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Topic: Album Art Downloader XUI (Read 2187595 times) previous topic - next topic
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Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #800
The crash window is the typical XP box that pops up that asks whether to report the crash instance or not. While it is up, v0.27 starts up and you can even click on File or Help and see context box dropdowns and such.

That's interesting... it doesn't even get caught by the AAD error reporting system. There's no need to re-install (unless you want to see if it magically disappears), if it only popped up the standard XP box, no errorlog.txt would be created. What's even stranger is that AAD continues to load itself and run regardless. Could be a clue there; I'll look into it!



Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #802
Album Art Downloader XUI v0.27.1 Released
This update is just to restore compatibility with .NET 3.5 with no SP1 applied. (v0.26 had unintentionally broken compatibility). If you are already successfully running 0.27 then there is no need to update to 0.27.1. If you have .NET 3.5 without SP1, then I'd first of all recommend updating to SP1, but if you can't for whatever reason, then this version should no longer crash for you.

I've also added a script for ArkivMusic, which has covers for classical music albums. It should show up in your Get More Scripts link, or you can download it directly from

AlbumArtDownloaderXUI.exe (Installer. Recommended) (zip archive for those who don't like installers)
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (required)

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #803
Thanks for your continuous development! 
audiophile // flac & wavpack, mostly // using too many audio players

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #804
Thanks Alex! Version 0.27.1 is running as expected under .NET 3.5
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #805
Alright now.  Who wrote the script to give the Black Eyed Peas new album, The End, with every search?!

Type Korn, get Black Eyed Peas.  Type Metallica, get Black Eyed Peas.  Type... you get the point.

My crash in v27.1:

-Search for an album
-Save it
-Try to save another album with same search
-"Do you want to replace it"
-Select 'no'
-Delete an image in the save as box
-Click 'save'
-AAD crashes
-Displays errorlog
-'System.ArithmeticException: Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.'

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #806
It's working great here, thank you very much.

GreetinX from Berlin, Germany

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #807
Alright now.  Who wrote the script to give the Black Eyed Peas new album, The End, with every search?!

Very strange. I tried searching for Artist: Korn, Album: <blank>, and Artist: Metallica, Album: <blank>, but didn't get Black Eyed Peas for either of them. If it's still happening, could you try the same search on the actual website, and see whether Black Eyed Peas appears anywhere on the results page?

As for the crash, I couldn't reproduce it. Does it happen with any album? Or is there a specific search and results that cause it? Could you send me a bit more of the error log, it might help determine what went wrong.



Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #808
Search for Artist: Korn, Album: Issues, and Artist: Metallica, Album: Master, and I get Black Eyed Peas cover in both.

And yeah, when I search for either album, the Black Eyed Peas album is listed in "Similar Products in general" section.  Matter of fact, every album listed in the similar products section makes it way into the search results.  Well, that explains that.

And the crash happens with any album.  I'm running XP-SP3 with .NET 3.5-SP1.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #809
every album listed in the similar products section makes it way into the search results.
I can fix that. I'm sure alsaan won't mind me tweaking his script. has now been updated, and should show up next time the online update check is made, or you can just download it manually.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #810
I'm running a fresh install of Vista Business 64 bit SP2, and the program is instantly crashing. I can't get it to run at all

I installed .net 3.5 SP1, installed 0.27.1 from the main installer, then the 64bit upgrade, started the program and got the windows "Album Art Downloader has stopped working, check online for solution, close the program, or debug". Any idea on what I'm doing wrong? 

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #811
I'm running a fresh install of Vista Business 64 bit SP2, and the program is instantly crashing. I can't get it to run at all
I'm sorry, but I can't think of what might be causing that. Could you check to see if an errorlog.txt file was produced in the Album Art Downloader folder? If so, you can post it, or send it to me and I'll see if I can figure out what's gone wrong.

By the way, the 64bit upgrade is no longer required (since 0.27) - if something instructed you to install it, please let me know where so I can fix it!


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #813
First, thanks a lot for the updates and the update feature. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to comment.

Here's again "couple" of thoughts that came to my mind:

1) Unable to uncheck the "automatically download and install new scripts" once set! The "Get more scripts" is never shown again. Of course it's possible to turn it off manually by editing the "AutoDownloadAllScripts" value in the user.config file.. but that's hardly a user friendly action. Also, it would be nice to have an information window of the update(s), whether it happens automatically or not.. because it would be nice to test out the new source(s), could be hard to notice a change when there are many sources. Yes, I know, then do not use the automatic update, right? Well wrong, the "Get more scripts" link is maybe too subtle (compared to the other update window popping up).. I actually missed it first EVEN though I (well kind of) knew what to expect after reading the changelog.

2) Was it really necessary to break down the update (of scripts & program) and the "Get more scripts" into 2 completely different update systems? I find it a bit odd, wouldn't it be more clear and less hassle for the user to be able to do ALL "updates" from one place?

3) After install, manually checking the updates yielded 8 updates (,,,,,, & The 7 amazon updates said 0.9 -> 0.10, I unchecked all but, updated that and restarted, only to find that once doing the manual update check, there were only left. The was not changed at all (I copied the old one and did compare after), so what happened? Was the only file that changed? I think so. Anyways, just letting you know in case you haven't seen this happen.. might be confusing to somebody.. like me.

4) What does "Script updates now include dependency information" actually mean from the user perspective? Strange things happen like I described in the previous point?

5) Are you sure "The Online Update / Get more scripts system can not delete existing scripts"? I'm just thinking of a situation where you're "forced" to release an update of the whole program which only deletes source(s). This when AAD XUI is feature ready and no bugfixes needed (if that's possible at all with computer software ). Then again, are the obsolete scripts a problem? Maybe not.. I can only think of a situation where users would start to complain that sources are not working anymore.. and you'd have no bugfixes or features in the pipeline.

6) It seems that it's not possible to include sources with command line switches. And adding "/localImagesPath" when starting doesn't enable/include "Local Files" source if that was disabled previously. What do you think, would it be a good thing to make "/localImagesPath" switch to automatically enable "Local Files" source? Currently there's a problem in REACT with this, I don't want to use "/sources all" and mess up the disable statuses of the sources users might have done earlier. It really would make sense to enable it if the switch was used in the first place. Maybe additionally the enable should not be "sticky", i.e. not saving the state, just enabling the source for "sessions" which are started with the "/localImagesPath" switch..?

7) I found out that I must change REACT code to handle the update restart XUI does (the PID changes and REACT thinks that the program was shutdown and continues though it should still wait).. oh well, I guess there's always a bad side to everything. I guess it's not feasible but, any chance that you could make XUI load/compile the updated scripts without a restart? Thanks for the efforts on the update feature, good to see that AAD still evolves.

Again I encourage you to boldly push the version to 1.0. I say it's ready for that status. It's SO GOOD! Thank you again for this amazing and wonderful software! I bow befor thee.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #814
Hi, sorry it's taken me a long time to respond. Here's some answers for you:

1) Yes, having some sort of notification that scripts have automatically been updated would be a good thing. That would also be a nice place to hang the UI for disabling auto-update off - you could click on the notification to see a list of the updated scripts and have the checkbox there to uncheck. Feature Request

2) I still regard updating existing features and adding new scripts to be two completely separate operations. Installing a new script is not an update. A user should certainly be able to distinguish between keeping all the scripts they've chosen to install up to date, and automatically installing any new script that might become available.

3) Yeah, sorry about that. Someone found a bug with the common functionality for all amazon scripts. That means that if you have any of the amazon scripts installed, each one of them counts as having been updated. As the common functionality for amazon is shared (, if you update any of them, then all the others will share the fixed code.

4) From a user perspective, it means I can actually provide updates for files that scripts depend on, as well as the script files themselves. Such as, yes, It's not a common scenario, most scripts are self-contained in a single file.

5) Yes, I'm absolutely sure that I don't want to have the capability to remotely automatically delete scripts.

6) I don't want the /localImagesPath to do anything other than specify the local images path. What I could do is add another parameter, "/include", which would work like "/exclude". It would enable the sources specified, but not change the status of any other sources. Feature Request

7) Restarting to apply updates is pretty standard behaviour. It isn't forced, though, so if running from REACT you're best off just not restarting, and the updates will be picked up next time the app is started.

I think what it really lacks for a v1.0 status is proper documentation, and probably a proper website too. Which I will get round to some time. Probably.

As far as code goes, there are a few minor features that will probably make it in. The only big one I'm considering is adding a post-processing system where you could specify the operations to be performed when you hit save (default is to just save as file to %filename%, but options would include resizing, saving additional copies, embedding into specified files, execution of arbitrary external programs, that sort of thing). I haven't decided if it is worthwhile, or would be too confusing, but it's a possibility.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #815
Thanks for the answers and added feature reqs.

6) I don't want the /localImagesPath to do anything other than specify the local images path. What I could do is add another parameter, "/include", which would work like "/exclude".

Ok, I didn't suggest the /include switch because I didn't see any other use for it (lack of imagination?). That's why I thought that it would make sense to make the /localImagesPath enable the local source automatically.

7) Restarting to apply updates is pretty standard behaviour. It isn't forced, though, so if running from REACT you're best off just not restarting, and the updates will be picked up next time the app is started.

Unfortunately I can't control the restarting from REACT. I could just write a warning of not to restart to manual but who reads them, really.. where did the RTFM came from.  Or I could try to code REACT so that it detects the restart.. it seems that there's very little time between PID (process) changes.. I could use that, 1 or 2 second delay (in case there's no actual restart) hurts no-one. Can you think of a situation where the new process would start much later after the 1st one closes?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #816
Can you think of a situation where the new process would start much later after the 1st one closes?
I suppose if it was running on a very slow machine, which was busy doing something else at the time? Tough one to test, really.

As far as my code goes, if a restart is requested, a new instance is started (with the same command line parameters the first had) immediately before the first instance exits.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #817
Ok, the new instance starts before the old one dies, just what I wanted to hear, so basically there's always an instance running. Thanks for the info.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #818
Hi Alex, I have a feature request: New AAD windows should not steal focus from existing AAD windows.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #819
New AAD windows should not steal focus from existing AAD windows.

Hi Kanak - can you be a bit more specific? How are you launching the new AAD window? Wouldn't you expect any new window you open to open in the foreground?


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #820
New AAD windows should not steal focus from existing AAD windows.

Hi Kanak - can you be a bit more specific? How are you launching the new AAD window? Wouldn't you expect any new window you open to open in the foreground?


Hi Alex,

This is what i mean:

1. I do a File Browser search and queue items.
2. I've set it to launch up to 3 windows at a time.
3. I've set the windows to close automatically after the downloads are gone.
4. So i have like 3 windows open. I download art from Album A. the window closes and now i'm looking at the art for album B. At this time, the new window (replacing the closed window for album A) opens.

It might sound like a minor annoyance, but it's making it really difficult for me to download in batch... as i'm trying to click on the appropriate art, the new window opens obscuring the view. I now have to go back to window B and make the selection.

I hope this clarifies the issue... I can try to be more specific.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #822

at first a big thx to alex for his nice application. i realy love it.

i just have one question. is it posible to search by artist - title...i just want to search for the "single"("maxi")-cover.

hope it's posible.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #823
i just want to search for the "single"("maxi")-cover.

Hi Joe, thanks for your comments. You can search for whatever you like, it's up to the individual sources whether they have covers for singles as well as albums. If all else fails, the Google Image source will usually come up with something.

If you mean to get the file browser to use the Title ID3 tag instead of the Album tag, then no, that isn't possible, sorry.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #824
thx for the fast answer...

i got it by using the mp3tag v2.43. it' realy nice.

but now i have the next problem...if i start your application multiple times,
it will use the queue. i have 3 aktive windows and the other be in queue.
for now if i download a cover it rename it to a special path. for the first 3 active
windows it works very well. but all the others in queue renamed it wrong?

this is what i'm using:

/artist "%artist%" /album "%title%" /p ".\Art\%artist%-%title%.jpg"

i'm using windows 7...should this be the problem??