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Topic: foo_shizzle (Read 27671 times) previous topic - next topic
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I'm starting a thread so people can post ideas and suggestions for my database search plugin.

Plugin announcement here

I do have a question, for anyone who's using the plugin.  How many options are you seeing in the drop-down list?  There should be 11, but I've gotten a PM (and a screenshot) from someone's who's only seeing "all" in the drop-down list.

Also, are you seeing the same number of options in the drop-down list in the config as the one on the search window?

edit: (UNICODE version)

No more ANSI version for now.  It doesn't run on Windows 98, so there's no point.  I'll try to get that fixed soon.


Reply #1
i see 10 + the all option = 11.
any plans on individual search strings for each word.
what about esc closing the window?

i like it, thank you.

is this plugin the same as the one by foosion, or is it your own?


Reply #2
It's my own, from scratch. (Actually, I used foo_delete as a starting point) 

I'll add the escape button in the next release.  I forgot about it.
I might add the individual search strings later.  That'd require a new interface, though.  It might be too cluttered for everyday use.  I'll look into it.  I might also add a "specific search" option to the dialog box, which would expect input in the format "%meta-name% value %other-meta-name% other-value . . . ".  It wouldn't require so much clutter, but it wouldn't be as conventient, either.

I'm glad you like it.  I'm glad you're not experiencing the drop-list bug, too. 

Would you prefer that when one of the "send to playlist" options is chosen, it plays automatically (like the album search), or should it work as it does now (clear the list, add the entries, don't touch the playback)?


Reply #3
Ok, here's the screenshot of my version of foo_shizzle (great plugin, great name B) ):

I've tried both, ansi and the unicode versions and both have the same issue.
As I told George in PM, I can scroll the menu, so it isn't _so_ bad thing, and I use the "all" almost 99% of the time.

George, I think it'd be better if it started playing when you pressed the "send to playlist".


Reply #4
I misunderstood the problem at first.  I thought you were only seeing the "all" option.  I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.  It's really bizarre though, because I'm using the same code to construct the box in the config menu as I am the box in the search dialog.  Hmm.

I will have it play when data is sent to the playlist if that's what you want.    It actually bugged me in the Album List, but that's because I only used the album list+playlist search to simulate database search.

I'll have version 0.5 up within a few days.


Reply #5
It's really bizarre though, because I'm using the same code to construct the box in the config menu as I am the box in the search dialog.

Well as I said (or with my english, tried to tell) that the config menu has the same problem 

I will have it play when data is sent to the playlist if that's what you want.    It actually bugged me in the Album List, but that's because I only used the album list+playlist search to simulate database search.

That bugged me also at first, but now I'm used to it and think it's great that it works like that
Maybe you could add an option for that also? If that was possible, I believe it'd make all us, who use the plugin, satisfied.


Reply #6
Well as I said (or with my english, tried to tell) that the config menu has the same problem

With my crappy brain, I misunderstood.    I'm still trying to figure out what's going on.  Have you ever experienced that problem with anything else?  Also, what version of Windows are you running?  (2000 or XP?) And which language?

That bugged me also at first, but now I'm used to it and think it's great that it works like that
Maybe you could add an option for that also? If that was possible, I believe it'd make all us, who use the plugin, satisfied.

I already have.    The option will be in 0.5.  (Pawlowsky did a really good job with the configs.  It's nice and simple.)


Reply #7
I'm on an English Win2k+SP3. I can't remember if this issue has occured before, I think not.

Great that you bother to try to hunt the bug  I'd do it myself if I knew coding :/

Actually I got the plugin to work well now!  I remembered I had Resource Hacker and just made the menu a bit longer  Here's a screenshot to make it clearer


Reply #8
Well, I'm glad that you got it to work.    I've got no idea why it wasn't working to start with, though.  I'm not setting the size at all.  I'm just adding the strings.  Windows is supposed to handle resizing it.


Reply #9
You and foosion are doing some great job here. Now here are my remarks :

-I do have only 1 option in the drop-down list. I can use the two little arrows on the right to get to the other options but that's all, and yes, I only have 1 in the preferences too. I'm using win2k SP3.

i just realised the (annoying) search logic. first it would only search one field so i changed "%artist%|%album%|%title%" to "%artist% - %album% - %title%" (i prefer the dashes than just a space)

ok that makes sense. but say artist is "123" and title is "blah (remix)". search for "123 remix" you wont get any results

It seems to treat the search as one string, playlist search doesn't behave like this, it will separate the strings at spaces.

Maybe this could be a option?

This is what musicmusic told about foosion's plug-in, and it also applies to yours. I guess searching like the playlist does is slower, but this could be an option.


Reply #10
George, yeah really a weird thing. But now it works and it's fine for me

BlueScreenJunky, so you have the same problem as I had? If you want, I can give you my edited version so you have all the options there. The thing musicmusic told about is "tokenizing" and it should be in some later version


Reply #11
Search string tokenization will arrive soon.  Hopefully it'll be included in 0.5.

I'm going to have to look into the drop-down list problem some more.  It's probably something that the compiler (VC++.NET) is doing.  It's not a bug in my code, I'm pretty sure.  (I've had my share of bugs already.  )


Reply #12
okay guys, thanx, I'm looking forward to your next releases George.

PS : "tokenization"... you live and learn 



Reply #13
Well, the latest "internal" version has tokenization.  Tokenization will definitely be in 0.5.

I fought with it for an hour and a half, finally got it to work, and then realized that the standard C library has the functionality to do that already.  :\  So I wiped out my tokenization code.

One thing needs to be added to the tokenization, though.  Right now I've got it matching "any words".  I should really have it searching "all words".  (Or maybe a toggle)  String tokenization can really bring it to its knees, though.  Pasting in "a b c d e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t u v w x y z" will cause it to take about three or four seconds for the search.  Typining it in is even worse, because it searches "a", "a ", "a b", "a b ", "a b c", etc.  I might add a toggle for that, too.  i.e. "search only on enter"

I'm going to have to add another config screen if it gets much bigger. 


Reply #14
Any way you could give us the internal version?  Sounds like it's going to be great!


Reply #15
Nice! My only issues where the tokenization and the Search in.. thing only allows you to search one field (even in all)., but if I understood you correctly you'll be adding a search string like title formatting? That would be great then.


Reply #16
damn you're working fast ! I thought tokenization would keep you busy for some time 

when you're done with tokenization, how about binding a function to double click (enqueue, enqueue+play, or play), and maybe a right click menu with these 3 functions, go to directory, edit tags etc.


Reply #17
Sure, if you really need your fix.

Be forewarned, it's not complete.  I don't think it has any actual bugs (except that you'll probably still have the drop-list bug), but it's not fully finished.  There are options in the config that don't do anything (yet), and the tokenization is searching for "any words" rather than "all words".

I'm only putting up the UNICODE version, though.

damn you're working fast ! I thought tokenization would keep you busy for some time 

It did.    It was about an hour and a half of coding to get it to work.  (And then about 3 minutes to delete all my work once I realized that the standard C library comes with that functionality.)

when you're done with tokenization, how about binding a function to double click (enqueue, enqueue+play, or play), and maybe a right click menu with these 3 functions, go to directory, edit tags etc.

I've got the double-click to enqueue added to the internal version, along with escape to exit and play on "send to playlist".  I like the idea of the context menu.  I'm not sure if it'll be appearing anytime soon, though.  There's still a number of other things I want to add.


Reply #18
edit : forget that...
Right now I've got it matching "any words". I should really have it searching "all words".

I can't read


Reply #19
Freaky.  I just wrote a big chunk of code to add some new logic to my code.  Those different search options in the 0.5alpha1 config (standard, thrifty, and formatted) all work now.  I can't believe it.  The only error I had was a syntax error.  I've never written more a big chunk of code and had it work perfectly.  I'm waiting for the huge bug to jump out of nowhere, but it seems to be working. 

I still need to add "search for all" in addition to "search for any".

edit: Found two bugs. (Fixed one.  The other will be fixed shortly.) I feel better now. 


Reply #20
I updated foo_dbsearch to fix some issues (tokenization, code cleanup and restructuring, ...).

I don't think I'm going to do further work on it, unless this is requested. I don't see the need for two competing database search plugins (waste of time of the developers), and Curi0us_George seems to do a good work with foo_shizzle. 

@Curi0us_George: You can use my tokenization function, if you like. I'm also going to have a look at foo_shizzle (running under Win98).


Reply #21
Well, yours is an excellent plugin.    I have it installed.  They aren't really "competing" plugins, because they work differently.  Yours searches a specific string (e.g. %artist|%title%), while mine searches all meta-data entries.  It's a different type of search.  The most recent "internal" 0.5 has a "preformatted search" mode which works similar to yours, but it's slower (for some reason).  Basically, though, mine's a heavier search.  It needs more memory.  Having a lighter search is definitely nice, though.  I've got no plans to uninstall your search plugin.  It duplicates the playlist search extremely well, which is the main thing that I wanted in a database search plugin.  (So I can stop using the albumlist to send add everything to the playlist and then search.)

I do have plans to change some of the text in mine, so it doesn't clash with your so much.  "Database Search..." and "Database search..." don't really belong next to each other in a menu.    I'll have to come up with something else.  I might just change mine to "Search Database...".

I appreciate the offer to let me use your tokenizing code.  Right now I'm just using the standard C strtok/wcstok function.  If I get around to adding that nifty tokenization escape character, though, I just might use your code. 

I hope you don't completely abandon yours.  I like it.  (I really like the separation of the search, display, and sort strings.)

P.S.  That second bug I found is fixed now. 


Reply #22
Well, yours is an excellent plugin. 

It duplicates the playlist search extremely well, which is the main thing that I wanted in a database search plugin. 

Me too, that's why I won't improve on it much more (got different plugins to write, you know  ).

I do have plans to change some of the text in mine, so it doesn't clash with your so much.  "Database Search..." and "Database search..." don't really belong next to each other in a menu.    I'll have to come up with something else.  I might just change mine to "Search Database...".

Yeah, this would be nice. What about "Investigate database..." because it has more search options B) (as far as I know from the screenshots and discussion here).
I hope you don't completely abandon yours.  I like it.  (I really like the separation of the search, display, and sort strings.)

Cool, now I don't have to ask, if anyone uses this (the seperation)  .

EDIT: I was not going to abandon it, I just won't add much more features.
If anyone has suggestions for better labels in the configuration dialog, just post away. It's not that I don't know English, but my thoughts seem to be quite complicated at times.


Reply #23
Damn these both plugins are so great
George: the drop-down list is still fucked up, but it's not a big deal. The tokenization should (IMHO) search for "all words", maybe we should have one more selection in the configuration "search all words", if unchecked it searches any words?

Maybe you two, foosion and george should merge your plugins if possible?  I have found that foosion's one searches faster and has a couple of better parts (it searches for all words and the configurable sorting string), but then George's one has also many great features, it's impossible to decide which one to use


Reply #24
Tokenization will be "search all" in the 0.5 (or else there'll be an option).

Mine should actually be faster than fooshion's when tokenization is turned off.  (Though fooshions actually seems to be faster with tokenization than it was without.)  I guess it depends on how you're searching, though.  The "standard search" in 0.5 is quite fast, though.  (0.5 alpha 1 is using thrifty search)

I need to find out if there's a method call I can use to resize that drop-down list.  There's no option that I can find in the dialog editor to set that.  (And I don't know of a method call to do it, either.)