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Topic: foo_wave_seekbar (Read 854584 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1600
I don't quite follow your reasoning.
Does the image illustrate something you wish there would be, or something that doesn't behave like you want?

What exactly is it you want? 
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #1601
Dear Zao!

I'm thankful for your creation.

Wish you only positive people and events on your way.

This skin was made due to you:

only best regards!


Reply #1602
I don't quite follow your reasoning.
Does the image illustrate something you wish there would be, or something that doesn't behave like you want?

What exactly is it you want? 

The image illustrates what I want to achieve.

Check box "shade played" effect visible top of the image ("Shade played On").
Uncheck box "shade played" effect visible the lower part of the image ("Shade played Off").

The same effect can be achieved by changing the color of the "Highlight color" on the same as the "Text color".
At the change of color theme it is uncomfortable.
I would like get this effect check/uncheck "shade played" box.


Reply #1603
Ah, I didn't realize you were talking about the "Shade played" checkbox state.
Disregard the previous suggestion and change the two lines in evaluate to:
Code: [Select]
    bool played = shade_played && tc.x < cursorPos;
    float4 inside_color = !played ? textColor : highlightColor;

Replace them completely, there has been a subtle change in the logic.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #1604
Big thanks Zao. You are the best 


Reply #1605
Looks really nice but I'm not good at programing so is it possible to get entire code content so that you just open D3D settings (if I understand it right) and replace whatever is there with new code and save the changes?
Thanks in advance


Reply #1606
just replace the code on lines 79/80.


Reply #1607
So has anyone managed to get the frontend editor working in Windows 8 or 8.1 yet? Apparently it refuses to recognize that I have all the proper .dll files in place and the button still doesn't work for me.


Reply #1608
Ah, I didn't realize you were talking about the "Shade played" checkbox state.
Disregard the previous suggestion and change the two lines in evaluate to:
Code: [Select]
    bool played = shade_played && tc.x < cursorPos;
    float4 inside_color = !played ? textColor : highlightColor;

Replace them completely, there has been a subtle change in the logic.

Some people should really take the time to learn a programming language.
Its not that hard. >_>


Reply #1609
So has anyone managed to get the frontend editor working in Windows 8 or 8.1 yet? Apparently it refuses to recognize that I have all the proper .dll files in place and the button still doesn't work for me.

Are you certain that you've installed the June 2010 DirectX redistributable?
What are "the proper DLL files" in your eyes?

Stay sane, exile.


Reply #1610
So has anyone managed to get the frontend editor working in Windows 8 or 8.1 yet? Apparently it refuses to recognize that I have all the proper .dll files in place and the button still doesn't work for me.

Are you certain that you've installed the June 2010 DirectX redistributable?
What are "the proper DLL files" in your eyes?


I guess the ones that came with the plugin.  When I try installing the redistributable says it installed fine but then when I restart Foobar the "Frontend Settings" button still does nothing.


Reply #1611
Currently I am using Win7 x64. But some time ago I used Win 8.1 Preview and as far as I remember everything worked fine with waveform_seekbar in foobar. Now my wife got shiny and new Samsung ultrabook with Windows 8.1 x64 and also there everything works OK. And all that should have been done was:
1st: installing this: (Total Size: 95.6 MB)
2nd: installing plugin.
Apart from that both systems had installed VC2012 Redistributable (x86) with latest update available. Currently this one (choose x86 version to work with foobar/waveform_seekbar) :


Reply #1612
There shouldn't be any problems whatsoever on any Windows version from XP and onward.
I do my development on Win7 x86 and Win8.1 x64.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #1613
Okay, turns out the problem is actually with Columns UI.

Thanks for a great plugin, btw. (Sorry I didn't say that with my first post)


Reply #1614
After getting my VC++ concurrency removal branch in a shape good enough to release, I've made a preliminary build of version 0.2.41.

You can download it from here for now until I know it's good enough to release properly. The changelog is available on the Github wiki.

One of the major features of this release is that I've purged enough of the threading primitives that Wine hasn't implemented underlying support for, so this release should work in GDI mode on Wine and Darwine.

New features since 0.2.40:
  • Use libuv for almost all concurrency, it should now run in a limited fashion on Wine; watch out for new threading bugs.
  • Restrict the set of files that are considered frontends.
  • Shrink effect editor dialog slightly for netbooks.
  • Scrolling the bar seeks by a minute per notch.
  • Delay-load D3D9/D2D1, only use RGBA8 textures instead of RGBA32F or RGB10A2.
  • Draw each channel in Direct3D 9 as a single triangle instead of a pair of triangles, due to interpolation problems.
  • Clear GDI background properly instead of to black for streams and missing waveforms.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #1615
I hear from OSX users that the D3D mode even shows some semblance of existence if you sneak in a D3DX via WineTricks.
My testing was done with Ubuntu Wine 1.6 and 1.7 from the PPA. The 1.4.x shipped with stock Linux Mint 13.10 is completely unsuitable for foobar2000 and foo_wave_seekbar.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #1616
Zao, thank you for continuing to develop this amazing component.

It's the best seekbar I've ever used, and I take my seekbars seriously.



Reply #1618
Is the 0.2.41 update behaving strangely for anyone else? It's drawing the waveform all scrunched up at the top of the window with some of the Direct3D ones I got from this thread.


Reply #1619
  • Scrolling the bar seeks by a minute per notch.

Thanks Zao.
It might be better to seek by 1 second?

i think variable depending on track length would be better. but i'm happy enough dragging with my mouse for it not to bother me. 

Is the 0.2.41 update behaving strangely for anyone else? It's drawing the waveform all scrunched up at the top of the window with some of the Direct3D ones I got from this thread.

it's been fine for me. i'm using the soundcloud-a-like code Zao posted here.


Reply #1620
This is how it looked on 0.2.40:


Reply #1621
i have no idea myself. i'm sure Zao will be along as soon as he gets time. i believe he subscribes to the thread to get notification of new posts.


Reply #1622
  • Scrolling the bar seeks by a minute per notch.

Thanks Zao.
It might be better to seek by 1 second?

i think variable depending on track length would be better. but i'm happy enough dragging with my mouse for it not to bother me. 

"variable depending on track length" would confuse in case of classical music divided in several tracks.
Original seekbar seeks by 1 second per notch.


Reply #1623
eh? the default UI seekbar has variable steps which is why i suggested it. i even tested it just now....

it only steps by 1 second for tracks shorter than 30 seconds.
for anything between 0:30 and 2:32 it steps 5 seconds.
between 2:33 and 5:06> 10 seconds
5:07 to ?? > 1 minute steps...

i see there are 5 minute and 10 minute steps for really long files but i can't be bothered to figure out the boundaries for those.


Reply #1624
eh? the default UI seekbar has variable steps which is why i suggested it. i even tested it just now....

it only steps by 1 second for tracks shorter than 30 seconds.
for anything between 0:30 and 2:32 it steps 5 seconds.
between 2:33 and 5:06> 10 seconds
5:07 to ?? > 1 minute steps...

i see there are 5 minute and 10 minute steps for really long files but i can't be bothered to figure out the boundaries for those.

You are correct marc2003.
I've tested only Columns UI seekbar.