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Topic: Android - albums with the same title, but from different artists, are mixed (Read 327 times) previous topic - next topic
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Android - albums with the same title, but from different artists, are mixed

Albums with the same title, but from different artists, can be intermixed together when viewed in the "Shuffle all albums" listing, and also if this album name is selected from "Album" listing.
The files are of course in different folders, but this fact is not taken into account.

For example, more than one artist has an album "Metamorphosis". When this album* pops up in the "Shuffle all albums" listing, or is opened from "Album" picker, it looks and plays like this:
1. Artist A, track 1
2. Artist B, track 1
3. Artist A, track 2
4. Artist B, track 2

Interestingly this doesn't seem to happen 100% of times. I have 3 albums with such a title, and only 2 of them are blended together into one. I guess this must be because the unaffected album comes from a different Music folder in Media Library, while the other 2 are in the same Music folder in Media Library. Maybe some sort of ID of the Music folder already acts as a (part of a) unique key.

To fix this, I think albums having a different Album Artist value, should be also always considered distinct.

I do not see a good workaround that doesn't involve mangling tags, other than arbitrarily moving albums to a different Music folder in Media Library.
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