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Topic: foo_wave_seekbar (Read 854611 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #600
dumb question maybe....

I can't manage to get the seekbar displayed.
Would be great if somebody can help me out.

An info at the first post and the documention page might help others, too!

It's nothing about an error message, it's more like I don't know how to place the bar (columns ui).


Reply #601
- Add UI element to the Default UI or Columns UI as normal

You just add it like any other CUI panel.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #602
I finally managed to get it displayed ...after a long trial and error period...

The Problem wasn't that I doesn't know that I've just to place it as any other panel - it was about how to place a panel at all!
I'm using foobar some time now, but the Quick Setup always was enough.

Maybe it's still worth to mention for other "beginners" like me!


Reply #603
Maybe this time I've really found a bug.

I did some tests to convert 5.1 AC3 to Pro-Logic with foo_dsp_downmix. (BTW, it crashes when it is used to convert with F2K v1.0, but it seems to work well for playback.)  Anyway, your seekbar is handy to see what channels are really present (and not empty) in the AC3 file.  So, currently, I have two seekbars at the same time: a small mono seekbar that I use, well, as a seekbar, and a wide seekbar with all channels, usually hidden in a teb, that I use when I need to see what I'm currently playing or converting.

To set everything up, I downloaded this small test file:

The bug: in the wide seekbar, I can see the 6 channels (although the LFE channel is hard to see).  But in the mono seekbar, the Rear Right channel is not present.  When I untick the Downmix Display To Mono option, the RR channel becomes visible immediately, so it's not a problem with the channels configuration.  (I have the 6 first channels ticked.)

Forcing the component to regenerate the waveform signature doesn't solve the problem.

I have also a question.  When there are two seekbars, I've noticed in the console that the two seekbars generate the same waveform signature at the same time.  Is it a risk of conflict?  Can I safely use several seekbars at the same time?


Reply #604
The bug: in the wide seekbar, I can see the 6 channels (although the LFE channel is hard to see).  But in the mono seekbar, the Rear Right channel is not present.  When I untick the Downmix Display To Mono option, the RR channel becomes visible immediately, so it's not a problem with the channels configuration.  (I have the 6 first channels ticked.)

My downmixing code may very well be botched. It "worked" on whatever test file I had at the time.

I have also a question.  When there are two seekbars, I've noticed in the console that the two seekbars generate the same waveform signature at the same time.  Is it a risk of conflict?  Can I safely use several seekbars at the same time?

It is perfectly safe. The only thing that happens is that it'll throw away some redundant results, or overwrite them, can't quite remember which.

In any way, my SVN server and my development machines are offline until the fall semester starts again, so I can't even look at my code to tell what I'd done and what I need to do.

Thankfully you people don't have too many horrible crash bugs. Remember to submit crash reports if you get new kinds of crashes, as I look at the reports occasoinally.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #605
Thanks for the confirmation.  I'm glad I can use the two seekbars at the same time.

My downmixing code may very well be botched. It "worked" on whatever test file I had at the time.

When you will have access to your code, please try the AC3 sample.  The problem is obvious.

And BTW, I have never had real crashes with your seekbar.  :-)


Reply #606
Why do I get double "Wave cache: finished analysis of" messages in the console?

Code: [Select]
Watching: D:\Music
Startup time : 0:00.154195
Seekbar: taking Direct3D9 path.
Seekbar: Frontend initialized.
Opening track for playback: "D:\Skream.mp3"
Wave cache: finished analysis of "D:\Skream.mp3"
Wave cache: finished analysis of "D:\Skream.mp3"
Opening track for playback: "D:\Benji B.mp3"
Wave cache: finished analysis of "D:\Pursuit Grooves.mp3"
Opening track for playback: "D:\Pursuit Grooves.mp3"
Wave cache: finished analysis of "D:\Benji B.mp3"
Opening track for playback: "D:\Skream.mp3"


Reply #607
Why do I get double "Wave cache: finished analysis of" messages in the console?

It's probably normal, as the analysis process doesn't actively avoid scanning multiple times, it just discards results if not needed.
As for what may trigger an analysis, the list is something like: playing a track, changing playback order, advancing tracks.
I may of course have messed up one of the above, sometime in the future I might add in diagnostics to the source of an analysis and whether it's user-initiated or best-effort.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #608
Alright. Thanks!


Reply #609
As I understand it, this is a nice plugin.  Seeing the waveform is like hooking up Predator heat vision gear.


I have no f@#$% idea how to setup this plugin.  It's one of the things I dislike about Foobar, the UI customization.  True, I haven't spent 3 straight hours figuring it out, and maybe someone will explain and I'll feel like an idiot.  Until then, I can't use this plugin.  Why is this so difficult?

- Add UI element to the Default UI or Columns UI as normal

= not enlightening.

I looked around and it really wasn't obvious to me.  Apologies for the pissy tone, I know you guys work hard.



Reply #610
Assuming that you're using the Default UI, here's the wiki page on customizing the layout:

It's not really the responsibility of every component developer to rehash the same information that's easily accessible from the wiki.  Changing the Default UI is standard operating procedure (as is changing the Columns UI), and doesn't really differ component to component.  You should really read the documentation before trying to customize your software.


Reply #611
Zao, many thanks to you & your 'trusty team of madmen™' for this brilliant component.



Reply #612
Firstly, please flame my stupid ass if there *is* a 'search within thread' function here... 

I would love to see a 'ruler' or some such along the bottom of the waveforms, so you can see on the waveform what time you are at, and more quickly jump to the time you want.


Reply #613
There is, at the bottom with the Reply-buttons.

And you can hold down the mousse-button to see the time, not as easy maybe, but it's a start.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #614
I haven't quite needed such exact indications, I just glance at the status bar for the duration and click roughly, or go by the waveform.
Both tickmarks and hover-for-time has been suggested in the past, and probably resides in the todo list on the offline server somewhere.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #615
Agreed.  Turns out it's pretty straightforward once you read the wiki.  Thanks for the link.


Assuming that you're using the Default UI, here's the wiki page on customizing the layout:

It's not really the responsibility of every component developer to rehash the same information that's easily accessible from the wiki.  Changing the Default UI is standard operating procedure (as is changing the Columns UI), and doesn't really differ component to component.  You should really read the documentation before trying to customize your software.


Reply #616
Hey Zao any chance to add the transparent background option (pseudo transparency) to future release?
Then it will be perfect


Reply #617
What would be behind the UI element?
I've experimented with abysmal things like Panel Stack Switcher before, and it was a trainwreck. You need proper compositing for that, which can really only be emulated by a separate floating window with D3D9Ex and prayer.

You can modify the shader to use any kind of texture for your background, if you want to make it fit in over gradients or whatever.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #618
Thanks for your reply. Yes i use panel stack splitter and want to add some bakground image for wave seekbar.
I have no idea how to modify the shader to achive that?
Can you point me to some shader example.


Reply #619
There's a commented out section that loads files as textures in the default shader. You can uncomment that and use tex2D in the PS function to sample your texture in any way you want, really.
Like say:
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #620
Ok i get it. Now i go and play with it some more
Thanks a lot!


Reply #621
would it be possible to store the effects in the user-components\foo_wave_seekbar directory?


Reply #622
would it be possible to store the effects in the user-components\foo_wave_seekbar directory?

So foobar2000 will delete these effects during component upgrade? 


Reply #623
Effects will not be stored in the filesystem at all in the next version. There will be a fancy per-element configuration dialog for the effect contents.
As for how it's currently, it'll look in the profile for the effect file.
Stay sane, exile.


Reply #624
Hey Zao!

I'm using  0.2.12 Waveform seekbar in foobar 1.1 on 64bit Seven and all drivers and directx updated and good CPU and GPU,
but there is very large CPU usage (almost 100%) while wave is updating when playing 6 Channel files like DTS or A-DVD
and no matter what is selected on Frontend settings.

Is this normal?