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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 551730 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #200
i have notice some lags when refreshing the display (like covers) (on track change!) since versions series works fine and don't lag on refreshing lines

could you check this and fix it please (try my last config KUNG-FOO and check the refresh of covers on track change with v0.6.x.x and you'll see what i mean)

thanx by adavnce, but for now, i stay with

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #201

@ the developper :

great work, this is definitively the best playlist components for foobar, thanks again

just a request very important for design multi-preset layout/group by :

-> adding 'row height' value in 'General/Group by' frame to allow to have different group height depending on the 'group by' preset used ...

it's a big lake cause i need to design a preset for album view (with a row height of 20 pixels) and a Singles view with a higher height (~40 pixels) and i can't

thanks to take this in consideration for your next release please,

thanx by advance !

keep the good work


done in v0.6.1.1b, thanx a lot to the developper

but i can't use it until there is this lag on refresh playlist (very slow in v0.6.x.x version and no pb in earlier versions 0.5.x.x !!)
any idea of what have changed and that could explain this lag refresh (on track change in shuffle track mode or random mode => modes that scroll the playlist and so need a refresh display of each lines!)

i hope you'll fix this big bug (maybe it is due to foobar2000core?artwork reader ??

i hope to ear news about you and this pb on your website soon !!

thanx by advance

PS: to explain what i see exactly : refresh seems to be done line by line and start from the top displayed line of the playlist and go down until the last line but drop the now_playing line (track) => this now_playing track (line) is refresh the lastest. all this refresh method of the playlist take 1 second and i can see that (  )
in v0.5.2.1.b, not pb, the refresh is done in one block! i can't see no line refresh separatly (i think it's done in backgroud but not shown until it is finish, so no lag is visible on refresh!)

i hope that will help you.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #202
There's a draw problem when you change playlist and using different preset with different row height.

Example: I have 2 different playlists and different preset ...

1: Group row=0, Row height=55

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #203
i have notice some lags when refreshing the display (like covers) (on track change!) since versions series works fine and don't lag on refreshing lines

could you check this and fix it please (try my last config KUNG-FOO and check the refresh of covers on track change with v0.6.x.x and you'll see what i mean)

thanx by adavnce, but for now, i stay with

fixed in the new released just published : v0.6.1.2b

now line refresh works fine !!! so cool

@developper :  thanx a lot for quick reactivity, it's definitively the best playlist panel for foobar (still some things to add or fix but thats already great!)

keep up the good work 

PS: i don't know if the problem indicated above by buktore is fixed, not tested yet ...

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #204
i noticed if you have resume playback after restart enabled, it plays the song back when you exit it, however if you pause the song and close when you bring back the window/player it's stuck on pause. And you have to manually hit play.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #205
Just to let you know, there's a mouse gesture component that you can use it within latest version of EL playlist, available at component homepage. It quite handy for a mouse mania 

i don't know if the problem indicated above by buktore is fixed

Not yet..

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #206
Jesus, how cool, esp. that mouse gesture feature.. Though there seems to be some font problem..? The up/down/left/right "arrows" are all just rectangles... But really cool and working stuff.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #207
There's a draw problem when you change playlist and using different preset with different row height....

Fixed in    Thanks, now I can really use this feature.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #209
Could you guys please post your configs.. would be great to see the different possibilities in action..
Thanks alot!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #210
question: is it possible to use the drawrect function to color a group when it's selected when it is  still collapsed?

I'm asking because I know that it's used for items when groups are expanded, but it would be nice to use this same feature while groups are still collapsed to edit all items in a group without expanding the group.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #211
how does this currently compare to panelsui?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #213
my configs are already posted in this forum : IBIZA & KUNG-FOO, just read posts 

I know  I have them both and they are great (together with FooSune). I just thought those who are requesting those special features here would also like to share their gems.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #214
got a question about popup

by default it was showing simple info about file on hover, but after changing 'enable color key' its info its gone, and it seems its not reacting on any input I set in Popup(track)... just shows blank popup...

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #215
I've got a font bug. ELPlaylist (tried v0.6.1.1 and v0.6.2.2) won't display characters greater than $char(127). That is, it displays the square character instead.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #216
I've got a font bug. ELPlaylist (tried v0.6.1.1 and v0.6.2.2) won't display characters greater than $char(127). That is, it displays the square character instead.

not an ELplaylist bug at all, it is due to your OS (you are under XP and not Vista and you haven't activated expanded linguistic support (for asian/japanese for example) => go to Control Center in windows to fix that (search on google for some help about this))

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #217

I've got a font bug. ELPlaylist (tried v0.6.1.1 and v0.6.2.2) won't display characters greater than $char(127). That is, it displays the square character instead.

not an ELplaylist bug at all, it is due to your OS (you are under XP and not Vista and you haven't activated expanded linguistic support (for asian/japanese for example) => go to Control Center in windows to fix that (search on google for some help about this))

Sorry, googling for expanded linguistic support didn't help. Can you define more acurately what to look for?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #218
I'm new to foobar 3rd party plugins.  how do I make the album artwork show on the side of the album title on the ELplaylist view?


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #220

I've got a font bug. ELPlaylist (tried v0.6.1.1 and v0.6.2.2) won't display characters greater than $char(127). That is, it displays the square character instead.

not an ELplaylist bug at all, it is due to your OS (you are under XP and not Vista and you haven't activated expanded linguistic support (for asian/japanese for example) => go to Control Center in windows to fix that (search on google for some help about this))

OK, I did manage to guess what options should I activate (two checkboxes for RTL and hieroglyphic languages, right?), but it didn't help.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #221

Is there a way for me to remove a whole group by selecting the group header (either in a collapsed state or not)?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #222
^del button

question: is it possible to use the drawrect function to color a group when it's selected when it is  still collapsed?

I'm asking because I know that it's used for items when groups are expanded, but it would be nice to use this same feature while groups are still collapsed to edit all items in a group without expanding the group.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #223
^del button

question: is it possible to use the drawrect function to color a group when it's selected when it is  still collapsed?

I'm asking because I know that it's used for items when groups are expanded, but it would be nice to use this same feature while groups are still collapsed to edit all items in a group without expanding the group.

The delete button does not work because when I click on a group header, it is not selected at all.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #224
The delete button does not work because when I click on a group header, it is not selected at all.

You have to set this up explicitly in the Behavior tab (I believe).