directory without any old data will ensure that your settings aren't messed up.

Re: Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer)

Reply #3
Thank you for the insight.
You are right, ASIO was installed and was causing some conflict.
I reinstalled following your suggestions, selecting portable during the installation, I must confess I spent 30 minutes looking for a portable installation executable :-)  and once installed in portable mode, the app work OK.... however, as mentioned here...
"The portable mode does not support Windows shell integration. You need to reinstall in standard mode in order to access relevant functionality."
I can confirm when I double click a flac file or right click a folder to play it on foobar, it opens foobar1.6.
So to start from zero, I have uninstalled all versions, removing preferences and config, then installed v2.0, and the app doesn't work, I installed the ASIO plugin and it simply doesn't work.
Any suggestion on how to install v2 (standard version) that will work, avoiding the portable mode?
Is this a known issue by developers and will be eventually resolved in a future version?
Will reinstalling Windows from scratch, solve the problem?

Re: Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer)

Reply #4
Any suggestion on how to install v2 (standard version) that will work, avoiding the portable mode?
Is this a known issue by developers and will be eventually resolved in a future version?
Pardon my word-play but it's not a known issue, it's a NON-issue.  Foobar v2 works just fine for hundreds of users daily, in both installation modes.  The problem you have is something specific to your own setup.  Be more specific by what "it doesn't work" means;  you said that, "once installed in portable mode, the app work OK," so what the issue is with the standard install may well be due to your antivirus settings or Windows permissions.  It could even be something as simple as not checking the Volume Mixer to see that Foobar is turned up, or you have the wrong output device selected in Preferences.  Are you installing on top of the existing 1.6.16, or in a separate location?  Are you sure that if you are installing the 64-bit v2 that you replaced the necessary plugins with 64-bit versions, and checked the output device is not "null," as described by Case?

Re: Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer)

Reply #5
Thanks for your input and questions.
I'm very well aware there are hundreds of foobar users in both installation modes without problems, the socnd line of this thread starts with:
"I have never experienced any problem what so ever, until now"
I assume there is something unique about my situation, I'm not a software developer and I'm do NOT dare to say I'm an advanced user, that is why I'm specifically asking "what should I send to help troubleshoot?", while sending some basic info about my system and installed components report.

Now, allow me to provide answers and further context on what's going on along your question:
* Be more specific by what "it doesn't work" means?
App 1.6.16 work OK
App v2.0 (standard mode selected) is installed without warnings, errors, issues.
After installation, the app runs without errors nor warnings when executed
When I load a flac, mp3, ape or any other sound file, the app doesn't give errors nor warnings.
When I try to play the sound file (click play), I can see the file appears to be playing because the vizualisation spectrum is showing bars moving, as well as the bar scrolling that captures the play time is moving to the right, as time advances, but NO sound is coming out from speakers, nor headphones.
I have tried troubleshooting with :
Windows audio config, check drivers are update, windows update OK, no errors, no warnings.
Foobar, Preferences, Playback, Output (selecting different devices, without sucess)
Foobar, Preferences, Components (verifying all components are up to date)

I have not received any Windows permissions errors, nor warning.
I have not received any antivirus warnings
I have tried comparing installation of foobar v2.0 and play files with antivirus disabled, same results, no sound.

Now, bear with me, because this is going to sound really wild...
After installing v2.0 No sound, I have re-installed, this time selecting portable mode, installation completes without without warnings, errors, issues.
I open the portable installation (check screeshots) and the flac files are played via speakers and headphones
I open the same files WITH THE STANDARD INSTALLATION, WITHOUT TOUCHING ANYTHING ELSE and the files appears to be playing but NO sounds is being played.

Find attached the following screenshots, all of them with antivirus disabled.
foobar 2.0 portable installation SOUND OK
foobar 2.0 standard installation NO sound
(No visual difference)

foobar 2.0 standard installation NO sound OUTPUTS-DEVICES
foobar 2.0 portable installation SOUND OK OUTPUT-DEVICES
(No visual difference)

foobar 2.0 portable installation SOUND OK OUTPUT
foobar 2.0 standard installation NO sound OUTPUTS
(No visual difference)

foobar 2.0 standard installation NO sound COMPONENTS
foobar 2.0 portable installation SOUND OK COMPONENTS
(No visual difference)

* It could even be something as simple as not checking the Volume Mixer to see that Foobar is turned up...
I have checked the volume ;-)

* or you have the wrong output device selected in Preferences
same output device, different results.

* Are you installing on top of the existing 1.6.16, or in a separate location?
On top of 1.6.16, when installing standard, I checked, yes, use existing config... I assume there is something here...

Are you sure that if you are installing the 64-bit v2 that you replaced the necessary plugins with 64-bit versions, and checked the output device is not "null," as described by Case?
Yes, I have always selected 64bits.

Allow me to repeat the questions.
what should I send to help troubleshoot?
Any suggestion on how to install v2 (standard version) that will work, avoiding the portable mode? (I want to be able to double click the file or right click the folder to play them)
Is this a known issue by developers and will be eventually resolved in a future version?
Will reinstalling Windows from scratch, solve the problem?

¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯


Re: Upgrade to foobar 2.0, no sound (appears to work, I can see spectrum analyzer)

Reply #6
Steps performed to solve the NO SOUND behavior after the upgrade to foobar v2.0. I'm pretty sure there was something on the registry, as the uninstall and reinstall were tested yesterday.

Backup your foobar config (preferences, export theme), make sure to take notes on the components you have installed, to reinstall them after the upgrade.
Uninstall foobar 1.x, MAKE SURE TO SELECT remove the folder completely
Uninstall foobar 2.X, MAKE SURE TO SELECT remove the folder completely, remove configuration data from C, remove pre-2.0 configuration data from C
make sure no data referring to foobar exists on
C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files (x86)
foobar should NOT exist anywhere in C drive (do a foobar search to make sure)

Run regedit, delete ALL keys referring to "foobar", use the search function within regedit, delete all "foobar" related keys. I found around 35, delete all of them (there were around 8 I couldn't remove), that's OK. I couldn't care less.
Install Foobar v2.0 (select standard installation) and restore theme, install previous components and return to your previous config.
ENJOY v2.0

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° )