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Topic: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount (Read 224120 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #375
No you didn't. There are three (3) different rating possibilities on hotkey menu. Global, which applies to selection, playlist and now playing. Now playing being the last.

Why don't you apply the global shortcut to [context/ Now playing]->Playback statistics->Rating?
As I wrote, this is exactly what I did.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #376
No you didn't. There are three (3) different rating possibilities on hotkey menu. Global, which applies to selection, playlist and now playing. Now playing being the last.

  First, thank you DotNoir . You were correct, I should have assigned my hotkey to the context-now-playing and not to the "global/general" context.

Still, I think my earlier post is relevant.

The 2 main problems in my opinion are :
1. In the hotkey-menu window there are 3 types of context (global,playlist,now-playing). The most needed context type is missing. I'll call it context-selected-tracks. Because it is missing users will use the "global-context" option which can lead to the "dangers" I described in that earlier post.

2. There's only one type of context (a global context) in foobar's "customize buttons" window. So for example a 5-star-rating button for the now-playing track can't be created. ( Only a general-context button which is not "safe").

Probably there can be many solutions/improvements to these problems/dangers. Here are my thoughts:

In my opinion the general/global "context" should not "include" context-playlist. It should include only context-selected-tracks and context-now-playing if there aren't any  selected track/tracks.
Obviously, I'm not suggesting to eliminate the context-playlist. All I'm saying is that it should be "separated".

I still think a confirmation popup is needed (like the one which pops when deleting file/files).Another option is to show a confirmation popup only before the action is implemented on a full playlist (in case no tracks are highlighted/selected)The best solution is to display a window with all the tracks which are going to be affected like the window which pop up when you rename or move files.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #377
Many thanks. After end support Last.FM synchronizing by Marc2003 script im have mass problem with my statistics. Synchronizing number of plays LAST.FM gone and im try using this component. Im store song rating in metadata, not properties. Function this component "Write statistic  to file tag" wiped out all my ratings. Over 5.000 songs. Problem location highlighted red elipse. Thats all. Oh, not all, sorry my bad english.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #379
Point of installation.
Information that it stores is listed in the docs.

Do you need help adding a Titleformatting field to your playlist view ?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #380
I searched through this but didn't find anything on it, is there anyway to change the time this component actually adds to the play count? I'd prefer it to be at 50% instead of about 1 minute into the song because it's not exactly accurate that way.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #381
The good news is: you are not alone.
The bad news is: no, there isn't a way "to change the time this component actually adds to the play count".

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #382
I saw it suggested way back in 2010 in this thread and I didn't quite make it to page 13, but I kinda figured in 5 years it'd have been added. Oh well I guess. I'll just have to live with some songs having more plays than they actually have.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #383
There's a way around this, which most people wouldn't bother doing, but I use the method below for monitoring the "real-world performance" of the DAR Rating algorithm, which assumes a sane play count system.

So, for anyone interested:
I have a portable installation which uses foo_preview and only plays the first 65 secs of each track.
In my main foobar2000 I use foo_history and that only adds tracks (to a playlist called "history") after they've been played for 60% or more. Every day or so, I drag the tracks from the history playlist to my portable installation (and clear the history playlist) and then they get played (the portable installation uses "null" for sound driver - thus plays in silence) and the portable foobar2000 closes automatically once all are played, and runs a batch file which closes my main foobar2000 (if it's open) and copies across the portable version of its \foobar2000\index-data\ to the main installation, thus overwriting the playcount data. This way any files which were counted as played after just 60 secs but were less than 60% completed do not see any change in their stats, as they were not played by the portable installation, since they never made it into the history playlist.

As I said, I do this because I need to make sure DAR is giving sane results for a sane playcount system, since DAR can be tweaked to account for the weakness in foo_playcount, but IMO it shouldn't inherit the weakness of a component to in some ways cover up that very weakness.

So if it's extremely important for you to have sane playcount data, start a new thread and I'll happily flesh how to do what I've noted above. But, I doubt most people are that bothered to go to such lengths.

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #384
Is there a way to export the playback statistic as text or excel file? Or at least to view normal written data in the Xml saved file?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #385
So back in 2009 Foobar decided to reset all my data. At that point, I basically said "guess I'll just depend on". Well, for those who don't use, the site has been going to hell recently and while they're working on a new version of the site, statistics are bugging out like crazy in a variety of ways and I'm honestly willing to go through my thousands of songs and modify things manually in a horridly time-consuming process. They've been ignoring pretty much ALL user feedback about the beta and have been giving basically zero support for people have issues on the current version. I would love to NOT depend on the site anymore, despite how many years of awesome service it gave. It's current owners just don't seem to care and I feel like it's on it's way down. So I want to prepare for the worst and slowly modify all my local data to the proper pre-2009 play counts and such.

I've figured out how to edit my play_count. However, (and I know this is meaningless to a lot of people but I have issues...), I would love to edit my "first time played". has the dates recorded, but I can't figure out how to modify the field. If anyone knows a way, I would be eternally grateful.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #386
if you're prepared to use your files as a temporary working area by modifying the tags, you can get all your first/last played data into playback statistics without any manual editing.

edit for clarity: this doesn't do anything with playcounts. it only adds first/last played dates.

your files have to be taggable (not cuesheets). also, a required component (foo_customdb) can be unstable with collections over 20,000 tracks. there is a risk of it crashing foobar so it has to be mentioned.

you'll need your exported data from this page: (it can take some hours if you don't already have it)
install WSH panel mod and foo_customdb

make sure file>preferences>tools>wsh panel mod>safe mode is disabled.
download the zip from this thread and follow the readme carefully

now add all your music to a playlist>highlight>right click>playback statistics>write statistics to file tags (this is so original playcounts/ratings are preserved when we import back in a bit)

now open Library>Search and add this

Code: [Select]
%first_played_db% PRESENT

highlight all results>properties. now right click first_played and click format from other fields and use %first_played_db% as the pattern. confirm the changes you've made.

now update the library search window with

Code: [Select]
%last_played_db% PRESENT

repeat the steps in the properties dialog using last_played and %last_played_db%.

with that all done, you can now go back the playlist containing all your music>highlight>right click>playback statistics>import statistics from file tags.

you can now remove the tags that were added to your files and remove those extra components if you don't need them.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #387
Is there a way of merging or migrating LastFM's playcount with the playcount of this component?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #388
if you already have your exported data from using the link i mentioned above, i suppose the script i have could be modified to work with play counts as well.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #389
I knew If anyone knew a way, it would be you marc. I'll give it a shot in 1-7 days..depending if decides to fix is a major bug that occurred over the weekend that removed thousands of plays and artists from people's libraries.

I only have like 5000-6000 songs on my playlist because I have a rule where I only keep music I actually plan to listen to.

Also weird that I only got an email for that last post...

edit2: Oh...looks like updated to the "beta" site today..  Guess I'll wait a bit longer for things to be ironed out before syncing to it. Lot of duplicates I gotta delete but they disabled deleting scrobbles for now. UGh....

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #390
marc do you know if it's possible to import first played now that the export feature is gone


Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #391
in theory it could be possible to parse your entire listening history but that could involve hundreds or even thousands of webservice lookups and i won't be writing a script to do it.

edit: if a mod reads this, perhaps post #386 and onwards could be split for being off topic...

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #392
ohh i hope they bring it back then. thanks!

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #393
When I export the data from the Play statistics, it shows the file ID as 29bcd2ffadae4904, where does he get this id? or how does he generate it? I'm trying to manually update the play count on some songs, but this is puzzling me.

EDIT: ok was able to export the data from that song, but I could not import it on that single file from the context menu, only with the full import from the Library menu.

Importing using the context menu doesn't seem to work with me.

Can someone else confirm?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #394
When I export the data from the Play statistics, it shows the file ID as 29bcd2ffadae4904, where does he get this id? or how does he generate it? I'm trying to manually update the play count on some songs, but this is puzzling me.

EDIT: ok was able to export the data from that song, but I could not import it on that single file from the context menu, only with the full import from the Library menu.

Importing using the context menu doesn't seem to work with me.

Can someone else confirm?

I can confirm that, it works rather randomly, it does work if you reset the statistics for a single track.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #395
I can confirm that, it works rather randomly, it does work if you reset the statistics for a single track.

Took a closer look, and the import from the context menu only does it from the file tag, and not from the XML file...... misread that lol

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #396
I can confirm that, it works rather randomly, it does work if you reset the statistics for a single track.

Took a closer look, and the import from the context menu only does it from the file tag, and not from the XML file...... misread that lol

I assumed wrongly then, I have export-import statistics to-from file function under two keyboard shortcuts and although it works reliably when I checked it now I'm 100% positive it wasn't always the case.

Exporting to file, modifying it and importing (one or several tracks) sometimes resulted in no change in playback statistic number, maybe it was 1 PC problem.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #397
Exporting to file, modifying it and importing (one or several tracks) sometimes resulted in no change in playback statistic number, maybe it was 1 PC problem.

yeah, it's basically what I have been doing, but 1 by 1, and so far I've managed to import modify the statistics without any issues.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #398
  - The characters should be stars, but you don't see them properly because of the used font. Install East Asian language support and it will automatically choose a font with has them. (Needed only on Windows XP.)

  - <your-foobar2000-profile>\index-data\6370B286-BE93-4A7C-AA3B-281FEC61B182

I have a problem related to the need to format my PC. I have a really big library and I like the possibility to avoid playing music recently played. I use foo_play count with my foobar and this is an excellent solution. But what to do in order to avoid to start again fromzero once the foobar is istalled again after having formatted the pc? I was looking for the above file but I could not find it anywhere. Someone could help me. I have the last version of foobar and foo_palycount. Thank you very much in advance. gsax

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #399
Note that regardless of a track's length, the play count will advance after 60 seconds of "accumulated" playback, e.g. if you listen to the middle 10 seconds of a 30-second track repeatedly without stopping playback, play count will advance after the sixth play and not the third.
@Peter (the dev), Can you please consider adding an option to change this  "accumulated playback time" needed for the plugin to update the track's %last_played% %play_count% (and %first_played% if it is the first time) ?
As of playback statistics latest version (3.0.2) it is "60 seconds" and can't be changed.
Thanks in advance.