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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 551736 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #725
so i've got EL Playlist set up pretty decently, but i've got three problems:

1. since I made the album artwork bigger, now the grid lines (alternating color) go behind the artwork. is there some way to cut them off at the track number column, perhaps?

2. how do I deal with various artist albums where each track is a different artist?

3. how do I add a new column after the track length one? i'd love to put my old NG Playlist/Columns UI code in there that says if it's MP3 or FLAC and what codec profile and bitrate.

thanks a bunch!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #726
3. how do I add a new column after the track length one? i'd love to put my old NG Playlist/Columns UI code in there that says if it's MP3 or FLAC and what codec profile and bitrate.

I don't see a need for that, since the group header shows if it's a flac, mp3,... except that for a constant bitrate mp3 it doesn't display the actual bitrate. I'd like to see that work, guess this line of the config has something to do with it:
Code: [Select]
$puts(txt.l3,%codec%[ %codec_profile%][ | Gain: %replaygain_album_gain%])

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #727
3. how do I add a new column after the track length one? i'd love to put my old NG Playlist/Columns UI code in there that says if it's MP3 or FLAC and what codec profile and bitrate.

I don't see a need for that, since the group header shows if it's a flac, mp3,... except that for a constant bitrate mp3 it doesn't display the actual bitrate. I'd like to see that work, guess this line of the config has something to do with it:
Code: [Select]
$puts(txt.l3,%codec%[ %codec_profile%][ | Gain: %replaygain_album_gain%])

thanks, so where does that go exactly? I've tried putting it in at different spots and nothing displays differently.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #728
Is it possibile to add album rating in group header?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #729
Is it possibile to add album rating in group header?
yes, if you have the tag...
but, why am i sure that this quick answer will not satisfy you. ?...

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #730
this quick reply really satisfy me

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #731
i've setup an el playlist i'm fairly satisfied with for the time being:

what i would like to do, is use sub-groups to create another elplaylist setup that groups first at the artist level, then looks like above for the album and track level. i.e.

artist 1
artist 2
artist 3

(expanded 1 level)
artist 1
-album 1
-album 2
artist 2
artist 3

(expanded 2 levels)
artist 1
-album 1
-album 2
artist 2
artist 3

to attempt to do this, i've created a sub-group using "|||"

then i use a line in the group header script that goes like:

$select($add(%el_group_depth%,1), draw artist, old el playlist setup)

this gives me the following:

it is close to what i would like, but i am having difficulty figuring out how to make multiple expandable groups.  so far, it is just one group that gets expanded.  i cannot figure out how to make it so the artist group can be expanded and collapsed.  my old el playlist setup goes like:

$if(%el_is_collapsed%, draw album, draw header for track list)

i think the problem is, %el_is_collapsed% obviously doesn't distinguish between %el_group1_collapsed% and %el_group2_collapsed%.  i think i need to take a different approach, but i can't figure out how (maybe i need to use $select differently and eliminate using %el_is_collapsed%). 

is it impossible to do what i want, or am i just approaching it incorrectly?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #732
if I understand you right, you would like something like this, but I never get answer for that.

AFAIK, the only thing you can achieve is:
[a href="" target="_blank"]

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #733
Hello, i'm trying to make similar to recent played tracks playlist using ElPlaylist and autoplaylist  sorted by last played. It looks like this:

My problem is that i don't play songs in this playlist, so cursor follows playback option doesn't work in it, and as songs are being played, focus doesn't follow recent played tracks, and i have to manually scroll up, so i want to limit playlist to display only 10 recent tracks, or find a way to autoscroll playlist up, maybe by per second code, or any other way, so i have 2 questions:

1. Is there a way to somehow limit amounts of tracks in a playlist? I want  only 10 recent played tracks to be displayed.

2.Is there a way to make this Autoplaylist to auto-scroll up, to show most recent tracks? Maybe by per second code? or any other way.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #734
Does someone please have some code to display an album rating in album header calculated from the rating of the individual tracks?
I'm thinking of either a number as plain text with one decimal tops, or a star with a rating number inside like I've seen somewhere.
Thanks in advance!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #735
Splitter Settings code
Code: [Select]

How come got called in elplist

Is it possible?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #736
Bah, never mind. I just found it!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #737
I just updated the wiki page for ELPlaylist.

I made a first clean up of the (machine) translated manual and adapted everything. Furthermore, I started to correct passages so that they are actually understandable.

To proceed there is still plenty of work to be done:
  • Further corrections (language and content)
  • To add screen shots
  • Add Examples

Therefore everyone is welcomed to complete the documentation


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #739
For anybody who might be interested I've made a User-Defined Language file for Notepad++ that does highlighting and code folding for elplaylist coding. It isn't perfect, but I've found it to be quite helpful so I'm throwing it out for anybody who might find it helpful. If you figure out a way to make other cool things happen, or a better way to do something that I've tried to do here, by all means let me know.

This is what it looks like:

How it works:
A few things to note - as you can see in the image, I make use of the fact that elplaylist uses // as comments. So // is a code fold header, /// is a code fold break, and //// is a comment. So if you want to be able to fold your code, all you have to do is say // code /// (all on new lines) and notepad++ will fold the code accordingly. Other than that, it should operate as a typical text editor. As an added bonus, Notepad++ has built-in libraries for tons of other languages, and its super-easy to make your own.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #740
Problem: I'm using $imageabs to display my album art pictures, but I resize the images when the group is collapsed and expand it when the group is open. When I do this, elplaylist renders the images in high quality at their small size but when they expand they are blurry. How can I make it so that they don't do this?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #741
Problem: I'm using $imageabs to display my album art pictures, but I resize the images when the group is collapsed and expand it when the group is open. When I do this, elplaylist renders the images in high quality at their small size but when they expand they are blurry. How can I make it so that they don't do this?

you have to use $imageabs with higher size of your cover FIRST with option nodisplay, it will cache the image in memory for next uses

so you have to code 2 $imageabs instructions for one pic : first with max size and nodisplay, then the second with adjusted size depending of your header height with display on

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #742
el_playlist - losing album art

I have been using el-playlist for a long time and have not no problem.
but recently I have had 2 problems that are kind of strange.

1) - Wrong album cover art
For one song, a wrong album cover art is displayed. for the life of me, i cannot understand why. The Album Art Panel displays the correct cover.
All my album covers are stored in one folder, every other track displays the correct one. I used mp3tag to look at the track and there is no
album cover tagged in the ape file.

2) - Album cover art disappears
Sometimes when and after I bring up a VST using George Young's VST wrapper, all album cover art disappears. But My Album Art Panel looks
fine. I need to close foobar2000, then start it again to fix it. Any idea?

Any idea is appreciated. Thanks.



[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #743
Hi. I need help.
How i can draw line between 2 characters:
%album%----------------------------------line--------------------------------------8 tracks, (1:09:04)

$drawstring($if2(%el_item_count% $ifgreater(%el_item_count%,1,tracks,track) ,)['('%el_sum_length%')'],,,,)

I can't bind line to the width of text on the right side?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #744
you can calculate the width of text (using $gettextwidth) and then subtract it from the overall width (%el_width%) to give the correct length of line. something like....

$sub(%el_width%,$gettextwidth(%album%$if2(%el_item_count% $ifgreater(%el_item_count%,1,tracks,track) ,)['('%el_sum_length%')'])

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #745
thanks, it work fine

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #746
Thanks Falstaff, works great!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #747
How do you change the colour of text contained in brackets (of [ ] for my purpose) in ELplaylist? The $replace function I used with the NGPlaylist doesn't work.

I've tried finding a skin what does this using ELplaylist but haven't been successful.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #748

I have been using ELPlaylist for a long time and most of the time it works great.
But from time to time, album covers are not displayed in the playlist. To get covers back,
I have to exit foobar2000 and restart foobar2000 again. Any idea?



[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #749
is there any way to make the text run over the albumart? that way i could use the covers as background, which would remove the need for some space.
if not, is there another plugin that can do that?