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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466207 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1950
Now I am getting confused about versions and the like.  I think one of the newer here had a version number lower than the 1.55, and I "upgraded".  Never mind, it still works (the reason was to test whether my previous report was version-dependent).


Reply #1951
In previous versions, the Album Artist field would only be written on compilation albums. Is there a way to restore this functionality? Maybe via tag-remapping or something?
I can't find a master list of all discos tags, besides what is in the tag remapping screen, so I'm not sure if there is a 'compilation' tag.



Reply #1952
In previous versions, the Album Artist field would only be written on compilation albums. Is there a way to restore this functionality? Maybe via tag-remapping or something?
I can't find a master list of all discos tags, besides what is in the tag remapping screen, so I'm not sure if there is a 'compilation' tag.


Good question. What was considered a "compilation" was very arbitrary in the old version so I opted to remove it entirely. It's perfectly possible to skip writing the ALBUM ARTIST field under certain criteria, if you can define those criteria....


Reply #1953
It's perfectly possible to skip writing the ALBUM ARTIST field under certain criteria, if you can define those criteria....

its a bit vague....are you talking about something like this?

for the tag DATE:
Code: [Select]

(This code checks, if the release has a date (some have not), and if, the component writes that date. If the release has no date, it keeps the current date. With the defaul string, it would always delete the date tag, which is -in my case- not so nice, because for most albums/tracks in my library I have set the release date by hand and don't want it to be deleted, if no date was entered from the discoGS staff/community)


Reply #1954
Just played a bit with the latest release from last Novmeber. The foo_discogs_help.html was not in the downloaded zip. Is it available somewhere else? Cheers.


Reply #1955
Just played a bit with the latest release from last Novmeber. The foo_discogs_help.html was not in the downloaded zip. Is it available somewhere else? Cheers.

I found a help doc in this post.

Now I am getting confused about versions and the like.  I think one of the newer here had a version number lower than the 1.55, and I "upgraded".  Never mind, it still works (the reason was to test whether my previous report was version-dependent).

When you take a look at the release-date (screenshot), you see an older date and this component is released by the former developer bubleguum. The new component is now developed by zoomorph.
But nobody which is reading here constantly knows about that ;-)

I agree, that without any user-readable version info in those beta-releases, its very hard to keep track of which version we are actually using. (because I often roll back an older release, because it better works than the newest version)
The components .dll sometimes comes within a ZIP-file, so you could always check the date of the .dll to know if its oder or newer than your current installed version.
but, very inconvenient, of course, and not very reliable too.


Reply #1956
Run into this:
Code: [Select]
(FATAL) Error: Error loading release 2504972: JSON Parser ExceptionError parsing release credits.


Reply #1957
In previous versions, the Album Artist field would only be written on compilation albums. Is there a way to restore this functionality? Maybe via tag-remapping or something?
I can't find a master list of all discos tags, besides what is in the tag remapping screen, so I'm not sure if there is a 'compilation' tag.


Good question. What was considered a "compilation" was very arbitrary in the old version so I opted to remove it entirely. It's perfectly possible to skip writing the ALBUM ARTIST field under certain criteria, if you can define those criteria....

Thanks for your reply.
Would it make sense to compare track artist to release artist, and if at any point they don't make, set a boolean positive for 'is compilation'? Something like that.

That is how I wish I could do it in foobar, but of course title formatting is per-track instead of groups of tracks so I can't really do that.

This would satisfy me at least, because if a track artist and a release artist are always the same, we could be confident it is NOT a compilation.


Reply #1958
Would it make sense to compare track artist to release artist, and if at any point they don't match, set a boolean positive for 'is compilation'? Something like that.

Typo and I can't edit my post... this is what I meant.


Reply #1959
Is fetching album art supposed to work with the latest release from last November?
  • It seems that the first file doesn't get overwritten on writing tags. When I remove the art files all seems working fine.
  • Updating album art only works when I remove art first.
I have the overwrite existing files box ticked.



Reply #1960
Is fetching album art supposed to work with the latest release from last November?
  • It seems that the first file doesn't get overwritten on writing tags. When I remove the art files all seems working fine.
  • Updating album art only works when I remove art first.
I have the overwrite existing files box ticked.


From my experience, it does NOT write the art to the tags. It saves it as 'cover.jpg', and it was NOT overwriting this file with the new artwork.
I had this set to save it as cover-%release id%.jpg but I had to reset this with the new version.
That way, I do all my tagging then do a batch attach album art, and it finds the art with the release id.

I would not mind if it wrote the first found artwork to the file though - would save a step.


Reply #1961
From my experience, it does NOT write the art to the tags. It saves it as 'cover.jpg', and it was NOT overwriting this file with the new artwork.
I meant writing jpg files while writing tags (first menu option) and updating those files with the third menu options. I'm on Windows 10, btw.


Reply #1963
Hi zoomorph,

it seems, the cache is not working smoothely...

I tag alot with same artists (first Artist A, then Artist B, C, D, ...), but after some minutes, when searching for Artist A again, the component loads the whole releases again and does not get the infos from the cache. (within a minute or so, it gets the info from the cache, but not after several minutes OR after leaving the components window)

I tried with "very long" Artists, like Earth Wind & Fire, Rod Steward, etc. also with "short" difference. Cache is being ignored after closing the component or waiting some minutes.

I can see in the console's log, that the component is retrieving the infos all again.

Code: [Select]
[15:06:56] foo_discogs:
[15:06:58] foo_discogs:
[15:07:00] foo_discogs:
[15:07:01] foo_discogs:


Reply #1964
Hi all,

I got an Error on a default string with this release:
Code: [Select]
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag DISCOGS_ARTISTS_ALIASES [] for file file://C:\XMAS\1997 - Kevin & Bean's A Family Chrismtas In Your Ass\10. Kevin & Bean - Christmastime In The LBC.mp3

[ESCAPE to close]

The String for DISCOGS_ARTISTS_ALIASES is %<<ARTISTS_ALIASES>>% and its not defaultable (greyed out).

Other releases are working well...any idea anybody, what I can/have to change?



Reply #1966
a "bug":
when  in the find release window, clicking on an artist, the "connecting..." window pops up. if - while the window is still loading - the user clicks on another artists, another "connecting..." window opens, which is a great thing, because it saves time, if not sure, which of the artists (n) might be the correct one.
*but* unless the "connecting..." window for one artists isnt finished, its possible to start the same "connecting..." window again with clicking on the artist again. then switch to another artist and right back to the artists before. so you can open a lot of  "connecting..." windows for just a single artists.
if the "connecting..." window has finished, its not possible to open multiple "connecting..." windows, thats the correct behavior, i guess.


Reply #1967
hi zoomorph,

for this release 4078704
I got this error:
Code: [Select]
(FATAL) Error: HTTP Error (503)(url:

[ESCAPE to close]

I guess, its ok to just deactivate the fetch album art option in the settings, but it'd be more pleasure for the user (me!) if the component would simply skip that message and displays a "the cover is broken"-image (or so), so we can just go over and continue to tag the files.

(sounds like a feature request ,-) )


Reply #1968
Hi zoomorph,

on release 2656358, I got this error:
Code: [Select]
(FATAL) Error: Error loading release 2656358: JSON Parser ExceptionError parsing release credits.

[ESCAPE to close]


Reply #1969
Hi zoomorph,

another error while fetching this release: 2656358

Code: [Select]
(FATAL) Error: Error loading release 2656358: JSON Parser ExceptionError parsing release credits.

[ESCAPE to close]


Reply #1970
Code: [Select]
(FATAL) Error: Network exceptionInvalid URL (url: )

[ESCAPE to close]

This is the most recent error I am getting. If I don't fetch album art, it works fine. So it must be an error with the art.

Is there one single place where we can get this component? Right now I am just scanning through this thread and never sure which is most recent.
Could you not offer binaries at ?
Thank you


Reply #1971
Yes, I haven't updated for a while because I'm not sure where it's up to now. I'd like to try out the new features but since it doesn't autoupdate and it's hard to find out what the latest version is, I've sort of lost track :/


Reply #1972
hello and a happy new year :-)


this release:

Tracknumbering seems not correct.

While the track "Bolero" is Number 2

It is Number 3 here:

(hidden track was deleted by me for better comparing the tracks)

is it possible to have correct tracknumbering via the component?

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #1973
Hi zoomorph,

Code: [Select]
(FATAL) Error: HTTP Error (503)(url:

[ESCAPE to close]
for this release, I got the above error, regardless, if fetching album art is en- or disabled. (I only can guess, from the errormessage, that it is related to the I tried to disable the fetching)

after this message, the dialogue for tagging won't display.

can we have some option in the component to just skip this errormessage and try to continue to fetch the related information for the tracks instead of canceling the whole process?

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #1974
I've also consistently been getting the above mentioned api error on the last few albums I've been trying to tag. The problem seems to be related to previewing the cover. If you uncheck "Display preview in release dialogue" under Configuration you can at least get past the error and tag your files, but the art will still not be downloaded due to the next error which can only be circumvented by configuring the plug-in to not download art as well.