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Topic: Best DVD-Audio Player (Read 4952 times) previous topic - next topic
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Best DVD-Audio Player

What do you think is the best DVD-Audio Playing software? PowerDVD has good effects support but even when you chose play DVD-Audio isntead of DVD-Video it still plays the the DVD-Video part which will slightly degrade the output quality plus visuals are distracting from the music. Creative DVD-Audio player only plays the DVD-Audio part even if a disc has both Audio and Video but it lacks effects (Dolby, DTS, SRS, etc.) plus it doesn't work for me anymore >.< Which software do you think is the best for DVD-Audio playback?

Best DVD-Audio Player

Reply #1
WinDVD 8


Best DVD-Audio Player

Reply #3
every media player that supports .WAV once you have your dvd in .wav ;-)

Best DVD-Audio Player

Reply #6
LOL, good joke... HAHAHAHAHA

That has got to be one of the funniest things I have ever heard... you are joking, right?  Modern processors are quite good at concurrency, so I don't see why audio quality would degrade.

Don't spread misinformation here.  You'll only get shot down and draw the ire of everyone here.

Best DVD-Audio Player

Reply #7
Especially, it won't degrade as some of you might imagine (loss of high frequencies or whatever). Even if your CPU is not strong enough (I used to watch DVDs with a Pentium II at 333 MHz!) the audio and video might stutter.