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Topic: How to display RG type in use ? (Read 4468 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #1
1. What is the "Source mode" in Preferences -> Playback -> ReplayGain?
2. Do you use Replaygain override plugin?

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #2
1. What is the "Source mode" in Preferences -> Playback -> ReplayGain?
Err, I would like it to display the source, i.e. the type of RG which is set there. I have assigned hot keys to change RG type but as I'm going senile I'd like a visual representation (feedback) of RG type set.

2. Do you use Replaygain override plugin?
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How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #3
I read through the forum and found several threads requesting something similar to what you want. You could request that a way to display the replaygain mode being used be added, but with posts going back 7 or 8 years on the subject, I wouldn't hold my breath. It doesn't seem it would be that difficult to add a value such as "%replaygain_mode%" to foobar's title formatting, but maybe it is.

Interestingly enough, the ability to change the replaygain mode exists under Playback in the Menu bar, but it inexplicably doesn't display a check/tick or some other marker next to the mode being used.

(for those who don't know, pressing the Shift key while clicking on Menu bar items displays additional, otherwise hidden options... mostly under File, View and Playback)

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #4
It doesn't seem it would be that difficult to add a value such as "%replaygain_mode%" to foobar's title formatting, but maybe it is.

It's not difficult, it just doesn't make any sense, since it is completely unrelated to a playlist or album list entry. It is simply not a property of a track.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #5
What doesn't make sense is that there is no way to visually verify what mode replaygain is being used in without opening Preferences.

Yes, one can create keyboard shortcuts to switch between them, but how many people know how to create them or even want to use them? And how many people are going to remember to use those keyboard shortcuts every time they switch from listening to albums to mixed playlists and vice-versa? Then there is the small but related matter of multiple users.

It makes no difference whether it is a track property. A "%replaygain_mode%" could simply be used in the status bar (or wherever the user wants it) to notify the user of the setting. This is about ease of use/user-friendliness, in exactly the same way as having the volume bar is. I don't use it but I don't think it to be senseless that others want a visual representation of the volume level.

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #6
What doesn't make sense is that there is no way to visually verify what mode replaygain is being used in without opening Preferences.
It makes no difference whether it is a track property.

Yes, it would be indeed useful to see the replaygain information. In my eyes the best would be buttons for the replaygain sources which show their state (pressed).
Your last sentence is totally wrong: title formattings purpose is to use and process information from the track - therefore the name: title formatting!

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #7
Your last sentence is totally wrong: title formattings purpose is to use and process information from the track - therefore the name: title formatting!

Well, you've got me there, but I haven't articulated this idea fully yet. This "%replaygain_mode%" would also display the replaygain information of the track being played (depending on mode), such as: "RG Album: -5.3 dB"  or "RG Track: +1.2 dB". If there were no replaygain information in the file for the mode, then it could be something like "RG Album: missing". One could even take it a step further and also display Preamp information, but that's unnecessary and going overboard in my view.

So to recap, it would display the replaygain mode being used and basically notify the user when replaygain information is missing.


How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #8
Why don't you just request a place in the status bar (f.e. beside the volume information) where the replaygain type is shown? Does it have to be title formatting?

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #9
It makes no difference to me whether it involves title formatting or not. To me, displaying the replaygain mode in the status bar would be perfectly acceptable; however, I wouldn't want to force people to display the status bar simply because they want this feature. The questions are whether that is what the majority of users would want and what they'd want to be displayed, but that could be fleshed out in a feature request. I'll wait a short while to see if the thread receives any more feedback from tagtypedisplay before I post the request.

Is there a dedicated thread for feature requests (couldn't find one) or are they posted in the wild, so to speak?

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #10
To me, displaying the replaygain mode in the status bar would be perfectly acceptable
however, I wouldn't want to force people to display the status bar simply because they want this feature.
I agree.
The questions are whether that is what the majority of users would want and what they'd want to be displayed, but that could be fleshed out in a feature request. I'll wait a short while to see if the thread receives any more feedback from tagtypedisplay before I post the request.
Two reasons that require visual feedback of RG mode without having to go "dumpster diving", (preferences).
1). If there's a unwarranted change in volume during playback it would be great to be able to ascertain at a glance RG type or lack of RG info.
2). No visual feedback of selection when toggling via hot keys.

I too don't see a feature request thread, any ideas on how to attract the attention of the "keepers' of F2k ?.

some suggestions for RG selection and display;
A small toolbar like the "order" toolbar which can be placed on the main toolbar.
create %rg_mode% which can be used by the user at will
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How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #11
I don't know how many ways there are to realize that request. Just me told 2 ways how replaygain mode could be displayed. The problem is that you are insisting on the usage of title formatting no matter how the request could be achieved otherwise. If you look in foobar2000s past you will see how the abuse of title formatting reached an absurd maximum and that fortunately the development of foobar2000 had stopped this horrible trend. But apart from that there are also some technical issues if you want a tf variable that shows something that is not related to a track. Maybe somebody (who knows that better than me) could explain that.

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #12
some suggestions for RG selection and display;
A small toolbar like the "order" toolbar which can be placed on the main toolbar.
create %rg_mode% which can be used by the user at will

Let me make sure I'm correctly understanding you. Are you suggesting a toolbar which has a dropdown list which would allow selecting the replaygain mode, such as the Playback Order and Playlist Switcher toolbars currently have? Or are you suggesting a toolbar which would simply display the current replaygain mode for those who don't use the status bar?

What would be the purpose of "%rg_mode%" and how would you use it? Is it simply to display the replaygain mode wherever one wishes? I believe the point g-stankovic was trying to impress upon us is that replaygain mode is not a track property and therefore not warranted for title formatting, thus a replaygain mode display including title formatting isn't likely to be implemented. Although yesterday I suggested the inclusion of a track's replaygain information or lack thereof be included in a replaygain mode display, I no longer feel that to be necessary. One can already use title formatting to display that information.

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #13
He suggested a dropdown list where you can choose the replaygain mode which is also then shown. Nice idea too!

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #14
I agree that the toolbar is a great idea, but I also like the your idea of displaying the mode in the status bar. I can see many users utilizing one or both methods. If you had to choose between them, which would you rather have - the toolbar or the status bar display?

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #15
I agree that the toolbar is a great idea, but I also like the your idea of displaying the mode in the status bar. I can see many users utilizing one or both methods. If you had to choose between them, which would you rather have - the toolbar or the status bar display?

The toolbar because you also can switch between modes.

How to display RG type in use ?

Reply #16
If you had to choose between them, which would you rather have - the toolbar or the status bar display?
If I had to choose one it would be the display of RG mode on the status bar.
I now realise that using %rg_mode% is not appropriate for this, I'm really clueless about code and my "%%" suggestion is a ignorant one.
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