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Topic: foo_skype (Read 43849 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_skype sends now playing track info to the Skype profile mood.

  • Customizable messages for playing, paused and stopped tracks;
  • Option to pause playback on incoming calls (and resume when call is finished);
  • Full Unicode support;
  • Main menu item to enable/disable notifications.

Download foo_skype 0.2 | Screenshot

Version history
Code: [Select]
v0.2 (2011-05-21) (requires foobar2000 1.1 or newer)
* Added preferences page;
* Added main menu item for enabling/disabling notifications;
* If pause on call is enabled, playback will be resumed when the call is finished;
* No extra notification on track switching;
* Connection to Skype in not established during foobar2000 update;
* foo_skype has been added to the components repository, so from now on in can be updated automatically.

v0.1 (2008-05-03)
* Initial release.


Reply #1
Great tool!!!
I always had to use my lastfm software to do so.


Reply #2
Works like a charm, thx Dremora for this great linkage with Skype 

A bit unsual seems to me the placement of the settings-tab at the 'Advanced'-options.

foo_msnalt_stream places its settings at 'Display' and AFAIK another msn-now-playing-component I checked by the way was at 'Tools'.
Maybe a common-place for the settings-integration should be found as the use of binding places keeps the preferences-page more clean/tidy, less defragmented.


Reply #3
nice, small, functional component. thx!

one small feature request: would it be possible to somehow manage unicode support in text? i for example would like to add symbol of note inside it and if i use advanced properties it only input square for unknow character.


Reply #4
one small feature request: would it be possible to somehow manage unicode support in text? i for example would like to add symbol of note inside it and if i use advanced properties it only input square for unknow character.

The note character isn't supported neither by the font used in foobar2000  text fields nor by the font used in Skype. Try pasting this character directly to the Skype profile mood, and you'll see the same square.


Reply #5
The note character isn't supported neither by the font used in foobar2000  text fields nor by the font used in Skype. Try pasting this character directly to the Skype profile mood, and you'll see the same square.

mm... youre right .) sry for stupid request than


Reply #7
Hey Dremora, nice component!

I'd like to request option to unpause playback when the call is finished (if this is possible of course).


Reply #8
does it work in foobar2000 portable mode?


Reply #9
perfect, especially with utf8 tags! I have been looking for this plugin for a time~ finally got it~
thx so much..


Reply #10
Very nice, thanks!

Please, add "a proper" preferences page...components are hard to find under "advanced".


Reply #11
I love this component because I don't have to use AMIP for it to work. Please update it! The suggestions above about changing the formatting would be really nice.


Reply #12
THANK YOU Buddy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | bulletproof2k



Reply #13
Version 0.2 is out.


Reply #15
Fixed, thanks.


Reply #16
During the pause, or playback displays only one message: "foo_skype". How can I fix it?
ps. "Sand playing notification in Skype" is on.


Reply #17
During the pause, or playback displays only one message: "foo_skype". How can I fix it?
ps. "Sand playing notification in Skype" is on.

To be able to talk with Skype, an application should first establish a connection with it. Sometimes (quite rarely) this connection is lost  (probably due to the long delay between request from Skype and reply from the application), and you should see “foo_skype: Disconnected” in the player console. If this is your case, a simple player restart should help.
In the next version I'll add automatic reconnection to solve this issue.


Reply #18
Thank for this very nice plugin. Just to mention that after disabling notification through Playback->Send playing notifications to Skype last shown text stays in Skype notification area. For the future it could be nice to remove the last text after disabling through options. That's only my suggestion. Thank you again!!! 


Reply #19
If this is your case, a simple player restart should help.

Hi, that's the console message:
Skype playing notifications: Skype API is now available.
Skype playing notifications: Pending authorization.
Skype playing notifications: Connection successful.

But right now, just "foo_skype"
Sometimes it starts working as expected, but after that, freezing like: "paused: artist - title"


Reply #20
thanks for component
here is little bug i noticed - it shows notheng if symbol '&' is in artist or track title


Reply #21
It seems that my problem was because of this symbol! Thank harumscarum;)


Reply #22
Could you show some screenshots of the plug-in 'working'


Reply #23
Dremora, expected a new version with the symbol "&" fix?


Reply #24
Nice Job & very stable plugin. Thx
- However when it 1st accesses Skype, it will replace any existing skype profile mood.
- Maybe it could first save any existing profile mood? (to for e.g the stop state) or simply give a warning.

Anyway Thx again.