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Topic: foo_quicktag (Read 53429 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
read previous musicmusic's posts


Reply #51
read previous musicmusic's posts

Sorry, I missed it. Basically all I want to have is a simple way to set a rating for one or more tracks. I could do this using foo_quicktag plugin in fb2k 0.8.3. How can I do it in fb2k 0.9 now? Thanks.


Reply #53
Is there a way to manage intermediate sub-menus just like quicktag did with a slash (e.g. Genre, Rating, ...) ?


Reply #54
i've tried Chaser's scripts. I think foo_quicktag was better idea, because everytime i rate song with script, a small jumpy masstagger window appears for few miliseconds. That makes no possibility to rate the song ***** (5stars) fast. btw, is there a script with ability to create a hotkey for each rating (1-2-3-4-5)?


Reply #55
Why not create some scripts yourself to set absolute rating values? Just use the "Set value" masstagger action for this.


Reply #57
Is there a way to manage intermediate sub-menus just like quicktag did with a slash (e.g. Genre, Rating, ...) ?

I too would like to know if this is possible. This was one of the strongest points of quicktag. I had over 100 quicktag scripts to clean up my tags, format them to a specific style and add predefined values. I had all those quicktag scripts gathered in a nice and logic tree structure in the context menu. With the new foobar2000 script functionality this doesn't seem to be possible. At least I haven't found a way yet to organize the scripts. Besides, there are also scripts I don't use on a frequent base. I don't think it's necessary they show in the scripts context menu. Hot keys are not really an option since it are a lot of scripts.

So a new version of quicktag - or a more advanced Scripts submenu would be very welcome.

A nice add on would be that also "File operations/Rename, move or copy files" scripts could be added to the scripts context menu.


Reply #59
Why not create some scripts yourself to set absolute rating values? Just use the "Set value" masstagger action for this.

that's what I've done since the beginning, i don't see why people even complain when they don't even try.  however, quicktag does tag without having that minipopup window popup.


Reply #60
i have a problem

I have quick tag under foobar 0.8.3

and i love it

i would love to make a new quicktag THAT ADD "[C]" without the "" in the comment filed

how can i do?