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Topic: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes) (Read 193440 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #125
Thanks for the update! 

Since the number of entries in both menus increased (The edit->playlist attributes->submenu alone contains 13 items) could you add well placed  seperatores to make the overview more friendly?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #127
(The edit->playlist attributes->submenu alone contains 13 items)
No, 14. 
Ooh, one reason more! 

... my goal was to replace the playback queue by using playlists completely. This can be done now ...
I discovered the new version today so i am not familiar with the new options. I would appreciate if you could explain how the new settings are replacing the queue.


Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #128
I discovered the new version today so i am not familiar with the new options. I would appreciate if you could explain how the new settings are replacing the queue.
  • Define a prioritized playlist (for a specific playlist or globally depending on your usage) and name it Queue (or use any other name you like)
  • Set "Continue on playlist ..." for this playlist to "- Last playlist -"
  • Define "Remove played tracks" for this playlist.
  • Put one or more tracks on that playlist, whenever you want to hear these tracks after the current playing one.

Edit: added a step to the description above

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #129
There seems to be some obvious problems with the combinations of prioritised list and 'Playback on Active Playlist'. Maybe grey out options that are mutually exclusive.

Or why not having "- Active playlist -" available in the drop down list of "prioritised list ..."?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #130
I have no idea what ist the purpose of having "prioritized playlist..." in the edit menu and how it works at all. I defined for a special playlist another prioritized playlist than the global one and since then the playlist definded in edit menu is used as global one. Did i miss something?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #131
I have no idea what ist the purpose of having "prioritized playlist..." in the edit menu and how it works at all.
The same as for all other entries in this menu: It changes the settings of the active playlist.
I defined for a special playlist another prioritized playlist than the global one and since then the playlist definded in edit menu is used as global one. Did i miss something?
I can't reproduce this. Setting the prioritized playlist in the edit menu does not change the global setting.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #132
The same as for all other entries in this menu: It changes the settings of the active playlist.

Means: If i start playback by play-button and a certain playlist is active then the playlist will be played that is specified as priotitized? If it is so, i still can't see a scenario there it could be of any usage to override the global setting.

Still don't know what went wrong with my testing - will take a look

Took the look! Let's say i have three playlists named 1,2 and 3. I set 3 as global prioritized playlist. Whatever playlist is active the playlist 3 starts playing. Then i define for active playlist 2 as prioritized playlist the playlist 1. If i understand the setting correctly that means that playlist 1 is only prioritized if playlist 2 is the active one and if another playlist is active then playlist 3 is played.  I think there is something where i made a mistake: I will test that in the next days, today i am too tired and unconcentrated although we just have 5pm.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #133
Means: If i start playback by play-button and a certain playlist is active then the playlist will be played that is specified as priotitized?
No. The edit menu entries are changing the settings of the active playlist. Starting playback in that way will normally use the playing playlist, which is not necessarily the active playlist. But, of course, if a prioritized playlist is assigned to the playing playlist, this playlist will be considered for playback.
If it is so, i still can't see a scenario there it could be of any usage to override the global setting.
Define a special prioritized playlist for one playlist and define not using a prioritized playlist as global setting or vice versa would be such an expample.

Took the look! Let's say i have three playlists named 1,2 and 3. I set 3 as global prioritized playlist. Whatever playlist is active the playlist 3 starts playing. Then i define for active playlist 2 as prioritized playlist the playlist 1. If i understand the setting correctly that means that playlist 1 is only prioritized if playlist 2 is the active one and if another playlist is active then playlist 3 is played.
If you replace active playlist by playing playlist it works like that, but only, if the prioritized playlist contains tracks.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #134
Still don't understand. But as i said: today is not my day!
Thanks for your explanations!

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #135
fbuser, thanks for another great plugin.
just tried it today and i'll probably be messing around with it all weekend!
as a user of foo_removeplayed and foo_rg_trn this takes that functionality to a whole new level.
i've been wanting to set per playlist settings for a while, glad i finally tried your plugin.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #136
Hi fbuser,

Not sure if this is intended or not, but if I'm playing playlist X, and then I enqueue a song from playlist Y, obviously fb2k will switch to playing from playlist Y -- that's fine and expected. However, in this scenario playlist Y's attributes are not activated, instead fb2k plays Playlist Y with Playlist X's attributes.

Would it be possible to activate the playlist's attributes whenever fb2k moves from one playlist to another via the queue?

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #137
Not sure if this is intended or not, but if I'm playing playlist X, and then I enqueue a song from playlist Y, obviously fb2k will switch to playing from playlist Y -- that's fine and expected. However, in this scenario playlist Y's attributes are not activated, instead fb2k plays Playlist Y with Playlist X's attributes.

Would it be possible to activate the playlist's attributes whenever fb2k moves from one playlist to another via the queue?
Sorry, no. Already reported and answered here and here. In the meantime I  also added the functionality to use a playlist as a queue as described here.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #138
Okay, thanks for quick reply.

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #139
Sorry, no. Already reported and answered here and here. In the meantime I  also added the functionality to use a playlist as a queue as described here.

Sorry for returning to this topic, I've read and understood your posts. There is a minor bug there, I believe.

Some other playlist is playing, I select a few files, drag them (IMPORTANT) to the playlist that I've set as a "queue" (not related to the standard queue). The dragging action (the easiest way to move tracks to the queue playlist), unfortunately, activates the queue playlist, it becomes the current one - and the playback session did not stop, so this playlist wouldn't delete the played files :-( Switching to the old playlist works - when the queue is later activated by foo_playlist_attributes, it works. But if you forget to click back immediately after dragging - you'll stay in the queue forever...

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #140
Ok, I see the problem. I will have a look at it.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #141
fbuser, is something like this possible with foo_playlist_atributes?  Dynamic changing of playback mode based on some attribute.

For example, Global Playback set to random. $if attribute field (medley) is set in current playing track, play next track (playback mode now default); otherwise continue with random. Say, tracks 1 -4 all tie together as some coherent gestault. 1, 2 and 3 have the medley attribute set, 4 does not. All 4 play in series and after 4, random playback continues.

Would improve the usage of random playback greatly for people whose library includes live music from bands that string tunes together yet said tunes are presented as individual tracks.

Current convention (Grateful Dead recordings) is for the track titles to end in space > when they are connected to the following track. Would be simple for interested users to mass edit all appropriate tracks and set the %medley field %.

This may very well be an edge use case, though one should never underestimate number of Deadheads out there 


Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #142
For example, Global Playback set to random. $if attribute field (medley) is set in current playing track, play next track (playback mode now default); otherwise continue with random. Say, tracks 1 -4 all tie together as some coherent gestault. 1, 2 and 3 have the medley attribute set, 4 does not. All 4 play in series and after 4, random playback continues.
You are assuming here that random playback always picks the first track of a group, which is wrong.

Would improve the usage of random playback greatly for people whose library includes live music from bands that string tunes together yet said tunes are presented as individual tracks.
I think foo_random_pools is much more suitable for such a purpose than hampering with the playback modes. Defining there a group like
%album artist%|%album%|%discnumber%|$if2(%medley%,%tracknumber%)
should lead to the desired result.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #143
For some reason, I've only quickly glanced at foo_random_pools' thread and have never taken any time to understand it.

thanks for the pointer.  I will take a look at it.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #144
This component not working with the latest versions of FB2000.
I configure the order of every card, but when I change the tab order does not change and remains default.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #145
This component not working with the latest versions of FB2000.
I configure the order of every card, but when I change the tab order does not change and remains default.
Sorry, but I don't have any clue what you are talking about. Could you please explain more in detail what exactly is not working.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #146
This component not working with the latest versions of FB2000.
I configure the order of every card, but when I change the tab order does not change and remains default.
Sorry, but I don't have any clue what you are talking about. Could you please explain more in detail what exactly is not working.

Excuse my english.
I go in preferences -> Playlist attributes
select playlist named "my playlist"
set "Playback order" to random
click ok
when i move from other playlist to "my playlist" the order remains in default instead to become random.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #147
This component not working with the latest versions of FB2000.
I configure the order of every card, but when I change the tab order does not change and remains default.

Excuse me. I wrong. I must to start play to reset order.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #148
Ok, I see the problem. I will have a look at it.

Sorry to bother you again, but it's been quite a few months - did you have any luck with this problem?