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What's your *main lossy* format of choice?

[ 497 ] (59%)
Ogg Vorbis
[ 121 ] (14.4%)
[ 137 ] (16.3%)
[ 38 ] (4.5%)
WavPack lossy
[ 3 ] (0.4%)
LossyWAV + lossless
[ 8 ] (1%)
WMA Standard or PRO (lossy)
[ 4 ] (0.5%)
Atrac (any version)
[ 0 ] (0%)
other lossy format
[ 0 ] (0%)
I don't use lossy AT ALL!
[ 34 ] (4%)

Total Members Voted: 923

Topic: 2009 ripping/encoding general poll (Read 165027 times) previous topic - next topic
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2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #100
Nero AAC -q 0.55 for PC and portable use.
FLAC -5 for ripping and archive backup.

I use foobar2000 for transcoding FLAC ripped from EAC, to m4a or mp3 and then use Mp3tag to add artwork and convert the ReplayGain's album gain info tags to iTunes Soundcheck.
"I never thought I'd see this much candy in one mission!"

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #101
Lame VBR mp3 at it's highest quality setting has been my main format for everything for ages, but since hard drives are dirt cheap nowadays I rip all CD's to FLAC quality 8.

I used Musepack for a while but it's a pain in the butt due to lack of compatibility.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #102
... but since hard drives are dirt cheap nowadays I rip all CD's to FLAC quality 8.
Not quality, but compression level.  FLAC only has one quality setting: lossless.

I don't like to be pedantic, but it's worth clarifying for new users who may panic.
I'm on a horse.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #103
Ogg q5 for listening on DAP.
TAK version 1.1.0 at p4m for my lossless collection on PC.
One file per disc with cuesheet for ripping.

Glad to see that TAK group have been growing rapidly.

I'm doing some TAK promotion of newly released version 1.1.0 in a forum where I perform as one of webmasters.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #104
MP3 VBR for PC, DAP and car.

FLAC for archival.

I use EAC with LAME to rip and encode.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #105
I use FLAC -8 for archive
Atrac SP(292kbps optical transfer) & LAME v3.98 V5 for Car and Home Stereo.
Portable I use AAC vbr 96kbps.(nero encoder)

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #106
voted for Musepack and WavPack, however TAK looks very interesting, might use it as main lossless sooner or later

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #107
MP3 V0
One file per track.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #108
Lossy: MP3 (LAME 3.98.2 set to -V2).  This I use for both home listening streamed from my laptop, and on my portable.

Lossless: Apple Lossless.  This is for archival purposes only, saved to external storage and burned to DVDs.  I don't really have reason why I use Apple Lossless over FLAC, except that my laptop is a Mac and my audio program of choice is iTunes (although I rip with Max), and there may yet come a day when internal storage capacities on laptops will outpace the growth of my lossless collection, and I can finally store it as my main iTunes library.  Until then, I rest easy knowing I can use Max to convert my Apple Lossless collection if necessary.

One file per track in all cases.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #109
lossy: OGG q8
lossless: WavPacx hmx3

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #110
mp3 lame v3
flac -8
1 file per track

edit: change from v2 to v3

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #111
mp3 lame v2
wavpack -x6
1 file per track

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #112
I wish I could switch over to ogg over mp3, but my whole library is mp3 and only 1k out of 6k songs I have in lossless.

I rip CD's in flac -8, transcode to v0 for my mp3 library.

I rip with eac in secure mode with test and copy and use foobar and lame 3.98.2 to convert to mp3.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #113
ogg q5 for Samsung P2 and future devices.
Flac 5 for archiving on hard drive.

1 file per song, wish I had gapless...

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #114
Musepack (MPC) "--xtreme" (Q6) for my RockBox Sandisk Sansa.
WavPack "-hh -x6" for computer usage and archival.
One track per song, but I keep the cuesheets of course.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #115
"Bye bye LAME. It was good knowing you...Hello Ogg Vorbis. Pleased to meet you.".

Sounds silly, I know.  , but I finally gave up the MP3 format for good last weekend, and moved to Ogg Vorbis (aoTuVb5.61, -q 5). Wish I could cancel my previous vote on this poll and vote again...

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #116
Next year, can you please replace the third poll, favorite ripping mode, with favorite ripper instead?

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #117
"Bye bye LAME. It was good knowing you...Hello Ogg Vorbis. Pleased to meet you.".

Sounds silly, I know.  , but I finally gave up the MP3 format for good last weekend, and moved to Ogg Vorbis (aoTuVb5.61, -q 5). Wish I could cancel my previous vote on this poll and vote again...

Why is that?


2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #118
"Bye bye LAME. It was good knowing you...Hello Ogg Vorbis. Pleased to meet you.".

Sounds silly, I know.  , but I finally gave up the MP3 format for good last weekend, and moved to Ogg Vorbis (aoTuVb5.61, -q 5). Wish I could cancel my previous vote on this poll and vote again...

I'm sorry to say this, but I think Ogg Vorbis is "dead", although it's more technically advanced than MP3. MP3 and AAC rule now, and in future (about in 10 years) MP3 slowly disappears and AAC will continue ruling.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #119
"Bye bye LAME. It was good knowing you...Hello Ogg Vorbis. Pleased to meet you.".

Sounds silly, I know.  , but I finally gave up the MP3 format for good last weekend, and moved to Ogg Vorbis (aoTuVb5.61, -q 5). Wish I could cancel my previous vote on this poll and vote again...

I'm sorry to say this, but I think Ogg Vorbis is "dead", although it's more technically advanced than MP3. MP3 and AAC rule now, and in future (about in 10 years) MP3 slowly disappears and AAC will continue ruling.

I've read that 10 years ago and I'm still waiting!

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #120
Next year's poll should ask how many times did you change your ripping/encoding choice last year?  And was it for quality or hardware compatibility.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #121
"Bye bye LAME. It was good knowing you...Hello Ogg Vorbis. Pleased to meet you.".

Sounds silly, I know.  , but I finally gave up the MP3 format for good last weekend, and moved to Ogg Vorbis (aoTuVb5.61, -q 5). Wish I could cancel my previous vote on this poll and vote again...

Why is that?

I just bought a Cowon D2. The device seems to like Ogg Vorbis better than MP3 (they would lead to database corruption problems quite easily). That's why I switched.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #122
mpc for my notebook collection
and TAK for PC.

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #123
I'm enjoying life... well I'm trying

so only one encoding with itunes (mp3 320)

no lossless archive any more, cds are my archives

I used to use mp3 -> mpc -> mpc + ogg -> ape -> flac -> mp3 -> flac -> wavpack hybrid -> wavpack lossy -> mp3 -> aac -> itunes mp3

I erased all lossless.

I just want to listen to the music and forget all extra things.
Well, I'm still sticked to

2009 ripping/encoding general poll

Reply #124
Lossless: FLAC
Lossy: None
Ripping: EAC or Foobar2000
Playback: Foobar2000
System: Laptop PC / External Drive --> Benchmark DAC1 USB --> Preamp