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Topic: Stereo vs Joint Stereo: XLD setting (Read 3864 times) previous topic - next topic
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Stereo vs Joint Stereo: XLD setting

Hi to all,

I have a little question about the setting of XLD when we use it for codify an MP3 from a FLAC file.

I have see that it use the LAME codec and I can chose if use Joint Stereo or Stereo.

What do you suggest for the best result?

Stereo vs Joint Stereo: XLD setting

Reply #1
I suggest that you search.

Funnily enough, I seem to recall this suggestion having been made to you many times before.

Stereo vs Joint Stereo: XLD setting

Reply #2
First: use the default.

Second: if forced to choose, choose joint stereo (which is the default).


Stereo vs Joint Stereo: XLD setting

Reply #3
Lame Mp3 settings in XLD should look like this,

Encoding Mode: VBR (recommended)
Overall Quality: Default (-q 3)
Stereo Mode: Auto (recommended)
Sampling Frequency: Auto
VBR method: New (faster)
Target Quality (LOWER is BETTER): << This is up to you to decide.