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Topic: How to add new modes in WMA 9.2? (Read 1496 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to add new modes in WMA 9.2?

How to add new modes in WMA 9.2?
1. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 56 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
2. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 16 kbps, 11 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
3. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 8 kbps, 8 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
4. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 40 kbps, 22 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
5. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 44 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
6. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 40 kbps, 48 kHz, mono 1-pass CBR
Most WMA encoders couldn't do these 6 modes above. I need to change existing modes? Or to make new modes from scratch?
Many greetings to ask this question ASAP!

Re: How to add new modes in WMA 9.2?

Reply #1
Those are normal CBR, any WMA encoder can do them. 

Re: How to add new modes in WMA 9.2?

Reply #2
Those are normal CBR, any WMA encoder can do them. 
"1. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 56 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
2. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 16 kbps, 11 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
3. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 8 kbps, 8 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
4. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 40 kbps, 22 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
5. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 44 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo 1-pass CBR
6. Windows Media Audio 9.2 - 40 kbps, 48 kHz, mono 1-pass CBR" - MOST DIRECTSHOW WMA ENCODERS DON'T HAVE THESE MODES TO SELECT.

Re: How to add new modes in WMA 9.2?

Reply #3
I believe the windows media sdk had a tool for defining new directshow encoder profiles.  Not sure if it still works with modern windows version.

Re: How to add new modes in WMA 9.2?

Reply #5
You could do it via commandline:
Code: [Select]
cscript.exe wmcmd.vbs –input inputfile.wav –output outputfile.wma -a_mode 0 –a_setting 56_44_2
-a_mode mode_number
Specifies the encoding mode for audio content. You can use one- or two-pass CBR encoding (-a_mode 0 or -a_mode 1, respectively), or a VBR encoding encoding mode: quality-based (-a_mode 2), bit rate-based (-a_mode 3), or peak bit rate-based (-a_mode 4). For more information, see Using CBR or VBR encoding.

-a_setting bitrate_samplerate_channel
Specifies the audio bit rate, sample rate, and channel setting for encoding. Or, if you are using the Windows Media Audio 9 Professional or Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless codecs, -a_setting also specifies 16- or 24-bit encoding, as bitrate_samplerate_channel_bitspersample. Use the -a_formats option to view the settings supported for each codec. If you are using the Windows Media Audio 9 Voice codec, the default value is 12_16_1. If you are using the Windows Media Audio 9 Professional codec, the default value is 128_44_2_24 (unless you are also implementing a quality-based VBR session, in which case the default is Q75_44_2_24.) If you are using the Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless codec, the default is Q100_44_2_16. If you are encoding uncompressed content, the default value is 705_22_2. For all other scenarios, the default value is 64_44_2.