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Topic: QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc. (Read 750197 times) previous topic - next topic
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QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #575
qaac.exe 2.34 x86 doesn't run on Windows XP.  It's flagged to require OS version 6.0 (Vista) or higher.

I am also unable to run qaac 2.34 x86 on Windows Xp pro.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #576
Probably because of the new Visual Studio 2013 runtime implemented since 2.31?

You still have XP guys? Sorry but it's time to upgrade.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #577
Microsoft claims that the VS 2013 runtime is compatible with XP:

so you may be able to get the latest qaac to run. If the x86 runtime works, please let us know.

If you're going to continue using XP, though, you should get used to the idea of never upgrading any software unless it's absolutely necessary; otherwise, you're just going to break things as new programs become less and less compatible with the OS. As for qaac, unless you have need of the specific features introduced in the latest versions, you can just use an older one if the runtime doesn't work. There have been no changes to my knowledge that would affect the AAC output beyond using the new switches, so unless you know what the new versions offer and need one of their features, don't upgrade. Problem solved.

That being said, if there is some irreversible change in current and future qaac versions that will break XP compatibility, it would be good to note that somewhere on the qaac site so XP users will know which version to get.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #578
It's not the MS runtime, it's the linker setting for qaac.  Editing the qaac.exe PE header and changing MajorSubsystemVersion from 6 to 5 makes it work in XP.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #579
In that case, nu774 should be able to fix it in the next version.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #580
Thanks for reporting. In fact, I was informed by a HA user for not being able to run qaac 2.34, but I didn't hit on this.
2.34 was built using toolset v120 by accident, and uploaded fixed build as 2.34.1 just now.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #581
nu774, 2.34.1 reports as 2.34, is it the new one anyway?


Are you going to completely remove --no-delay in one of the future versions?

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #582
nu774, 2.34.1 reports as 2.34, is it the new one anyway?

It's just a rebuild under different build configuration, without any source code change.

Are you going to completely remove --no-delay in one of the future versions?

Maybe, but not in the near future.
It's redundant, still there just for backward compatibility, but also there's no strong reason to remove it.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #583
It's just a rebuild under different build configuration, without any source code change.

The rebuild is running fine on my old windows xp. I will upgrade asap just to keep on using qaac.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #584
Regarding system requirements, would you only need the x86 VC++ 2013 runtime to run qaac on Windows 7 x64, since qaac is a 32-bit application, or do you need the x64 runtime for a 64-bit OS? (I assume it's only needed to run 64-bit applications.)

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #585
Regarding system requirements, would you only need the x86 VC++ 2013 runtime to run qaac on Windows 7 x64, since qaac is a 32-bit application

Yes. 32-bit applications only need 32-bit runtime libs to run.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #586
I have decided to experiment a little with QAAC. I am trying to figure out how to configure foobar2000 to work with QAAC. Perhaps, it’s something I might use for my iPod in place of MP3 @ -V 2.

I'll confess that I didn't read through every single post in this topic. I am confused about all the different command line options, what they do, and whether they're actually needed. I am basically trying to find a parameter than I can plug into foobar2000 and not have to worry about the technical details. Below is a command I copied and pasted from some other topic.

--tvbr 82 --no-optimize --ignorelength - -o %d

I do know that 82 refers to the quality setting. In this case, it's about 165 kbps. The rest of the string is Greek.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #588
I have seen this. My problem is that I don’t understand it. Most of these command line options are too technical for me to wrap my head around. When converting to MP3 in foobar2000, I never had to worry about encoder settings; I just slid the quality bar to the level I wanted (usually –V 2 or –Q 0.50 if using Nero) and accepted whatever other parameters foobar2000 gave to it. With QAAC, it’s different.

I would like to know if there are any “recommended” set of parameters to include when configuring foobar2000 to use QAAC. This is what I currently have, which I copied from here. Would you recommend any changes be made?

Encoder file: qaac.exe
Extension: m4a
Parameters: --tvbr 82 --no-optimize --ignorelength - -o %d

Format is: lossy
Highest BPS mode supported: 32


QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #589
Folks, I could also need some help with setting up foobar to use qaac.

First I used this commandline:

Code: [Select]
%s -V 72 --ignorelength - -o %d

Then I tried the commandline EagleScout1998 posted here:

Code: [Select]
%s --tvbr 72 --no-optimize --ignorelength - -o %d

Unfortunatly none of those works for me, I always get the same error:

What am I doing wrong?

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #590
Remove %s from your commandline

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #591
Remove %s from your commandline

When I remove %s it doesn't work at all and gives me an error before conversion even starts:

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #592
Frankie, do you have iTunes installed or did you create the portable package? Both are ok, just want to make sure you have all the libraries.

Follow the commands here:

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #593
Frankie, do you have iTunes installed or did you create the portable package? Both are ok, just want to make sure you have all the libraries.

Follow the commands here:

No, I don't have iTunes installed (and I don't want to install it). I just downloaded qaac from this link:

Then I unzipped it and put all the files in my foobar directory.

When I follow the instructions on the site you linked and use the commandlines that are posted there I get the exact same error that I already posted (the 2nd one).

So without "%s" conversion doesn't even start and I get an error immediatly. With "%s" conversion is running but I get an error after the conversion. 

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #594
Frankie, qaac requires Apple libraries from iTunes or QuickTime. You don't need to install iTunes or Quicktime but you have to download one of the two together with to create a portable version of all the necessary libraries to copy where qaac.exe is.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #595
Frankie, qaac requires Apple libraries from iTunes or QuickTime. You don't need to install iTunes or Quicktime but you have to download one of the two together with to create a portable version of all the necessary libraries to copy where qaac.exe is.

Hm, at it says "You only have to download" But OK, I dl'd the, can you pls explain what exactly I have to do with this file now?

*edit* OK, maybe I should have read everything on the page I linked. I now downloaded the QT installer, used the file from on it and copied all resulting files to my f2k folder. And now it works! 

Thx for your help folks!

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #596
Hm, at it says "You only have to download" But OK, I dl'd the, can you pls explain what exactly I have to do with this file now?

If you read more carefully, you would see at least this sentence: "However, Apple Application Support is required."
"You only have to download" means you only need to download the file at cabinet page, not all of them, if qaac is what you want. Because of legal reason, qaac developer cannot include Apple Application Support files in the package.

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #597
You still have XP guys? Sorry but it's time to upgrade.

Sometimes this is not an option. Depending on other circumstances, such like drivers or other software, you're stuck with WinXP for the time being.
To put this into perspective: The military uses software that requires DOS 3.0 or even CP/M in some places. Using this for audio coding is a very big stretch, of course, but eh, you get the idea, I suppose...

However, since qaac is a modern, experimental program, yeah, I see no reason why supporting an outdated OS makes sense...

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #598
Fortunately, QAAC is more or less a stand-alone encoder.

In contrast, x265 is also a library linkable in e.g. ffmpeg; when the developers decided to use a Windows 6.x native feature for thread-safe classes, which was not supported by the XP kernel (no, not simply a linker flag), many "users" (should rather mean "testers", to be honest) switched to a kind of "muslim rage" mode. Already before they realized that linking a Vista+ libx265 also made ffmpeg crash when trying to encode HEVC with it... So the developers had to adapt a solution which already worked in x264. 32 bit builds will soon be XP compatible again. Which doesn't mean they will get far with it. HEVC is so complex that the 2 GB for a 32-bit process will barely be sufficient for 1080 HD video, not to mention 4K UHD video even. And the encoding speed on a PC so old that only XP would run on it is another matter.

Enough off-topic...

QAAC: discussion, questions, feature requests, etc.

Reply #599
Sorry for not reading all the thread.

but 2 pass true vbr option would be wonderful sometimes the TVBR just makes to big steps

V 73 = 108kbits
V 82 = 118kbits
V 91 = 141kbits ...

Im targeting 128kbits

im not sure how much of a quality "loss" there is going from tvbr to abr mode
Sven Bent - Denmark