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Topic: .fcl and .fth (Read 4614 times) previous topic - next topic
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.fcl and .fth

Sorry for a dumb question, a mod will be able to remove it when I will get my answer.

Is .fcl to ColumnsUI the same that .fth is to the Default UI?

And are there settings of .fcl file stored also in .cfg? In other words: do I have to export .fcl if I want to move my entire foobar UI configuration (with scripts and configurations of plugins) to another computer or maybe one of those operations: aplying exported .fcl on the other computer/copying there .cfg is enough?

Once again, sorry for being a noob

.fcl and .fth

Reply #1
It really depends more on how the individual components do it.
For Default UI elements, there has been a pressure from the start to store all configuration in the theme, so that they are easily interchangeable.
Columns UI panels have been around for a longer time and with more people creating them, but it allows storing configuration to the compact theme files too.
But there are some panels which do not follow this method - you can usually discover them by the fact that they have configuration in the shared main preferences dialog, not in some custom per-instance one, or that they need some external files (images, scripts, ...) and they do not "cache" them after loading.

Additionally, IIRC Columns UI can export two types of configurations, one for sharing (contains everything) and one for personal use (contains only paths to local images, icons, etc., not the files themselves). I don't really know how reliable is this distinction for 3rd party components, though.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

.fcl and .fth

Reply #2
Thanks, it turns out that I will have to discover how it works for my configuration by trial and error