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Topic: foo_httpcontrol (Read 982917 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #450
That's a nice news, I'm not crazy 

Now it works, thank you for this extremely useful plugin.


Reply #451

Known issues:
- Automatic refresh can override your playlist paging selection (returning you to the page with the track you are playing)
- 'Fade out' / 'Fade in' does not go smoothly (but more smoothly then the original sliding)
- Fade only works in safari browsers
- Only works with page size 30 at the moment (you can change the page size in iphonenav.js if you want to) (can't 'guess' the page size - would be nice to have as a template variable)


I have installed your nice http application and found out multiple problems with iPhone as a browser or Safari on  PC:

- when there are multiple playlists, select one, select a track to play. then pause it because you cannot stop it, go back to the root menu, select another playlist, it displays the content, then you cannot select another song, the selection works but it does not select it and I have to close everything and restart for it to work

- when the playlist content is more than a page, the page number is displayed as "Page 2 on 1" for example for the second page, then after 15 seconds, the first page is displayed with the refresh command I assume.

- on last page, you can click on > button to display the next page which is naturally empty, you need some kind of control here to avoid refreshing in this case.

- the track number displayed starts at 0 and not at 1, you need to add 1 to the document.getElementById('progressCounter').innerHTML calculation in both single page or multiple page calculation.

- the album arts from the PC version does not display the picture, is it really implemented?



Reply #452

VERY VERY well done.

I cant wait to give it a shot.  You have seemingly taken the best from each of the available implementations and combined them together.

I am excited to see how it works out when you edit the battery sucking refreshing.

thanks again for your hard work!


Reply #453

OK I am having some issues, could you please help?

Firstly, upon first install of your http controller, it is looking in a totally different place than I have Foobar installed.  It wants to look in "Users/Application Data", not "Program Files/Foobar".  I copied the entire foobar folder to "Users/Application Data...." and kind of fixed it.

Secondly, no art is displaying at all.  Do you have text for the other "Helpers" and "Album Art" fields in Preferences?  If not do I leave them blank?

Thirdly, while in the playlist, cliking on a song just turns it blue.  Clicking again then starts the song.  Double click?  Strange.

Lastly, I cannot change pages in the playlist.

Any thoughts?

FYI, I fully removed httpcontrol.dll, did a clean reinstall, extracted your deals into the httpcontrol folder, etc...  Everything looks ok, once I moved the entire Foobar folder to where your controller is looking for it.  The weird thing is I dont remember having to do any of this when I used Aurics config.

Help please!!!


Reply #454
Updated mine slightly to include the file browser. When stopped, stop button changes to browser view link.

Thanks to vairulez for the basis of my browser. Modified slightly to better fit/suit my phone.

Files are here for anyone wishing to use it.

If anyone could confirm if it works on iPhone I would be grateful, cheers.


Your first version worked just fine.  Although I havent tried any of your further efforts.

Just wondering.... why do you have the buttons and text covering up the art?  Why not move them to the top and bottom?



Reply #455
pcstockton, since a last couple of component versions user have to store template data in %appdata%/foobar2000 instead of fb2k components directory.

...and while I agree Joror's template needs some bugfixing, I cannot take away the fact that mostly it works. I'd fix it, but I have neither iphone nor motivation. let's wait for the author or somebody else brave to do the dirty work.
by the way, album art pane is functional in it as well, you just have to define art search rules in component preferences.


Reply #456

Your first version worked just fine.  Although I havent tried any of your further efforts.

Just wondering.... why do you have the buttons and text covering up the art?  Why not move them to the top and bottom?


Personal preference really.

Although I'm now liking Joror's fuctionality a lot. Its very clean looking. I will need some tweaking though to get it to fit on a single screen without scrolling on my G1 and to add my needed remove current track button somewhere, but its brilliant.


Reply #457
wow, i just saw that foo_httpcontrol is now hosted on google code. very nice and thanks for your superb work!


Reply #458
pcstockton, since a last couple of component versions user have to store template data in %appdata%/foobar2000 instead of fb2k components directory.

...and while I agree Joror's template needs some bugfixing, I cannot take away the fact that mostly it works. I'd fix it, but I have neither iphone nor motivation. let's wait for the author or somebody else brave to do the dirty work.
by the way, album art pane is functional in it as well, you just have to define art search rules in component preferences.

Oh yes, it is certainly sweet.  Perfect actually.  I cant wait for the little bugs to get worked out.  I wish I had the knowledge to help myself

It is gorgeous and exactly what Ive been looking for.

Do you know what I should put in Preferences to make the album art work.  If even just that worked i would be stoked.  I dont use playlists very often.

thanks again for the hard work everyone!!!


Reply #459
Oblikoamorales plug-in IN COMBINATION with Jorors template could finally change my "audio-world". The two pieces together are just the missing link, because for Windows based systems it would become possible to combine foobars audio quality and capability with the slick user interface as provided by iTunes + Apple Remote software + iTouch/iPhone.

Currently I must choose between two options:

Option 1
enjoy the luxury and the elegance of the Apple tools (iTunes + Apple remote software + iTouch).
The price I have to pay for this is:
- transcode all the 16/44 FLAC files into ALAC (dbpoweramp)
- transcode all high res FLAC files into AIFF (which is a mess and tagging is hardly standardized under Windows) (dbpoweramp, iTunes)
- recalculate replaygain values either with iVolume (slow) or reformatting replaygain values using mp3tag (iTunNormTag)
- keep the FLAC files (yes I want to keep the FLACs!) and their back-up (this needs 2 x 1TB disks for my collection)
- keep the ALAC and the AIFF files (another 2 x 1TB disks at least)

remaining disadvantages:
- not state of the art audio quality (XP: no ASIO, no kernel streaming support. Vista: no WASAPI).
- if I play a 16/44 ALAC and afterwards a 24/96 AIFF file, I have to exit and restart iTunes.

Option 2
enjoy the audio quality of foobar using flac files for any resolution (16/44, 24/96, etc.) and the WASAPI driver for my DAC. Foobar must not be restarted if the resolution changes.

remaining disadvantage:
- the iTouch with the beautiful iTunes Remote application installed gets dusty on the shelf and I have to walk to the computer to change tracks, switch playlists or search a song/album/musician.

Impression after some testing
foo_httpcontrol has reached a very usable and robust state, while Jorors is clearly the best available template it's not yet there:
- refresh problem. If I select a track it takes way to long until the selection is confirmed by the small blue arrow. Track running time is not displayed continuously.
- uses a lot of battery
- some bugs as mentioned in previous posts by others (though the album art works perfectly. As stated in an earlier post by oblikoamorale you assign the following value to the album art field of the http control preferences page: $directory_path(%path%)\folder.jpg)
- in addition: the top bar with the left arrow button and the list button should NOT move, when I scroll through the list.

Final thoughts
These two components belong together like twins. Improvements based on Jorors template might be a small step for a gifted programmer (oblikoamorales, Joror) but a giant step for the computer audio world ;-) Of course I know these "small steps" are always more tricky than they seem to be at a first glance. If I can get rid of maintaining my collection in two different file formats, I will press for sure on that "Donate" button, though it won't be a fortune, it will be for sure more than 10 or 20 USD.

... tried my best to motivate the both of you and keep you going 



Reply #460

- in addition: the top bar with the left arrow button and the list button should NOT move, when I scroll through the list.


I had this thought too. I'll look into it when I get round to it.

To better fit my screen I've moved the volume bar and made it show/hide on click, like the progress bar does.

I've also re-enabled the broswer as I prefer to have it. But I'm using the browser page I modified based on vairulez.

Brilliant work Joror and oblikoamorale.


Reply #461
Hello all,

I have been playing with foo_httpcontrol and Joror's template for a few days now (since I got my iPhone actually). I would like to thank them warmly for the tremendous work they did. I first thought of implementing a DACP plugin to be able to control foobar using iTunes Remote, but that is unnecessary as Joror's template easily shows.

There are some issues with this template however, like the constant polling (which may explain battery drain), or a few visual artifacts here and there. Also lacking is a feature essential to me: the ability to go through your library and play songs from there.

So I have started modifying Joror's template to make improvements in those areas. I have come to a point where those are fixed and the template is pretty usable, though far from perfect (see release notes). Regarding the library, there are two ways you can view its content with the plugin: either browsing the file system, or making queries according to user-defined parameters (see plugin configuration). I have implemented the former as it was nearly there, but the latter is planned for addition at some time.

Those who want to try the modified template can get it here:

Note that the template is designed primarily for the iPhone. Other platforms are not a priority. Some features can only be used on the iPhone (those requiring double touch input).

I would like to state again that this is a work in progress. I cannot make any claim as to its fitness to your needs or any purpose whatsoever etc. That said some may find it useful or use it as a starting point for further progress, and I'd appreciate feedback, especially regarding battery life. The template has been extensively redesigned to avoid making requests to the plugin. When not doing anything else you get only one request at the end of the track. It will be hard to do much better and I am wondering if this translates into better battery life. Note that for now this means you are not notified of actions made directly in foobar until the next track starts. We will need to see how to address this.


Reply #462

KICK ASS!!!!  Thanks for your work.  I am going to leave work early so I can go home and start playing with it.

There should be no real reason why Foobar needs to "talk back" to the iPhone.  This component is typically used in situation where you dont have direct access to the computer playing Foobar, or when you would rather not have to look at a screen, and use mouse and keyboard.

I see no problem whatsoever in having it refresh only when changing things on the iPhone side.  And yes this should really help alot with the battery life issue.

The only suggestions I have, without actually playing with yours, is mentioned in some posts above.  I wouldn't mind having the volume bar "hide" when not in use.  I dont use Foobar's volume personally.  And yes playing from the "album list" (i assume you meant that when you said Library) would be really nice.

My own personal stumbling blocks I ran into were the following: (perhaps you have already addressed these)
- You must double tap a track in the playlist to get it to play (first tap highlites it blue, second tap plays the item)
- In playlist view, I could not get the Page to change with the arrows.
- The time and time "scroll bar" did not work.  It neither showed the time, nor did the slider work.
- When I touched anywhere in that area it changed Foobar to "Shuffle"
- I do have a large playlist (84K), and it seems to not wont to load out the gates.  This could just be because of the huge playlist.  But I like having the entire library on shuffle, then use the iPhone to jump around.  When I find something I like, I take it off Shuffle.
- My album art was not showing but I think I grabbed the correct code in the post above.  I tried three different codes for Album art so far and none worked.  This one above is a fourth version.  I have my fingers crossed.

In any event....  Huge Props to yourself, Joror, Oblikoamorale especially, Kev, Auric, and Soulruins (whose template I have been happily using until today).  I cannot explain how huge this is for me.  I will not go through the effort to convert everything to ALAC and use iTunes and the Remote app, no matter how cool it is.  This is the answer to all of my Foo-prayers.

Thanks again everyone!!!!

Consider me super excited, much appreciative, and tickled pink!!!!


Reply #463
WOW!!!  You have got to be kidding me!!!  This is so good!  Thank you so much for the work.  This is a dream come true.

I cant stay long because I am going to go watch today's Tour de France stage and listen to music ALL NIGHT!.  This template is tremendous.  I cannot praise it enough.

The fading is excellent and fast.  The The addition of a "folder browser" is very nice. The overall appearance is gorgeous in general.

One little thing I noticed, which if never fixed I would still be ecstatic.  The "dot" on the track progression bar doesn't disappear with the rest of the bar.  It floats eerily across the album art when the overlay disappears.

Is it possible to have the volume bar disappear the same way the progress bar does?
Can the very topmost bar not scroll with the page?
Could the default album art appearance be without the progress overlay?

I will report back tomorrow regarding battery life improvement.  I cant imagine it wont be much, much better.

WELL DONE everyone.

Thank you so much.


Reply #464
This is what I did using Jorors template. Though I may have wasted my time now with lxofith working on it too! I shall try his amendments in a bit.

The enqueue, dir, clear line does fit on one line on my device. Must be a font issue on my PC. The current address line works in a breadcrumb type way.

I've looked into keeping the top bar static when scrolling through the playlist, but the "<ul>" pages is beyond my knowledge somewhat and I've not figured out how to do it yet.

Looking at lxofith's now.

EDIT... As he said its intended for iPhone. Unfortunalty that makes several of the changes unusable for me. Browser page is just the top bar plus a blank white screen. The playlist page only lets me highlight and unhighlight tracks, I cant do anything with them (play them or delete with the delete button)

I do like the larger track info text on click though. I might put that on what I have already.



Reply #465


Reply #466

You should keep on developing your own version of Joror's for the Google phone, or whatever you have.  while ixo's is probably perfect for the iPhone.  You could help by reformatting for the G1 or whatever.


Reply #467
I will report back tomorrow regarding battery life improvement.  I cant imagine it wont be much, much better.

After using Ixo's template for about 4 hours last night, I cant say it drained the battery anymore than simple regular phone use.  I started at 100% and had at least 70% when all was said and done.

A second small issue popped up, once again if not fixed im not losing sleep.  I cannot easily pick songs from the playlists.  It highlights in blue upon first touch.  Sometimes it actually plays, mostly not.  any thoughts on this?

One more request upon further usage:

Is there any way to move the trashcan to somewhere else on the page?  It is really easy to touch when going back to album art screen.

Once again,  thanks to everyone who have helped get this far!

Oh, one last question....  How are you people getting such nice screenshots of your iPhone?  How do you do that?



Reply #468
WOW!!!  You have got to be kidding me!!!  This is so good!  Thank you so much for the work.  This is a dream come true.

Well I am glad this has helped someone :-)

One little thing I noticed, which if never fixed I would still be ecstatic.  The "dot" on the track progression bar doesn't disappear with the rest of the bar.  It floats eerily across the album art when the overlay disappears.

Sorry about that, it got through "QA". I have fixed it.

Is it possible to have the volume bar disappear the same way the progress bar does?

Good idea, I don't use the volume bar too much either. Done.

Can the very topmost bar not scroll with the page?

This can be done and was planned already (see release notes). However Apple has made it very difficult to implement, so it may take some time.

Could the default album art appearance be without the progress overlay?

I don't use it this way, but I have added a preference so you can have it. See release notes/prefs.js.template in the new release.

Version 0.2 containing the fixes and improvements mentionned above is available at the same URL:


Reply #469
EDIT... As he said its intended for iPhone. Unfortunalty that makes several of the changes unusable for me. Browser page is just the top bar plus a blank white screen. The playlist page only lets me highlight and unhighlight tracks, I cant do anything with them (play them or delete with the delete button)

Regarding the browser: I had the exact same issue when I first tried to add it back to the template, and the problem was in the plugin. Are you sure you are using the latest version (I think 0.92 is required)? Another fix may be to have a non-empty 'Browse path' in the plugin preferences, and making sure that you don't put trailing backslashes (this means no drive root like c:\). I suggest you upgrade the plugin.

Regarding the playlist: when selecting tracks, you should be able to remove them from the playlist by clicking the trash icon. It works with FF on my PC, have you tried that? It may be specific to your device but this is strange. I agree that playing a track is possible on the iPhone only (using two-finger touch). We could find another way for other devices, I have tried double-click with FF but it didn't work, maybe with a specific button on each track?


Reply #470
After using Ixo's template for about 4 hours last night, I cant say it drained the battery anymore than simple regular phone use.  I started at 100% and had at least 70% when all was said and done.

OK, this is good to know. Have you tried the original template by Joror in the same conditions?

A second small issue popped up, once again if not fixed im not losing sleep.  I cannot easily pick songs from the playlists.  It highlights in blue upon first touch.  Sometimes it actually plays, mostly not.  any thoughts on this?

You must touch the song with two fingers at the same time to make it play. This is similar to the browser where this gesture is used to empty the current playlist, enqueue the directory and start playing.
I recognize this is not intuitive. I would like to be able to select the songs or play them easily. Maybe this:
- click on the main part in the middle to play the song
- click on the left or right parts to select/unselect
What do you think?

One more request upon further usage:

Is there any way to move the trashcan to somewhere else on the page?  It is really easy to touch when going back to album art screen.

Yes I do agree with you, though I haven't found a very good spot. Maybe in the 'Page x of x' section, to the right? It would be aligned with the zone that is used for selection (if we follow what I suggest above).


Reply #471
After using Ixo's template for about 4 hours last night, I cant say it drained the battery anymore than simple regular phone use.  I started at 100% and had at least 70% when all was said and done.

OK, this is good to know. Have you tried the original template by Joror in the same conditions?

A second small issue popped up, once again if not fixed im not losing sleep.  I cannot easily pick songs from the playlists.  It highlights in blue upon first touch.  Sometimes it actually plays, mostly not.  any thoughts on this?

You must touch the song with two fingers at the same time to make it play. This is similar to the browser where this gesture is used to empty the current playlist, enqueue the directory and start playing.
I recognize this is not intuitive. I would like to be able to select the songs or play them easily. Maybe this:
- click on the main part in the middle to play the song
- click on the left or right parts to select/unselect
What do you think?

One more request upon further usage:

Is there any way to move the trashcan to somewhere else on the page?  It is really easy to touch when going back to album art screen.

Yes I do agree with you, though I haven't found a very good spot. Maybe in the 'Page x of x' section, to the right? It would be aligned with the zone that is used for selection (if we follow what I suggest above).


To be honest I have not tried the original Auric or Joror for that long.  But if I had to guess I wouls say I used that much battery in much shorter sessions.

Thanks for the tip on the multi-touch selection style on the playlist.  I dont know how i missed that.  But i now know why it sometimes worked after I mashed the screen a couple of times.

Regarding your question on how to enqueue, i cannot answer without playing with the playlist now that I know how it works.  I am planning a long listening session tonight and will get back to you on my opinion there.

RE: the trashcan, i think that would as good a place as any other. 

Ixo....  thanks again for the hard work.  I bought a iPhone dock today because of your template.  So good.

lastly, you commented that that you were glad this template helped me.  It will help thousands.

There must be a way for you to submit this as an application to Apple/iTunes and sell it for .99


Reply #472
Wondering....  what is the selection of the tracks for in the playlist?  If i highlight more than one song what happens, and how do I play them after selecting a few.  Does it just queue them up?

this one is new to me.


Reply #473

Nice work on the 0.2 release.  Well done.  And fast to boot.

One question.... Is the art getting stretched now that the volume bar is gone?  It kind of appears that way.

If so, maybe you could make the control bar at the bottom thicker?  But maybe that messes with things when the overlay is on?? Possibly just a thicker black control bar and keep the control buttons justified to the bottom?

In any event.... again SOOOOOO many thanks.  I have already turned on a bunch of friends to this.  Haven't received any feedback though.



Reply #474
My suggestion for the playlist page, as I had the same thought about the bin button (although it didnt work for me) would be single click selects and highlights as it does now. But on select the track number changes to a play button which starts track on click. And when selected it changes the track time to a bin button, for deleting?

I will have a go of your latest version, and make sure I have the latest version of the component too, to see if that fixes any of the ploblems I was having.
