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Topic: WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help (Read 1488486 times) previous topic - next topic
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WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3900
Not in my CUI config. Yet... It's getting there but I still find it hard to layout just the way I want it. I have several portable DUI configs I've been testing it in and I like it in that respect. Just not in my main CUI setup.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3901
JSPlaylist v1.3.0 released

>> now you can choose default groups status (collapsed/expanded) per group pattern + scroll touch control option added + many bugs fixed especially one that make crash panel on expanding groups in some case + now you can draw part of column text (TF) with different colors, $rgb(r,g,) function support added + misc changes and optimizations ...


WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3902
Awesome.  Thanks!! Can't wait to try it.


WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3904
JSPlaylist v1.3.1 released

>> touch screen behaviour updated, now the track selection do not change while scrolling the list + font size increased in group headers


WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3905
^are you going to buy me a touch screen so i can test it? 

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3906
$rgb function is great!
Nevertheless, the following improvements are required - when the line of playlist is highlighted or selected, the effect $rgb() function lost. All text in this case colored in selected (highlighted) color.
Compare - in Esplaylist (foo_uie_esplaylist) colored part of text displayed in all line of playlist.

It is possible correct this thing?

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3907
^nothing to correct as it's not a bug, it is as i want it because it's the best rendering way for me, but i can be wrong as you

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3908

Is there a way to specify a hover image for the menu script of your Oct. revision of yuckfoo? It's running common7.js in case that matters.

I'm looking at this in the script file but maybe I need to look somewhere else?

Code: [Select] = new button(3, 3, 20, 20, {normal: "menu.png",}, function() { menu(); }, "Menu")

Not sure if I can just add a menu_h.png option in there somewhere.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3909
Code: [Select] = new button(3, 3, 20, 20, {normal: "menu.png", hover: "menu_h.png"}, function() { menu(); }, "Menu")

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3910
Heh. Always amazes me at how simple solutions are. I was trying to add hover in its own set of curly brackets. Thanks again.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3911
JSPlaylist v1.3.0 released

Previous versions automatically jumped to/highlighted the now playing track. How can I enable this again?


WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3912
Previous versions automatically jumped to/highlighted the now playing track. How can I enable this again?

nothing has changed, tell me with more details when it has to follow now playing track and i may tell you what you are doing wrong

but it's certainly due to the default foobar2000 option in menu "Playback" > check you have ticked "Playback follows cursor" and "cursor follows Playback", without these, you got what you discribe
so it's no due to JSplaylist but to your own foobar2000 options

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3913
Could anyone please help me with a piece of Tedgo's Darkone V4 script? On the display panel, I need to move two "icons" 20 spaces to the left (same height). These are for the STOP A.C and PB. ORDER functions. When I change the values to move the icons, they don't render properly or at all. There are no other graphics in the path of these icons.

Original code:

g_alpha = g_fact == 0.09 ? 20 : 7;
s_alpha = fb.StopAfterCurrent ? 255 : g_alpha;
g_signs && gr.DrawImage(g_signs, ww - 18, 21, 18, 12, 648, d_col * 22, 18, 12, 0, s_alpha);

p_alpha = fb.IsPlaying ? 255 : g_alpha;
g_signs && gr.DrawImage(g_signs, ww - 18, 38, 18, 12, 668 + fb.PlaybackOrder * 20, d_col * 22, 18, 12, 0, p_alpha);

I need this:

g_alpha = g_fact == 0.09 ? 20 : 7;
s_alpha = fb.StopAfterCurrent ? 255 : g_alpha;
g_signs && gr.DrawImage(g_signs, ww - 38, 21, 18, 12, 648, d_col * 22, 18, 12, 0, s_alpha);

p_alpha = fb.IsPlaying ? 255 : g_alpha;
g_signs && gr.DrawImage(g_signs, ww - 38, 38, 18, 12, 668 + fb.PlaybackOrder * 20, d_col * 22, 18, 12, 0, p_alpha);

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3914
you're looking at the wrong bit of code entirely. try modifying the values of these on line 389...

Code: [Select]
    Buttons.sac.changePos(Math.max(0, ww / 2 - 226), 53, 58, 14);
    Buttons.pbo.changePos(Math.max(0, ww / 2 - 226), 90, 58, 14);

also, the text labels will need moving inside the on_paint function.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3915
you're looking at the wrong bit of code entirely. try modifying the values of these on line 389...

Code: [Select]
    Buttons.sac.changePos(Math.max(0, ww / 2 - 226), 53, 58, 14);
    Buttons.pbo.changePos(Math.max(0, ww / 2 - 226), 90, 58, 14);

also, the text labels will need moving inside the on_paint function.

Thanks for the reply but I think you misunderstood. I'm talking about the little images inside the display panel. Not the buttons outside the display panel. The little images are on the right hand side and are blue. One lights up when you select Stop A.C. The other is for the shuffling (seven different images). These images can't be moved from their current positions. They can only reside in there specific spots.

Sorry if I wasn't more specific.

EDIT... Never mind, I figured it out.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3916
ah sorry about that.

having looked the correct part (i hope), then i'd have to disagree with this part of your original post.

There are no other graphics in the path of these icons.

you need to move or remove the bitrate display and the very faint background dots.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3917
Another button hover question for you, marc.

Your simple playback buttons - unable pull that trick off from above in a test mule. Not available/included? Using common8.js version this time.

I'd like to ditch ExtremeHunters Cattrox script so it's available to anyone via your scripts.

EDIT: Here's an example with the stop button being hovered upon.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3918
if you look inside the playback buttons.txt file that comes with my latest samples, there are instructions that show you need to create image objects rather than just use the filename when creating your buttons.

//if you want to change the images, uncomment these lines below and modify the paths accordingly
//do not use fb.FoobarPath here as fb.ProfilePath already points to the same location if using portable mode
//b.images.stop = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "my_theme\\images\\stop.png");
// = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "my_theme\\images\\play.png");
//b.images.pause = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "my_theme\\images\\pause.png");
//b.images.previous = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "my_theme\\images\\previous.png");
// = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "my_theme\\images\\next.png");

so you can just add your own hover image...

Code: [Select]
b.images.stop_h = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "path\\to\\stop_h.png");

you can use p.ip in place of fb.ProfilePath + "marc2003\\images8\\" if you need to.

then you can use it when creating your button...

Code: [Select]
new button(0, 0, bs, bs, {normal: this.images.stop, hover: this.images.stop_h}, function() { fb.Stop(); }, "Stop"),

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3919
I did use them...

As usual, I'm still trying to suss out the nuances of what can be done here but sometimes with no example it means I ask a lot of dumb questions.

Thanks, btw. This has been added to the long list of stuff to remember 'just in case'.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3920
well if you figured the first part out, i don't know how you got stuck. the actual normal/hover part of the button is exactly the same as before.

but yes, it could be documented better but there is nothing i despise more than trying to write up what i've done. to think some people write documentation for a living. urgh. 

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3921
One more thing to annoy you with! How the hell do you murder tips? Ugh...they gotta go.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3922
replace "Stop" with ""  etc

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3923
you're looking at the wrong bit of code entirely. try modifying the values of these on line 389...

Code: [Select]
    Buttons.sac.changePos(Math.max(0, ww / 2 - 226), 53, 58, 14);
    Buttons.pbo.changePos(Math.max(0, ww / 2 - 226), 90, 58, 14);

also, the text labels will need moving inside the on_paint function.

Thanks for the reply but I think you misunderstood. I'm talking about the little images inside the display panel. Not the buttons outside the display panel. The little images are on the right hand side and are blue. One lights up when you select Stop A.C. The other is for the shuffling (seven different images). These images can't be moved from their current positions. They can only reside in there specific spots.

Sorry if I wasn't more specific.

EDIT... Never mind, I figured it out.

Yeah, I have redesigned the display panel and in my version there was nothing else in the way. What I missed were another set of values in the WSH panel. Once I set them correctly, the images displayed correctly.

Thanks for taking the time to help.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #3924
Is there is a function for play or enqueue  a specific song from my library when i give %artist% %title%??