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Topic: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p (Read 29924 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #25

Thank you for your little program. But for me it only sest ASIOhost priority to "high" instead of "real-time" and the clicks in foobar remain.

I'm on Win 10, with foobar 1.3.17 and a recent Asio driver provided by Focusrite for the Scarlett 2i4 soundcard.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #26
Thank you for your little program.
You are welcome.
But for me it only sest ASIOhost priority to "high" instead of "real-time" and the clicks in foobar remain.
Please clarify. How do you know what ASIOHost priority is in use and how is it related to the clicks?
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #27
Thank you for your little program.
You are welcome.
But for me it only sest ASIOhost priority to "high" instead of "real-time" and the clicks in foobar remain.
Please clarify. How do you know what ASIOHost priority is in use and how is it related to the clicks?

I've checked in the Windows Task Manager.
When enabling your program, when I play a track in foobar, the priority is set to "High".
Without your program, it is "Normal".
In all cases, there are clicks audibles when I start a new track, stop a track, go backwards or forwards with shortcuts. Those clicks don't happen with DirectSound.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #28
I elevated ASIO output to realtime priority with a hex patch of foo_out_asio.dll. Choosing High priority will set Realtime instead. An extra exe downloaded from the internet seems superfluous. Tested for over a month and encountered no issues. The asio host consumes a tiny fraction of CPU, and is stable.

I use ASIO output to have the player's output appear on a separate strip on my sound card's mixer, separate from Windows output, which I could choose to mute. Previously, a certain internet application (at Below Normal), and the web browser could interrupt the playback, but now not even games can cause clicks at 10 ms latency (good all-round setting). The latency in E-MU 0404 tops at 100 ms, at which point an audio editor feels laggy.

The plugin should allow for realtime priotity selector like the old Otachan's plugin. I've not used ASIO for several years, because of its unrealiability, until someone else bumped another thread with non-working instructions on setting the priority.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #29

Code: [Select]
80060300 ->
80860300 (checksum)

688000000051 ->
Didn't work for me for some reason. Or is it Win8 specific?

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #30
It is a standard priority class value. Probably administrator rights are required for Foobar (run as administrator). Works for me. Otachan's plugin had realtime selectable, which is needed.

Do not set Foobar itself to realtime, or your computer will hang if you use converter or other heavy processes. ASIOhost32 uses <1% cpu.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #31
Yeah, that was really it, had to run Foobar as administrator. It is however equally inconvenient due to UAC popping up.
Thanks for an interesting solution, though. I'll have to think what can be done with it.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #32
I've experienced pops/clicks/buzzes with ASIO native driver too, only recently. The ASIO process is set to high priority by default. In contrast, WASAPI (event) is flawless.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #33
Maybe the Realtek ASIO driver is buggy. What is the benefit of using ASIO with an integrated soundcard? If you have ASIO4ALL, then that is pointless, since it is an additional layer above the regular driver.

If this plugin is ever revised, I'd like to request a small change. Upon pressing the Stop button, when the driver is about to be closed, drop priority to Normal. My driver does some work for about 1 second in Time Critical priority (normally locked to 15, but 31 now). I solved this in other applications by not closing the driver (reaper) or using the option to play silence during pause (openmpt). E-MU/Creative added this bug in one of the last 2.xx updates.

Since there is little overhead in playing one audio stream, could the asiohost be optionally configured to play silence, as long as it is selected as an output in Foobar, and keep the device open, and possibly solve the above poster's problem, which appears to occur only during pause.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #34
Maybe the Realtek ASIO driver is buggy. What is the benefit of using ASIO with an integrated soundcard? If you have ASIO4ALL, then that is pointless, since it is an additional layer above the regular driver.

If this plugin is ever revised, I'd like to request a small change. Upon pressing the Stop button, when the driver is about to be closed, drop priority to Normal. My driver does some work for about 1 second in Time Critical priority (normally locked to 15, but 31 now). I solved this in other applications by not closing the driver (reaper) or using the option to play silence during pause (openmpt). E-MU/Creative added this bug in one of the last 2.xx updates.

Since there is little overhead in playing one audio stream, could the asiohost be optionally configured to play silence, as long as it is selected as an output in Foobar, and keep the device open, and possibly solve the above poster's problem, which appears to occur only during pause.

I think Realtek ASIO is faulty too, and the problems cannot originate from the soundcard, since WASAPI does not exhibit any similar behaviour.
I don't use ASIO4ALL, since my soundcard supports native ASIO driver.

My problem occurs after resuming playback after pause, exactly. Not only I hear awful sounds, but also several tens of seconds of the track are skipped like a damaged tape.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #35
Disabling UAC is a poor workaround at best.
Why is poor workaround ? this UAC only bother me, does secure system from anything ?
What is better solution you recomended for using still ASIO ?

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #36
Version 1.1. update: no longer need to run as administrator, now runs through Windows UAC. Link is the same as above.
Your version 1.1 still need to work to be set to run as administrator ;), without that not work on Win 10 build 1809.
Till now I had disabled UAC in registery to solve glitches in sound on ASIO, but maybe I will turn it on and will be use your app instead :). thank you very much for this liitle app.

Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #37
It works!! Thank you!  :))
Tip: I made a shortcut to startfb2k always as an administrator.


Re: Pops and clicks using official ASIO in Windows 8 with foobar, but no p

Reply #38
Here is the latest version of my tool. I am using it for years and it works OK for me. Requires administrator privileges but you can add it to the Task Scheduler to be started with Windows - this can be done from about/settings panel automatically. There are now some f2k helper functions included to help running f2k constantly on my computers, i.e. force close f2k on crash, crash files folder cleanup after crash and f2k restarter in case it crashes. Useful for HTPCs and in case you use some VST plugins that collapses f2k on closing. Anyway...
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