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Topic: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls (Read 463983 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #450
I installed this and when I right click on taskbar and select deskband controls form toolbars it appears just for a second and then disappears. I am able to right click on it and choose settings in that second if that can help.
That is because HideIfNotPlaying setting is on by default. Try to play some music.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #451
Thank You. Great update! Can I remove copy artist, copy title and search internet and add run services (plugin)? I like my right click menu nice and simplistic.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #452
Thank you, have been waiting for update and nice to see new features :)
Volume control doesn't seem follow volume step setting from foobar2000. Is it possible to fix this? anyway I also face this issue with Columns UI volume control and its not fixed until now.  I don't much about the SDK, but I hope its possible, thanks

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #453
I have an idea: get rid of copy artist, copy title and search internet on right click menu (or give option to disable) and add playlist menu so we can select different song from playlist without opening foobar window.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #454
Is it possible to fill the bottom of the panel?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #455
Absolutely. If you just want to shift content to the center - use offset field in the settings. If not - configure it however you want - you can move or hide anything and add more text fields.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #456
I am trying to resize the artwork only, but cover hides the buttons. As I understand it, will have to edit the position of each button separately with respect to each other? Ready-made profiles for wide panels do not exist?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #459
Hi, I have some bugs for you to crush, eldarien.
Here is a pic:

I have my Windows Taskbar set to autohide, and i can sometimes crash explorer.exe with randomly hovering my mouse over DeskBand if tooltip is enabled.
Oh, the error says we have an unhandled exception.
Another one: the tooltip window is not respecting the DeskBand position on the screen, when taskbar is set to autohide.

Very good new version and features! Good job!

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #461
Deskband Controls is now in official plugin repository, yay!

Version 3.1 is available here,
but you can also use "Get Updates" function in foobar2000.

** Changelog:

March 21 2017
  * Version 3.1.0
  + New installer/uninstaller system. Installer is integrated into foobar2000 plugin.
  + Deskband Controls is now distributed from official plugins repository.
  + Context menu settings - ability to select context menu items that shold be visible.
  - Fixed issues with tooltip window positioning and tooltip crush on Win10.

Please give me some feedback on how new installer worked for you.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #462
Thank you! Installer worked like a charm. I'm glad you included things I suggested in this update.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #463
Just upgraded to the latest major version — took a while to redo everything, but overall a great improvement!

  • would be nice to set delay before displaying tooltip
  • setting tooltip background to transparent crashes things
  • bars: transparency in background color doesn't seem to work.  if transparency worked, it would be great if the background and foreground colors didn't overlap.

Thanks for your work on this amazing component!

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #464
Hi aeidein!
Can you explain in more details this one:
  • bars: transparency in background color doesn't seem to work.  if transparency worked, it would be great if the background and foreground colors didn't overlap.

Also, your setup looks very nice. Can you share it with us?
And how do you feel about making it one of default deskband controls presets?  ;)

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #465
Hi aeidein!
Can you explain in more details this one:
  • bars: transparency in background color doesn't seem to work.  if transparency worked, it would be great if the background and foreground colors didn't overlap.
I'm trying to make the volume/position bars be white on white (e.g. #60FFFFFF on #10FFFFFF), but it results in an all-white bar.  The other background colors don't seem to appear as what's specified either (e.g. #FFFF0000 appears the same as #00FF0000); it seems to always be the same opacity as the foreground color.

Also, your setup looks very nice. Can you share it with us?
And how do you feel about making it one of default deskband controls presets?  ;)
Of course!  Here's the latest version of the one I made tonight:

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #466
Is it possible to have option to minimize foobar window to tray by clicking on album art of this plugin, in the future, so I can sometimes minimize to tray (this plugin) and sometimes to taskbar without changing foobar settings? This would also eliminate need for foobar tray icon for me.

Ability to select different song from current playlist in context menu of this plugin would be awesome too. (like MediaMonkey player)

And since "toggle stop after current" now has checkbox I suggest to renaming it to just "stop after current".

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #467
i think the "stop playback after current" button is backwards. it's supposed to be filled with color when it's active, but it's filled with color when it's inactive instead

or maybe something in my config got messed up. i installed an older version and it works as expected

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #468
i think the "stop playback after current" button is backwards. it's supposed to be filled with color when it's active, but it's filled with color when it's inactive instead

or maybe something in my config got messed up. i installed an older version and it works as expected
I checked and that does happen to me too but I don't use button for stop after current. I use context menu for that so I didn't notice until now.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #470
Thanks for the update, but I have some questions:
  • How can I migrate my profile from previous version to the latest one?
    At least please add some information about config files location to the changelog. I can't find my old profile anywhere, I was using the version 1.12.
  • By default deskband controls panel is hidden, while player is paused, so after installing this pluging and openning the player you have no way to configure it without starting playing music first.
    You should add menu entry to the main fb2k program for accessing deskband controls settings.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #471
How can I migrate my profile from previous version to the latest one?
At least please add some information about config files location to the changelog. I can't find my old profile anywhere, I was using the version 1.1
All configuration is stored in %AppData%\DeskbandControls.
Version 1 uses config.js for main configuration and profiles are stored in a sub-folder called Profiles.
Version 3 uses DeskbandControls.json for main configuration and profiles are stored as files starting with underscore.
Unfortunately config formats are incompatible. However you can open old config in notepad to grab values :)
By default deskband controls panel is hidden, while player is paused, so after installing this pluging and openning the player you have no way to configure it without starting playing music first.
True. Actually, there is 10px wide invisible deskband that you can click on  ;D
I was planning to add some icon there and show it in hidden mode.
Question to all - any ideas for DC icon that would look good in tray? I'm not good as designer...

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #472
I was planning to add some icon there and show it in hidden mode.
Question to all - any ideas for DC icon that would look good in tray? I'm not good as designer...

I think it would be better as an entry in the View menu of the main foobar window.
You could do a white play button (►) or a "DB" for DeskBand.


Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #473
I can't get it to install, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, both the installer and uninstaller close as soon as I press any button and the option in Toolbars never appears. I have win7 x64, NET4,  and I have a custom theme installed (with UltraUxTheme). I reinstalled foobar and put it in another drive (not C:), tried opening a cmd window and executing from there, tried uninstalling the theme and going back to the basic win7 one, nothing worked. The %appdata% folder and the f2bkcomponent file are unlocked, UAC is dissabled, running as admin does nothing. Not sure what else should I try.

Edit: Fixed it, omg.

Okay, so the problem in my case was the installer, for some reaseon this bit of code

rem Check permissions
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
    echo Administrative permissions confirmed.
) else (
    echo Please run this script with administrator permissions.
    goto EXIT

was closing the .cmd file as soon as it opened, I do have admin rights/permissions, so I'm kind of puzzled as to why it wouldn't let me install.
The next lines that gave me an error were the ones that started with 'xcopy', which moved the files from the Release folder and the uninstaller to the DeskBand Controls one, so I deleted them and moved the files manually, so it looks like this

set dc=%ProgramFiles%\DeskbandControls
if defined ProgramFiles(x86) (
   %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe /nologo /codebase "%dc%\Deskband.dll"
) else (
   %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe /nologo /codebase "%dc%\Deskband.dll"

I left the rest of the file as is, I'm not sure why any of this happened but the player works great now.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #474
Hi Mecha!

I have not tested it with UAC disabled, probably that is why it fails for you. Will do for the next release, thank you for report.