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Topic: compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder (Read 6697 times) previous topic - next topic
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compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

dicas and zplane just released version 1.1 of compaact! MPEG-4 AAC multichannel encoder. The new version is a major quality upgrade. Details of the release can be found at

The new version itself can be found at:

The upgrade to version 1.1 is for free for registered compaact! users.

Best Regards,

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #1
Next AAC listening test will be interesting.

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #2
Next AAC listening test will be interesting.

I was just about to say the same..
Juha Laaksonheimo

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #3
for me compaact would be more interesting if there was a commandline encoder, or at least something like nencode.exe...

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #4
for me compaact would be more interesting if there was a commandline encoder, or at least something like nencode.exe...

Although the GUI does not support batch processing features yet, compaact! 1.1 does support command line encoding.
I am not sure if that's what you want, though.


compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #5
for me compaact would be more interesting if there was a commandline encoder, or at least something like nencode.exe...

Although the GUI does not support batch processing features yet, compaact! 1.1 does support command line encoding.
I am not sure if that's what you want, though.


I think he want something that he can use with EAC - which is what I want :-)

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #6
I hope rjamorim includes compaact 1.1 as one of the programs for the aac listening test

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #7
I hope rjamorim includes compaact 1.1 as one of the programs for the aac listening test

rjamorim will he is an AAC nut... loves the format to death  Isn't that right Roberto?

-=MusePack... Living Audio Compression=-

Honda - The Power of Dreams

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #8
rjamorim will he is an AAC nut... loves the format to death  Isn't that right Roberto?

Hrm... I am a nut, but that doesn't justify including Compaact, given there are several other AAC encoders.

That being said, yes, it is my plan to test Compaact!. But discussion on encoders to be featured will only start in some weeks, and the test will probably start on February 18th or 25th.

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #9
if i remember it right there were once issues with broken mp4 files outputted by compaact
is that already fixed?
I know, that I know nothing (Socrates)

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #10
I think he want something that he can use with EAC - which is what I want :-)

Hmm, I was under the impression that this is no problem with the compaact! command line. What exactly does not work here?


compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #11
if i remember it right there were once issues with broken mp4 files outputted by compaact
is that already fixed?

There were two issues that I am aware of
1.  wrong audio object type in the case of main profile encoding (begin of November)
2. crash of 3ivx decoder (and only the 3ivx decoder) because one of the two sample rate fields was not set correctly (end of november)

Both have been fixed (see compaact! version history). Are there any other issues that I do not know?


compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #12
nope i guess that was it, thanks
I know, that I know nothing (Socrates)

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #13
Alexander: Have you tested with lots of different material what bitrates for example VBR-5 gives on average? Is it something like 125-135 or something else?
Juha Laaksonheimo

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #14
Alexander: Have you tested with lots of different material what bitrates for example VBR-5 gives on average? Is it something like 125-135 or something else?


we did not exhaustive tests, but with q5 the bitrate should range between 100 and 110. It could be higher for problem samples, though.


compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #15
According to my own listening tests q7 or q8 is recommended for encoding music.

Alexander Lerch: With fatboy sample q5 bitrate is high enough (237kbps)

compaact! 1.1 MP4 AAC Encoder

Reply #16
Alexander Lerch: With fatboy sample q5 bitrate is high enough (237kbps)


we are aware of this. This is for problem samples. However, the bitrate does not have to be that high here, so that will be changed in future releases. We noticed it too late to change it for this release.
For music input, there should be no such a problem. Here, to get standard bitrates (i.e. around 128kbps), q6 should used. Demanding users will encode at q7 or q8.
