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Topic: iTunes comment tags and what to do about them? (Read 11959 times) previous topic - next topic
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iTunes comment tags and what to do about them?

I recently just downloaded (yes, legally) an mp3 file encoded by iTunes, containing their Comment iTunNORM, Comment iTunPGAP and Comment iTunSMPB tags. I suppose the iTunes software does something about this information, but is it useful elsewhere? In which case, how should they be mapped to other «more recognised» tags?

iTunes comment tags and what to do about them?

Reply #1
I recently just downloaded (yes, legally) an mp3 file encoded by iTunes, containing their Comment iTunNORM, Comment iTunPGAP and Comment iTunSMPB tags. I suppose the iTunes software does something about this information, but is it useful elsewhere? In which case, how should they be mapped to other «more recognised» tags?

iTunNORM is used for Soundcheck, which is Apple's alternate version of ReplayGain. Does not seem to be used outside iTunes.

iTunPGAP is used to flag track tracks that is part of gapless album or tracks that are in on more then 1 tracks, for example this might be useful on certain tracks on Trans Europe Express by Kraftwerk e.g "Trans Europe Express" + "Metal on Metal" + "Abzug". This does seem to be supported outside iTunes as far as i know.

iTunSMPB is pretty important though, since it contains the encoder delay information which can be used for gapless playback under iTunes. The MP4 version of this tag is supported on foobar2000 and Nero AAC, am not sure about the MP3 Comment tag though.
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