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Topic: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files? (Read 1793 times) previous topic - next topic
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It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Hello everyone,
Aside with the use of Foobar on my PC I have recently purchased a streamer (Auralic Aries G1) that I also intend to connect a HDD to in order to play the same music I listen to from my PC.
As most of you would know, these devices require a somehow different approach with respect to a computer and screen-based program such as Foobar. So before migrating all my music files to the new HD I've been in the process of checking the tagging to be consistent and completing it as much as possible, so to have more freedom and more coherence in the Aries' dB.

I've been encountering a problem tho, that couldn't apparently find discussed here on the board (nor anywhere) - at least not in the way I've been experiencing it.
Here's the scenario I have been facing: given that I edit .cue or .m3u files after having loaded them into Foobar and by pressing Alt+Enter

  • If I edit a Play.m3u file that collects different music files (I usually create them by myself), Foobar will keep all the tag edits I make regardless the actual file extension;
  • If I edit a Xxxx.cue file that relates to a single big file, all my editing disappears as soon as I close the Properties windows ("OK") or press "Apply".
  • If I use the context menu from within Foobar and  go to Utilities->Edit cuesheet I get the error "Error reading information from file: Unsupported format or corrupted file". This happens regardless the actual file extension
  • Last, please note that if I manually open the .cue file via a a text editor in Windows the fields I add with the REM prefix do not appear when I load the file in Foobar and press Alt+Enter (this might be normal, I am not an expert of manually editing .cues).

Also note that the option
Preferences->Display->Utilities->Edit cuesheet
is checked, while the option
Preferences->Display->Utilities->Remove embedded cuesheet(s)
is not.

Apart from the above, would anyone know whether the Aries would read these .cue or .m3u files, or would rather rely on embedded tag information, so that I'd need to create the for all the albums I intend to transfer onto the new device?

Foobar 1.6.16, Windows 10

Thanks in advance for your attention and your time

Re: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Reply #1
Apart from the above, would anyone know whether the Aries would read these .cue or .m3u files, or would rather rely on embedded tag information, so that I'd need to create the for all the albums I intend to transfer onto the new device?
It looks like the Aries does have at least some some support for CUE sheets, but the metadata you can store in CUE sheets is very limited, I don't think you can even store multi-value Genre and Artists, so it's almost certainly not the way to go.

I know nothing about what the Aries can do regard indexing, and it's quite difficult to find anything concrete about it, but I would imagine you'd be better off using a UPnP server like MinimServer or AssetUPnP (as they mention on their quick start guide) than rely on the device itself.

If I were you I'd load a few fully tagged albums onto the Aries to see what it can do, and take it from there.

Re: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Reply #2
It should be mentioned that if you are using FLAC, there are two ways they store cuesheets - plus an external .cue file. You might have to try a bit back and forth.
The device supports WavPack, where you would be down to two ways, which at least makes it easier to test it.


Re: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Reply #3
Thanks guys for chiming in :)
Funnily enough, no-one seems to have participated as regards the issues I'm having with Foobar itself LOL

I would imagine you'd be better off using a UPnP server like MinimServer or AssetUPnP (as they mention on their quick start guide) than rely on the device itself.

Ah, I see. I'm rather new to this, although not being a computer illiterate. Does this mean that such servers cam create/store their own metadata?
As a side note, the Quick Start you linked relates to the Arial, while the model I got is the Arial G1. I'll have to check, but I believe they share the possibility.

It should be mentioned that if you are using FLAC, there are two ways they store cuesheets - plus an external .cue file. You might have to try a bit back and forth.

Yep, it's worth a try, thanks.

The device supports WavPack, where you would be down to two ways, which at least makes it easier to test it.

Not sure I got the implication here. Is this different from .flac in terms of metadata management? (Sorry, not a native speaker :) )

Re: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Reply #4
Thanks guys for chiming in :)
Funnily enough, no-one seems to have participated as regards the issues I'm having with Foobar itself LOL
Regarding point 2 from your original post, what tags were you trying to save as CUE sheets only support a subset. I opened a CUE sheet, modified Artist and Title, clicked Apply and it saved to the CUE sheet.

I experienced the same when attempting point 3, but I have no idea what it's supposed to do so I can't help there.

I would imagine you'd be better off using a UPnP server like MinimServer or AssetUPnP (as they mention on their quick start guide) than rely on the device itself.
Ah, I see. I'm rather new to this, although not being a computer illiterate. Does this mean that such servers cam create/store their own metadata?
They both use the tags that are in your files, but they'll most likely offer better tag support and customisation than the Aries.

Are your albums stored as single FLAC files with CUE Sheets? If they are, and you don't want to change them then I fear you're not going to get a particularly rich browsing experience out of any media server.

Re: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Reply #5
The device supports WavPack, where you would be down to two ways, which at least makes it easier to test it.

Not sure I got the implication here. Is this different from .flac in terms of metadata management? (Sorry, not a native speaker :) )
It might be easier to "debug" your device's handling of embedded cuesheet with WavPack than with FLAC.

Re: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Reply #6
  • If I use the context menu from within Foobar and  go to Utilities->Edit cuesheet I get the error "Error reading information from file: Unsupported format or corrupted file". This happens regardless the actual file extension
It looks like this is for working with embedded CUE sheets, so you need to load the FLAC file into foobar for this to work.

Re: It seems I can't proficiently edit .cue files?

Reply #7
  • If I use the context menu from within Foobar and  go to Utilities->Edit cuesheet I get the error "Error reading information from file: Unsupported format or corrupted file". This happens regardless the actual file extension
It looks like this is for working with embedded CUE sheets, so you need to load the FLAC file into foobar for this to work.

Of course, the context menu I was referring to is the album's