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Topic: foobar V 1.1.1 & nero portable (Read 4456 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar V 1.1.1 & nero portable

Hi dear friends.
I try to convert a friend to foobar2000.
lot of time I didn't post here. I hope I am on the good place.
I would like to burn CD in foobar V 1.1.1 with Nero.Burning.Rom.v10.0.13100 (portable) ...
Could somebody teach me how to make it working ?
How could foobar set the nero portable as burning engine ?


foobar V 1.1.1 & nero portable

Reply #1
The official CD burning component does not rely on Nero anymore, but on internal Windows functions. At least for me it worked fine so far.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.