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Topic: foo_uie_lyrics3 (Read 938525 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #175
Yes, the provision of these extra fields is currently not in foo_uie_lyrics3.


Reply #176
Hi, Will you add Lyrics Wikia for the online search?


Reply #177
Can I add pages to be the source of new lyrics ¿? I'm from Argentina and I'm not being able to reach a lot of lyrics cuz they are not it the sources ( BTW , there are only 3 or 4 ) ... Plz tell me if I can add a webpage like


Reply #178
No, you can't, and you are not getting results because most of the databases are down (it's no the component's fault)


Reply #179
i'm still using lyrics2. so the reason 98% of the lyrics don't show anymore is because of the databases?


Reply #180
because most of the databases are down (it's no the component's fault)

I guess this is due to copyright issues on lyrics, which are claimed much harder than ever before these days, so many lyrics providers shut down their services.
I tried, but it's almost impossible to get good and free APIs for lyrics downloading anymore.


Reply #181
so it seems new lyric sources are in the pipeline.
great news!
i have been missing so many lyrics but not really due to failing databases but due to low availability

hopefully i won't need to use my foo_run script anymore
... which is:
Code: [Select]'%27'm+Feeling+Lucky&q=$replace(%artist%,' ','%20')'+'$replace(%title%,' ','%20')'+'lyric
works fine but doesn't most of the time  sometimes goes to wiki, sometimes to youtube.
well... whatever.
But... i haven't yet figured why Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" feature doesn't work on a few queries with this script.
like, it will work on this:
Code: [Select]'s%20On%20Fire+lyric
but not on this:
Code: [Select]
hmm... always made me wonder.


Reply #182
because most of the databases are down (it's no the component's fault)

I guess this is due to copyright issues on lyrics, which are claimed much harder than ever before these days, so many lyrics providers shut down their services.
I tried, but it's almost impossible to get good and free APIs for lyrics downloading anymore.

Lyrics Wikia works well, and I think it's the most wide lyrics database of the world. Will it insered in this plugin support for Lyrics Wikia? It would be very nice!


Reply #183
from the LyricWiki API:

Why does the API only return a few lines of lyrics for each song?

        Please note that currently, the API only returns a small portion of the lyrics (about 1/7th of them). This is because of the licensing restrictions mentioned in the Google Group thread. The small snippet (which is considered Fair Use) is just to help in identifying that the API matched the correct song you're looking for. Once you have the right match, you can link the user to the corresponding page (there is a URL provided in the result) or open that page inside your app in a browser-panel with javascript enabled.

so not really useful.


Reply #184
So, why software like Guayadaque, Banshee and Clementine show them well from Lyrics Wikia?



Reply #185
well, a software or plugin can of course parse the site, where the link points to and use the content. But that's not in the sense of the license. I mean technically it is possible, but under legal aspects this is again vulnerable, and could be stopped soon.


Reply #186
Too bad


Reply #187
I love this plugin, and foo_uie_lyrics2!

But there's something missing. in lyrics2 plugin i could right click on the panel and reload lyrics, but in lyrics3 i can't. This is bad, because reloading the lyrics allows me to refresh the local file without searching online.

And this was an issue in lyrics2 plugin as well as this one, but sometimes these plugins fail to locate the .lrc file even if it exists in the database. Like, i have Minilyrics running along with foobar just cause Minilyrics always finds the .lrc if it's there. It often happens that i notice Minilyrics has loaded the lyrics and lyrics2 or lyrics3 haven't.

Those are the only 'bugs' i found. I hope the developer is still around to work on these . This is a great plugin and with the exception of the reload lyrics button, i think this is a great improvement of the lyrics2 plugin.


Reply #188
I can't quite seem to find an answer for this anywhere. I'm tagging podcasts and DJ mixes with timestamps to show which track plays when. How do I properly do timestamps for times greater than an hour? Both this and my preferred oldschool foo_uie_lyrics don't seem to handle this. Is there a way to do it?

Also, why do not all of my fonts show up in the selection dialog? I'm trying to use Gisha, which as far as I know is a Hebrew-related font under Vista/7, so that might explain why I'm not seeing it, but is there a way to get lyrics3 to show it? The system setting for showing all fonts is enabled.


Reply #189
Hi! Another problem in 3rd version: when i switch background image (display cover art) and change а song, a text starts to duplicate.


Reply #190
Thought of something else: the ability to use negative values for line spacing.
I also second the request for a reload lyrics option.


Reply #191
Quote from: Ri4CH link=msg=0 date=
...when i switch background image (display cover art) and change ? song, a text starts to duplicate.
Can you elaborate on this please? (e.g. with a screenshot) Does it only happen when no cover art is available?

How do I properly do timestamps for times greater than an hour?
Have you tried setting out your timestamp like this [hh:mm:ss.xx]? e.g. [01:35:15.25] (I can't test this as I don't have a long enough track)

...not all of my fonts show up in the selection dialog? I'm trying to use...
I'm not having any problems with this, the Gisha font is there for me. Are you able to use this font in other plugins/programs e.g. Word?

but sometimes these plugins fail to locate the .lrc file even if it exists
This is affected by many things. Is your lyric directory specified in the 'Custom directory' properties of the 'Local file search'? Do the filenames of your lyrics contain both the artist and title (they must be spelt correctly)?

Thanks to all for the feedback


Reply #192
This thing is seriously lacking in searchable databases.


Reply #193
Haha, my mistake. I recently reformatted my computer and spaced on the fact that I had not unchecked the "Hide fonts based on language settings" option. Silly me, that works fine now. Yes, I have tried using the [hh:mm:ss.xx] format and it does not seem to work. In fact the plugin's behavior is very strange in this case. For some reason, it neglects the first timestamp altogether and remains stuck on the second. Interestingly, if while the track is playing I go into the Panel preferences area, it snaps to the last timestamp.

A podcast is an easy way to find a track that's over an hour long real quick for testing.


Reply #194
but sometimes these plugins fail to locate the .lrc file even if it exists
This is affected by many things. Is your lyric directory specified in the 'Custom directory' properties of the 'Local file search'? Do the filenames of your lyrics contain both the artist and title (they must be spelt correctly)?

Oh no no no, it works fine when i have downloaded the song lyrics onto my computer. It's the internet search that's bugging me. Sometimes it doesn't find the lyrics on the internet.

And I repeat my request cause I'm hoping you notice it about the reload lyrics button. It's really the only reason i still use lyrics2


Reply #195
This thing is seriously lacking in searchable databases.

Given the recent problems with lyrics providers, are you aware of one that is working that you would want included.


Reply #196
Still not download lyrics here, v0.14


Reply #197
Thanks for the pointless update. Once again, it has zero to do with the component.


Reply #198
Sorry, but I'm missing it.

Is there no alternatives for the lyrics sites that are down?


Reply #199
Not that anyone is reporting here. Guess you just need to wait until this sorts itself out. Or find one that is working and report it here.