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Topic: Foo_tbar (Read 4647 times) previous topic - next topic
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I basically rewrote foo_tbar to remove all the bad legacy code in it.  I no longer would consider this just a port of winamps gen_tbar, but a foobar one.  While I was at it I fixed it so that both an ansi and a unicode version could easily be made.

So for those of you who used the old version, remember to follow the uninstall instructions in it's readme.  (You will understand what I mean about the bad legacy code).



Reply #1
Well, just went to a new version 1.51.  The links are the same as above.

New items:
handeling of stream information fixed
handeling of time remaining showing double negative on certain streams fixed
added "display latency" control - can resolve some peoples flicker issues

Here is some more info from the readme:
Examples of entries for the display formating to give you an idea of what you can do.
[%artist% - ][%title%]
[%artist%: ][%title%][ - %tracknumber%]
[%artist% - ][%title%][ - %station%]
$if([%artist% - ][%title%][ - %station%],[%artist% - ][%title%][ - %station%],%filename%)

Warning: lowering the display latency consumes more cpu, but can resolve the flicker on windows that update regularly.


Reply #2
Incremented to version 1.52.  Links same as previous.

fixed text box string length limit in config window (display caption and window caption)
fixed format for display caption default


Reply #3
Patiently awaiting a version of foo_tbar that works with fb2k 0.7x.. (unless there's a direct link in the forums that my search didn't find)


Reply #4
Dhry, as I pointed out in the other foo_tbar thread that suddenly popped up, once Peter has finalized the 0.7 api/sdk I will update foo_tbar.  Since the beta betas keep changing the sdk quite regularly, I only have time to look after the finalized sdk.


Reply #5
Dhry, as I pointed out in the other foo_tbar thread that suddenly popped up, once Peter has finalized the 0.7 api/sdk I will update foo_tbar.  Since the beta betas keep changing the sdk quite regularly, I only have time to look after the finalized sdk.

Fair enough. Sorry I missed the info in the other thread.

Man, there has to be a better way of tracking plugin updates than having to wade through zillions of threads. Here's something that just occurred to me. Wouldn't it be wonderful if.. plugin authors could code a URL into each plugin; this URL would be maintained at the author's website (or wherever), where there would be a link to the very latest version of the plugin. FB2K could incorporate an option to check plugins for latest version, where it would extract the URL from each plugin, visit the URL, grab the latest version, shut down, overwrite the existing plugin and then start itself back up.


Reply #6
Dhry, as I pointed out in the other foo_tbar thread that suddenly popped up, once Peter has finalized the 0.7 api/sdk I will update foo_tbar.  Since the beta betas keep changing the sdk quite regularly, I only have time to look after the finalized sdk.

A little disappointed...but it's understandable...I miss this plugin for 0.7.
I willl wait patiently.