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Topic: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus) (Read 182332 times) previous topic - next topic
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Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #75
I have a suggestion:
- make an option to save after the foobar window has been inactive for x seconds.
Because saving freezes the ui, I want it to be done only if the window is in background and I am currently not using the ui.
- make an option only to save after computer has been idle for x seconds. Because saving could slow down other processes, especially hard disk access,  I'd like it to be done only if I am away from the computer.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #76
I think it would make sense to add an option of "on playlist modification, after X minutes" (delayed if further modifications are detected within the specified time frame).

Thanks. This component has saved me many times.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #77
Can not run foo_jesus whilte copying plugin to component folder. Message on startup foobar2000:
Failed to load DLL: foo_jesus.dll
Reason: The specified procedure could not be found.

Using foobar v1.0.

Tired of manually save playlists. Will there be a compatible version?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #78
Not sure what you have done, but it is compatible.


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #79

I have a problem. By trying the new version of "foo_jesus.dll" I destroyed the old one v.0.0.3 which was running fine with my foobar 2000 v0.9.6.9. 

Is there an issue? Where can I download older versions of "foo_jesus.dll"?


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #80
When I use * for "Files and Directory to back up(...)" to back up everything, foo_jesus also backs up two folders "." and ".." in the zip file. Can you exclude them? Or what can I do otherwise to not include them?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #81
thuan: Those are not real folders, it's just an indicator where you're.

. = current folder
.. = go one folder up
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #82
Hmm yeah, a valid bug. "." and ".." are filtered in sub-directories, but not on the top most level. Will be fixed eventually.
For the time being, you can use "." instead of "*". Make sure not to store the backups under the same folder though.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #83
Not sure what you have done, but it is compatible.


1. I have copyed plugin to components direcrory of foobar,
2. Run foobar2000 and get error message.
Is something wrong?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #84
@Yirkha: Thanks for the hint. Obviously I don't use the profile folder as backup destination because I want to back up everything.

@Andreasvb: I'm a Unix server admin.


Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #85
just a quick question: if I pause a track does the counter (while playing, every X minutes) continue after I resume? or is it interrupted every time?

thanks for the great component!

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #86
if I pause a track does the counter (while playing, every X minutes) continue after I resume? or is it interrupted every time?
Time is counted when playback is really active (playing, but not paused). If it reaches the configured "while playing" value, a save/backup is triggered. The counter is reset only at startup and after an autosave (due to any of the events), otherwise it is retained across playback sessions.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #87
Hi everyone, version 10 with mostly maintenance fixes is up.

Important changes: needs foobar2000 v1.1 or newer, added "index-data" to the default backup item list.

See the updated first post in this topic for details.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #88
Would someone please describe the how do I restore the backup to a new Foobar installation? I couldn't find it anywhere but might have missed it.

Thank you.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #89
To restore, just unzip the zipped backup file you're interested to restore (you will find them by default in "autobackup" folder), at foobar's root directory, overwriting all.
Probably foobar will re-index your library after that, it will take few minutes if it's big, but it will maintain your ratings and everything else not saved in your MP3 files.

Good luck.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #90
I appreciate the quick answer. I found out I have to install all my components separately before overwriting the files, which confused me in the first place.

This is a vital plugin, thanks for maintaining it Yirkha.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #91
Hi, thanks for this awesome plugin, but I'm having some problems with the autosaving settings or maybe I'm misunderstanding something:

I'm using Foobar v1.1 and Jesus v10, and I'm trying to use the save configuration hidden menu to do the autobackup and save as a zip on command, sort of like waiting for 1 min after starting foobar. Is that what it's supposed to do? The plugin is doing autosave archives correctly, but it's not doing anything noticeable when I'm shift+clicking the menu and selecting the save configuration option. Also, I tried hooking it to a keyboard combo (shift+ctrl+s), but that doesn't do anything either.

Any suggestion for how to manually trigger the autobackup (preferably with a keyboard combo)?



Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #92
No, there is no command provided for that.

The save operation itself does the same as (hidden) command "File > Save Configuration" [provided by foobar2000 core], that means it saves configuration (the whole configuration subfolder), Media library database (database.*), playlists and any additional data managed by other components (for example current theme or playback statistics). [Only after that happens, i.e. this component synchronously executes the menu command described above, it packs the resulting files (saved by the individual components through foobar2000 core) into the backup ZIP archive.]
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #93
great job!

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #94
Thanks !

Could there be an option for clearing the *.cfg (1) etc files on (succesful) exit  ?
Win7 Pro - latest stable foobar

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #95
looking to download version 9 since i'm using an older foobar that i won't be upgrading. Is there a backup mirror to v9?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #96
looking to download version 9 since i'm using an older foobar that i won't be upgrading. Is there a backup mirror to v9?

cheatz, look here.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #97
Why are you not upgrading?

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #98
all links seem to be down...
would be great if you could upload it again...
I rly need it:)

Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #99
Just look up ^^^^^
post # 97