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Topic: At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist (Read 5912 times) previous topic - next topic
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At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Hey guys,

Sorry if this has already been asked and/or answered, but I couldn't find anything with a search. I wanted to suggest a play mode that when the end of the playlist is reached, it moves on to the next playlist. I often make album playlists, but usually I don't want to hear the same album over and over, by default I'd like to to move on to the next album at the end of the previous one. Right now, to do this I have to make a playlist of all the releases of that artist, which is a doubling, and not necessary.

This would also allow more advanced queueing, since you could add/edit a new playlist while the album is still playing, and it'll start playing the next one after your current album is finished. Even though you could add stuff to the currently-playing playlist, it could be a problem (aside from clear examples like autoplaylists, for example, the playlist may have the title of the album as its name, adding another album to it would make that incorrect... And yes that does bother me, and you can see in my layout that a playlist named with 2 album titles would be too long). It'll also make concise playlists more sensible, allowing for better organisation (for example, I could make playlists for each single, which I currently don't do cause it's annoying to hear 3 songs over and over).

It could simply be a choice in the playmode, like Random and Repeat (playlist), or perhaps a thing like "Stop after current" that you can check and uncheck. Perhaps it can be a third party plugin, although I think it makes a lot of sense to just make it part of the core (for example, the music player I use on my Android phone, does this behavior).

Let me know if this is already possible, or what you think of the idea! Thanks as always for a great program!

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #1
as a workaround, you could put this in a wsh panel mod panel.

Code: [Select]
function on_playback_stop(reason) {
    if(reason == 1 && fb.PlayingPlaylist < fb.PlaylistCount - 1) {
        fb.ActivePlaylist = fb.PlayingPlaylist+1;

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #2
foo_scheduler is able to switch to next playlist on playback stop and to continue playback. Please notice that this feature might be confusing in combination with plorg as playlist manager because the appearance of the playlists inside of plorg does not necessarily correspond with their real order

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #3
That's interesting, I didn't realize that wasn't the case. I can't think of any reason why that would be... Even though there's folders, in the end it's still a list of playlists, they have to have SOME order.

Still, that's another reason why sub-tabs would be a nice feature. I'll see what I can do about it, maybe use a different playlist organizer...

Anyway thanks for the suggestions, I'll give those a shot and see if I can work it out!

EDIT: marc2003, your script does seem to skip the viewer to the next playlist, but it then re-plays the last song of the previous playlist instead?  Also perhaps an on/off switch would be good...
EDIT2: The foo_scheduler trick seems to work, will have to look into an alternative to foo_plorg I guess. Although there is the "sort" command...

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #4
...Or you could copy the contents of the next playlist into end of the current one.

I often make album playlists, but usually I don't want to hear the same album over and over...
Well, then it doesn't really make any sense to only have those tracks in a playlist by themselves, does it?

Right now, to do this I have to make a playlist of all the releases of that artist, which is a doubling, and not necessary.
Or, you could just use a library viewer to display items in an album or all items by an artist.  Then you wouldn't have to have any unnecessary playlists.

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #5
No, that's exactly what I can't (or don't want to, which is the same thing) do. I saw a post like that coming a mile away, so I pre-emptively addressed it in the opening post.

I appreciate that there are other ways that may be how you happen to use this software, but that isn't applicable to my situation.

At any rate, using the Columns IU Playlist Switcher in combination with foo_scheduler worked fine, so thanks to q-stankovich for that suggestion!

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #6
EDIT: marc2003, your script does seem to skip the viewer to the next playlist, but it then re-plays the last song of the previous playlist instead?

I didn't test it, but you could try this:
Code: [Select]
function on_playback_stop(reason) {
    if(reason == 1 && fb.PlayingPlaylist < fb.PlaylistCount - 1) {
        fb.ActivePlaylist = fb.PlayingPlaylist+1;
        fb.PlayingPlaylist = fb.ActivePlaylist;

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #8
EDIT: marc2003, your script does seem to skip the viewer to the next playlist, but it then re-plays the last song of the previous playlist instead?  Also perhaps an on/off switch would be good...

well i did test before posting and it worked ok for me?? anyway, you have plenty of other solutions.

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #9
well i did test before posting and it worked ok for me?? anyway, you have plenty of other solutions.

Interesting... But yeah you're right, seems like it. Thank you though!

@grimes hey I actually already had stopafteralbum installed, but it was an old version apparently, without that feature. I'll give that a shot too!

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #10
i just realised my snippet only works if you have "playback follows cursor" enabled.

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #11
My solution with "stop after album" works also only with "playback follows cursor" enabled.
But only, if no track of the next playlist is highlighted.
I've to think about, what i can do.
Maybe temporarily enabling playback follows cursor is a solution...

At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #12
Maybe temporarily enabling playback follows cursor is a solution...
No, using playlist_manager::set_playing_playlist() is the solution.

Re: At the end of playlist, move on to the next playlist

Reply #14

1. File - Playback  - Order -  Default
2. File - Preferences - Scheduler: Event list - Add - Add player event - On playback stop - End-of-file signal
3. Action lists - Add - CHANGE PLAYLISTS etc
4. RMC (right mouse click) -  CHANGE PLAYLISTS - Next playlist
5  CHANGE PLAYLISTS - Start playback - Ok
6. Event list - On playback stop/end-of-file signal - RMC (right mouse click) - Assign action list - CHANGE PLAYLISTS