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Topic: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls (Read 463985 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #575
Great plugin and I love the customizability! Here's my version of the controls. It's a minimalist set-up that gets rid of all the media control buttons except play/pause (it's now the album art). It's also intended to work with the default Windows 10 taskbar height (~46 pixels). Enjoy :)

Code: [Select]
    "GeneralSettings": {
      "DisplayMode": "Deskband",
      "DrawBorders": false
    "FloatingWindowSettings": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 0,
      "Mode": "Horizontal",
      "Opacity": 1.0,
      "Color": "#FF6495ED",
      "StretchBackgroundImage": false,
      "UseTransparencyKey": false
    "ModuleId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "PathToFoobar2000": "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\\foobar2000",
    "HideIfNotPlaying": false,
    "HideIfFoobar2000IsNotRunning": true,
    "InternetSearchFormat": "$if(%artist%,%artist%' - ')%title%",
    "InternetSearchUrl": "",
    "AlbumArt": {
      "Visible": true,
      "X": 410,
      "Y": 0,
      "Width": 46,
      "Height": 46,
      "DoNotShowStubImage": false,
      "PreserveAspectRatio": false
    "Buttons": {
      "BtnStop": {
        "Visible": false,
        "X": 456,
        "Y": 0,
        "Width": 0,
        "Height": 0,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnPlayPause": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 410,
        "Y": 0,
        "Width": 46,
        "Height": 46,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnPrev": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 456,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnNext": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 456,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnRandom": {
        "Visible": false,
        "X": 456,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnStopAC": {
        "Visible": false,
        "X": 456,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
    "PositionBar": {
      "Visible": true,
      "X": 250,
      "Y": 22,
      "Width": 150,
      "Heigth": 3,
      "Color": "#FFFFFFFF",
      "BackgroundColor": "#00FFFFFF",
      "HideBorders": false,
      "PaddingTop": 0,
      "PaddingBottom": 0
    "VolumeBar": {
      "Visible": false,
      "X": 190,
      "Y": 20,
      "Width": 60,
      "Heigth": 6,
      "Color": "#FFFFFFFF",
      "BackgroundColor": "#00FFFFFF",
      "HideBorders": false,
      "PaddingTop": 0,
      "PaddingBottom": 0
    "Texts": [
        "Name": "Artist Name",
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 5,
        "Y": 2,
        "Width": 350,
        "Height": 20,
        "FontName": "Tahoma",
        "FontSize": 11,
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        "FontColor": "White",
        "ShadowColor": "Transparent",
        "ShadowOffset": 2,
        "BackgroundColor": "Transparent",
        "Format": "%artist%",
        "PausedFormat": "",
        "StoppedText": "",
        "HorizontalAlign": 2,
        "DetectHttpLinks": false,
        "EnableScroll": false,
        "ScrollSpeed": 100,
        "ScrollStep": 2,
        "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
        "Name": "Track Time",
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 340,
        "Y": 6,
        "Width": 60,
        "Height": 14,
        "FontName": "Lucida Sans Typewriter",
        "FontSize": 10,
        "FontStyleItalic": false,
        "FontStyleBold": false,
        "FontColor": "White",
        "ShadowColor": "Transparent",
        "ShadowOffset": 2,
        "BackgroundColor": "Transparent",
        "Format": "%playback_time%",
        "PausedFormat": "",
        "StoppedText": "",
        "HorizontalAlign": 2,
        "DetectHttpLinks": false,
        "EnableScroll": false,
        "ScrollSpeed": 100,
        "ScrollStep": 2,
        "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
        "Name": "Song Title",
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 0,
        "Y": 27,
        "Width": 400,
        "Height": 19,
        "FontName": "Tahoma",
        "FontSize": 10,
        "FontStyleItalic": false,
        "FontStyleBold": false,
        "FontColor": "White",
        "ShadowColor": "Transparent",
        "ShadowOffset": 2,
        "BackgroundColor": "Transparent",
        "Format": "%tracknumber%. %title%",
        "PausedFormat": "",
        "StoppedText": "",
        "HorizontalAlign": 2,
        "DetectHttpLinks": false,
        "EnableScroll": true,
        "ScrollSpeed": 100,
        "ScrollStep": 2,
        "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
    "Tooltip": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Width": 400,
      "Height": 400,
      "BackgroundColor": "#FF000000",
      "UseBorderlessWindow": false,
      "ShowDelay": 1000,
      "KeepOpenOnMouseOver": false,
      "AlbumArt": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 0,
        "Y": 0,
        "Width": 400,
        "Height": 400,
        "DoNotShowStubImage": false,
        "PreserveAspectRatio": true
      "Texts": [
          "Name": "Artist",
          "Visible": true,
          "X": 0,
          "Y": 350,
          "Width": 400,
          "Height": 25,
          "FontName": "Segoe UI",
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          "FontStyleBold": true,
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          "ShadowOffset": 2,
          "BackgroundColor": "144, 0, 0, 0",
          "Format": "%artist%",
          "PausedFormat": "",
          "StoppedText": "",
          "HorizontalAlign": 1,
          "DetectHttpLinks": false,
          "EnableScroll": true,
          "ScrollSpeed": 30,
          "ScrollStep": 1,
          "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
          "Name": "Title",
          "Visible": true,
          "X": 0,
          "Y": 375,
          "Width": 400,
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          "BackgroundColor": "144, 0, 0, 0",
          "Format": "%title%",
          "PausedFormat": "",
          "StoppedText": "",
          "HorizontalAlign": 1,
          "DetectHttpLinks": false,
          "EnableScroll": true,
          "ScrollSpeed": 30,
          "ScrollStep": 1,
          "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
    "Menu": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Stop": true,
      "PlayPause": true,
      "Previous": true,
      "Next": true,
      "Random": true,
      "StopAfterCurrent": true,
      "Playlist": true,
      "CopyArtistAndTitle": true,
      "CopyTitle": true,
      "CopyArtist": true,
      "OpenContainingFolder": true,
      "SearchInInternet": true
    "Playlist": {
      "NumberOfItemsBeforeCurrent": 3,
      "NumberOfItemsAfterCurrent": 5,
      "Format": "%artist% - %title%"
    "ModuleId": "fb3f7ab3-a9f4-4c39-8c13-d9cd1110b579",
    "Order": 0,
    "Disabled": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "Width": 456,
    "Height": 46,
    "StretchBackgroundImage": false

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #576
I came across this yesterday and i'm really loving it. I changed it a bit in the settings, The only thing I couldn't change was the mouse wheel control. Is there a way to make the mouse wheel scroll the Position bar instead of the Volume bar? I checked almost all the thread and couldn't find anyone asking this or how to do this. And if it's not posssible can you consider adding it in the future?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #577
Hi vinkear!

It isn't possible now, but one should never lose hope :)

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #578
Hi eldarien,

Thank you for your great effort in developing this plugin! I really like it and it makes a great complement to the foobar2000 player.

Unfortunately, although it used to work perfectly for me, I don't really remember since when, the controls don't work anymore.

The deskband seems to be able to retrieve current status from the main foobar2000 player, yet unable to control the player to change songs, change volume, seek a specific time in a song etc.
Functions like hide until foobar2000 is playing, retrieving volume level or playing position (position bar), album art works, but things like song name/album name retrieving, changing volume level or playing position, does not work at all.
The song text just get stuck in ""*Stoppped**", yet strangely the seek bar and the volume bar responses to the foobar2000 program's current state if I change them in the main program.

No error message seems to be appearing in the deskband console.
I tested it after a complete clean install of the plugin with the default settings profile and it still behaves in the same strange way.

Pressing buttons on the DeskBand does not crash anything, they just do nothing. The animation of the button press is still there though. The same goes to the seek bar and the volume control, dragging the seek bar does moves the position of the bar, yet the main player does not respond to it, and the seek bar then revert back to the position decided by the main player.

It just feels like the DeskBand is accessing a 'read-only' mode or something like that, any idea on what the problem will be? It used to work perfectly and I don't remember that I changed any settings that are significant, neither on the foobar2000 main player side nor the deskband side.

Here is my current plugin list:
Code: [Select]
Core (2015-03-26 07:45:52 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.3.8
foo_abx.dll (2017-07-26 16:05:44 UTC)
    ABX Comparator 2.0.2
foo_albumlist.dll (2015-01-14 10:22:14 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2012-08-20 07:49:44 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 2.3.1
foo_cdda.dll (2015-01-14 10:20:12 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2015-01-14 10:20:42 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_deskband_controls.dll (2017-06-13 06:31:53 UTC)
    Deskband Controls 3.3.3
foo_dsd_processor.dll (2017-05-11 15:20:43 UTC)
    DSD Processor 1.0.1
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2015-01-14 10:22:30 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_meiercf.dll (2017-10-08 14:25:46 UTC)
    Meier Crossfeed 1.1
foo_dsp_resampler.dll (2017-05-12 18:07:49 UTC)
    SoX Resampler 0.8.3
foo_dsp_std.dll (2015-01-14 10:21:54 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.3.1
foo_facets.dll (2011-08-18 12:06:16 UTC)
    Facets 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2015-01-14 10:21:20 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2015-01-14 10:21:36 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_httpcontrol.dll (2013-04-26 16:12:30 UTC)
    HTTP Control 0.97.14-fb2kc
foo_input_monkey.dll (2016-03-07 16:21:30 UTC)
    Monkey\'s Audio Decoder 2.1.7
foo_input_sacd.dll (2017-05-11 15:13:09 UTC)
    Super Audio CD Decoder 1.0.7
foo_input_std.dll (2015-01-14 10:28:10 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_input_tta.dll (2017-09-27 11:50:53 UTC)
    TTA Audio Decoder 3.4
foo_jesus.dll (2015-07-07 05:18:50 UTC)
    Autosave & Autobackup 10
foo_jscript_panel.dll (2017-07-26 14:11:36 UTC)
    JScript Panel 1.2.3
foo_musical_spectrum.dll (2012-11-21 00:00:00 UTC)
    Musical Spectrum 0.9.1
foo_new_file_stamper_mod.dll (2008-12-21 00:05:19 UTC)
    New file stamper 1.0.0 [Dec 21 2008 - 01:05:11]
foo_np_simple.dll (2009-01-10 17:11:51 UTC)
    Now Playing Simple 1.8
foo_out_asio.dll (2017-05-11 15:18:02 UTC)
    ASIO support 2.1.2
foo_out_asio2.dll (2017-05-11 13:58:02 UTC)
    foo_out_asio2 1.1 Beta2
foo_out_ks.dll (2017-05-11 15:03:45 UTC)
    Kernel Streaming Output 1.2.2
foo_playcount.dll (2011-07-13 03:47:18 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_playlist_attributes.dll (2015-11-29 11:16:19 UTC)
    Playlist Attributes 0.5.2
foo_pqview.dll (2008-03-11 11:02:54 UTC)
    Playback Queue Viewer 0.2
foo_queuecontents.dll (2015-01-11 04:56:58 UTC)
    Queue Contents Editor 0.5.1
foo_quicksearch.dll (2017-07-26 19:28:37 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.6
foo_rgscan.dll (2015-01-14 10:26:12 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.2.1
foo_ui_columns.dll (2017-07-26 16:03:38 UTC)
    Columns UI 0.5.1
foo_ui_hacks.dll (2013-02-19 07:31:38 UTC)
    UI Hacks 2013-02-19
foo_ui_minilyrics.dll (2015-08-11 15:04:10 UTC)
    MiniLyrics 1.0
foo_ui_std.dll (2015-01-14 10:28:10 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2017-07-26 17:47:12 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3 0.5
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-12-09 17:16:12 UTC)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_typefind.dll (2017-07-26 19:17:47 UTC)
    Typefind 0.3.1
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2012-10-15 19:45:19 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_unpack.dll (2015-03-26 07:42:42 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.7.1
foo_w7shell.dll (2014-06-07 23:03:08 UTC)
    Windows 7 integration

and DeskbandControls.json

Code: [Select]
    "GeneralSettings": {
      "DisplayMode": "Deskband",
      "DrawBorders": false
    "FloatingWindowSettings": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 0,
      "Mode": "Horizontal",
      "Opacity": 1.0,
      "Color": "#FF6495ED",
      "StretchBackgroundImage": false,
      "UseTransparencyKey": false
    "ModuleId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "PathToFoobar2000": "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\\foobar2000",
    "HideIfNotPlaying": true,
    "HideIfFoobar2000IsNotRunning": true,
    "InternetSearchFormat": "$if(%artist%,%artist%' - ')%title%",
    "InternetSearchUrl": "",
    "AlbumArt": {
      "Visible": true,
      "X": 1,
      "Y": 2,
      "Width": 27,
      "Height": 27,
      "DoNotShowStubImage": false,
      "PreserveAspectRatio": false
    "Buttons": {
      "BtnStop": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 30,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnPlayPause": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 44,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnPrev": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 59,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnNext": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 74,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnRandom": {
        "Visible": false,
        "X": 1,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
      "BtnStopAC": {
        "Visible": false,
        "X": 1,
        "Y": 1,
        "Width": 16,
        "Height": 16,
        "ColorizeColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
    "PositionBar": {
      "Visible": true,
      "X": 32,
      "Y": 20,
      "Width": 154,
      "Heigth": 6,
      "Color": "#FFFFFFFF",
      "BackgroundColor": "#00FFFFFF",
      "HideBorders": false,
      "PaddingTop": 0,
      "PaddingBottom": 0
    "VolumeBar": {
      "Visible": true,
      "X": 190,
      "Y": 20,
      "Width": 60,
      "Heigth": 6,
      "Color": "#FFFFFFFF",
      "BackgroundColor": "#00FFFFFF",
      "HideBorders": false,
      "PaddingTop": 0,
      "PaddingBottom": 0
    "Texts": [
        "Name": "Default Text",
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 92,
        "Y": 2,
        "Width": 158,
        "Height": 16,
        "FontName": "Segoe UI",
        "FontSize": 8,
        "FontStyleItalic": false,
        "FontStyleBold": false,
        "FontColor": "White",
        "ShadowColor": "Transparent",
        "ShadowOffset": 2,
        "BackgroundColor": "Transparent",
        "Format": "%artist% - %title% '('%playback_time%')')",
        "PausedFormat": "",
        "StoppedText": "**Stopped**",
        "HorizontalAlign": 0,
        "DetectHttpLinks": false,
        "EnableScroll": true,
        "ScrollSpeed": 100,
        "ScrollStep": 2,
        "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
    "Tooltip": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Width": 400,
      "Height": 400,
      "BackgroundColor": "#FF000000",
      "UseBorderlessWindow": false,
      "ShowDelay": 1000,
      "KeepOpenOnMouseOver": false,
      "AlbumArt": {
        "Visible": true,
        "X": 0,
        "Y": 0,
        "Width": 400,
        "Height": 400,
        "DoNotShowStubImage": false,
        "PreserveAspectRatio": true
      "Texts": [
          "Name": "Artist",
          "Visible": true,
          "X": 0,
          "Y": 350,
          "Width": 400,
          "Height": 25,
          "FontName": "Segoe UI",
          "FontSize": 12,
          "FontStyleItalic": false,
          "FontStyleBold": true,
          "FontColor": "White",
          "ShadowColor": "Black",
          "ShadowOffset": 2,
          "BackgroundColor": "144, 0, 0, 0",
          "Format": "%artist%",
          "PausedFormat": "",
          "StoppedText": "",
          "HorizontalAlign": 1,
          "DetectHttpLinks": false,
          "EnableScroll": true,
          "ScrollSpeed": 30,
          "ScrollStep": 1,
          "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
          "Name": "Title",
          "Visible": true,
          "X": 0,
          "Y": 375,
          "Width": 400,
          "Height": 25,
          "FontName": "Segoe UI",
          "FontSize": 12,
          "FontStyleItalic": false,
          "FontStyleBold": true,
          "FontColor": "White",
          "ShadowColor": "Black",
          "ShadowOffset": 2,
          "BackgroundColor": "144, 0, 0, 0",
          "Format": "%title%",
          "PausedFormat": "",
          "StoppedText": "",
          "HorizontalAlign": 1,
          "DetectHttpLinks": false,
          "EnableScroll": true,
          "ScrollSpeed": 30,
          "ScrollStep": 1,
          "ScrollSeparator": " **** "
    "Menu": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Stop": true,
      "PlayPause": true,
      "Previous": true,
      "Next": true,
      "Random": true,
      "StopAfterCurrent": true,
      "Playlist": true,
      "CopyArtistAndTitle": true,
      "CopyTitle": true,
      "CopyArtist": true,
      "OpenContainingFolder": true,
      "SearchInInternet": true
    "Playlist": {
      "NumberOfItemsBeforeCurrent": 3,
      "NumberOfItemsAfterCurrent": 5,
      "Format": "%artist% - %title%"
    "ModuleId": "fb3f7ab3-a9f4-4c39-8c13-d9cd1110b579",
    "Order": 0,
    "Disabled": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "Width": 260,
    "Height": 30,
    "StretchBackgroundImage": false

Also, I'm using Windows 10 Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.64) x64.

Thank you very much!

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #579
Hi comcraizer.

Please do not run foobar2000 as administrator, deskabnd controls can not send commands to an elevated process.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #580
Hi comcraizer.

Please do not run foobar2000 as administrator, deskabnd controls can not send commands to an elevated process.

Thank you very much, eldarien.
I probably accidentally checked the 'Run as administrator' option in foobar's compatibility options some time ago, and now that I uncheck it, everything works perfectly.
Again, thank you for making this amazing plugin.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #581

when I install deskband controls I can change the volume with the mouse wheel, but only until I restart the pc. Then the mouse wheel does not work anymore until I de-install and install deskband controlls again.
What could cause this behavior ?


Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #582
Hi Alexander.

Deskband controls uses documented WinApi mouse hooks to receive wheel events. If that had stopped working then that must be some third party software involved (weird mouse software/driver?).

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #583
Great to know. thanks for the info. I use XmouseButtoncontrol. I will look there.


Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #584
Hi everyone
how do i Switch the taskbar controls to the controls on foobar itself like groove music?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #585

I went into the Desktop Control setting to remove the Album Art from popping up (or so I thought). I just removed the actual art from showing, the box still pops up. But since doing that I can't go back into the setting at all. When I try to everything lags, explorer crashes and resets, and I am not able to go back into the settings. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the component itself, and foobar overall, but I still can't get back into the Desktop Controls setting menu. Running Windows 10.

I can't even hover over the taskbar menu for more than a few seconds before explorer has to reset. It happens each time I use one of the controls too (next song, pause, stop, etc.) but it doesn't affect playback whatsoever.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #586
Hi, rocker5743!

This is known issue, will fix after christmas/new year. Sorry about that.
Meanwhile, you can go to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\DeskbandControls\
and delete DeskbandControls.json or edit it and set AlbumArt / Visible = true in Tooltip section.


Hi klaussrich!
Deskband Controls can only be displayed on taskbar or as a floating window.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #587
Perfect! I completely missed that file, thank you. It's back to normal.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #588
  * Version 3.6.0
  + Added ability to scroll position with mouse wheel
  + Additional mouse buttons control when hovering over deskband - middle button for play/pause, x1 button for next song, x2 for previous
  - Context menu playback commands as well as playlist are no longer taking away focus from what it was on before
  - Projects upgraded to VS2017 toolset and .NET framework 4.7.1 + some DPI handling improvements
  - DPI change on the fly support for Win10 1709 (but not for settings form)
  - Fixed crush in tooltip when its album art is disabled

Happy new year, everyone!

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #590
Thank you very much Eldarien for developing such a awesome tool for all foobar2000 people! :)

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #591
  - Context menu playback commands as well as playlist are no longer taking away focus from what it was on before

That's what I needed. Thanks!

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #592
thanks for update!

how to bring it to the top of the taskbar?

Reply #593
can anybody tell me, how can I move the DBC to the top of my taskbar?
(I'm using a vertical taskbar on the left of my monitor)

it is now like that:

and should be like this:


I cannot find how to "swap", only move the DBC.... dragging does not help.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #594
I would really love option for cascaded playlist menu when I right click on Deskband Controls toolbar.
Similar option that programs like Winrar or 7zip gave me.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #595
I would really love option for cascaded playlist menu when I right click on Deskband Controls toolbar.
Similar option that programs like Winrar or 7zip gave me.
No sure what you mean.. Can you make a picture to clarify?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #596
Watch this video:
See how when you right click on some file every "command" like "Add to archive", "Add to Winrar.rar, "Compress and email" has its own space on right click menu. After applying this option all "commands" are under "Winrar" option in right click menu.
Same can be done here so every song would appear under "Playlist" on right click menu.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #597
Hello and thank you eldarien for making this great little plugin, love it a lot!

I have two questions. Are you able to have transparent background for the floating window mode? Also, when checking the option for hiding the window/controls when playback is paused/stopped, has any of the recent versions fixed the issue of having a 16x10 small box left when playback is paused/stopped and having that hiding option checked?
I love this floating window mode as I have a multi-monitor (triple monitor) setup and using a negative x-coordinate enables me to have an always-visible bar containing the "artist+title" showing when streaming radios with foobar2000. Having it totally hidden when paused/stopped along with a transparent background to better blend-in would make this perfect for my current use case :)

Thanks in advance!


Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #598
Bero1707 - I see. Well, expect this soon, I guess :)

Hi darkonyx! Yes, floating window supports transparency, but in a little different way. First, you can set opacity setting to something like 0.7, this will make everything translucent. Second option is to toggle "use transparency key color (fuchsia)" option and the select background image. Regions on image with key color will be fully transparent, so you can have a non-rectangular bar now. But I agree, floating window needs some fine-tuning. Please share more your use-cases if you can, I need some ideas here... I'll see what I can do with a leftover box.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #599
Thanks! I can't wait.