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Topic: Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time (Read 3501 times) previous topic - next topic
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Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time

Hello, i wonder is there a plugin/component for the player that skips the track/song after like 2 minutes of the songs are played. For example an Artist has 5 tracks tho facets selected and they changing automaticly one after each other, but can be this done after 2 or 3 minutes are played of that song so the next starts. I ve alot mixtapes which arent splittet so that means 1+ hour track/song, and i would like them to change after 10 minutes of the playback automaticly. Does something like this exists or how can be done?


Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time

Reply #1
foo_skip has an bookmark function that can do what you want

Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time

Reply #2
foo_skip has an bookmark function that can do what you want

thank you! you dont have a idea how the query string for skipping the track after 10 minutes are played would look like?

Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time

Reply #3
Copy & paste to your web browser:
file:///C:/Program%20Files%20%28x86%29/foobar2000/Query%20Syntax%20Help.html      (under x64 systems)
file:///C:/Program%20Files/foobar2000/Query%20Syntax%20Help.html  (under x86 systems)

or on active playlist press F3 (alternatively Ctrl+F) or choose from menu Edit-> Search and press that "?" icon at the end of the line, where you input text for searching. Query Syntax reference is all what you need.

Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time

Reply #4
a query isn't going to help here. that's only used for skipping entire tracks.

this is the full help for the method TuNk77 posted.

Can also skip parts of tracks. Tag field SKIP specifies the timecodes:
SKIP=-<time>   to skip from the beginning to <time>
SKIP=<time>-   to skip from <time> to the next track
SKIP=<a>-<b>   to skip from position <a> to later position <b>
SKIP=-<a>;<b>-   to skip from start to <a> and from <b> to next track

Timecodes use format [hh:][mm:]ss

from that, i'd presume this is what you want...

Code: [Select]

obviously you need to create a new SKIP tag in each file that you want this to work for.

Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time

Reply #5

you can use the Preview plug-in for this.

Configure it in Preferences/Playback/Preview and activate it in foobar2000's Playback menu then.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Plugin for skipping playback after a certain time

Reply #6

you can use the Preview plug-in for this.

Configure it in Preferences/Playback/Preview and activate it in foobar2000's Playback menu then.

Thank you very much, this is much easier than the other solution.