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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466164 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1525
The configuration file format changed with the last update, so maybe that option got unchecked by accident. In the next update, I will remove that option entirely, since ANV processing is unnecessary with the new Discogs API. :-)


Reply #1527
Latest official version, yes...


Reply #1528
Thanks for keeping this plugin up-to-date!

Can you think of a way to fecth/add "Discogs rating" to all my files that already have discogs tags (I save all tags to files)?


Reply #1530
Thanks roscar. You're right, there was a problem with the track positions. Hopefully this fixes it (tested on all of the above):
tested for release

foo_discogs doesn't show main tracks

Any chance for on/off checkbox for this function (off = main tracks only)?

That release only has title tracks (which foo_discogs ignores) and main tracks (with the white background). Sub tracks have a grey background. You do raise a good point, though... it would be nice to be able to toggle main and sub-tracks on and off because in some cases the sub-tracks are not separate files while in other cases they are.


Reply #1531
Thanks for keeping this plugin up-to-date!

Can you think of a way to fecth/add "Discogs rating" to all my files that already have discogs tags (I save all tags to files)?

Edit tag mappings, select write on update for the Rating tag, then select your tracks and update tags. :-)


Reply #1532
That release only has title tracks (which foo_discogs ignores) and main tracks (with the white background). Sub tracks have a grey background.
I checked other release, which works proper.
Looks like problem is in that the main tracks are headers.


Reply #1533
One thing that continues to annoy a little bit is that when I'm tagging CDs, it complains at the end about not being able to write the cover image. Nowadays the dialog doesn't seem to have focus, so I can't clear it with a keypress (as far as I can tell).
Any way you can tell if it's a CD being tagged? Or at least make sure the error dialog can just be cleared by hitting Esc?


Reply #1536
Could you post a screenshot showing the problem?

Oh yeah sorry, that could help.

So that dialog is complaining that it can't save the album art, because it's tagging a CD and obviously can't save the jpg file on that media.
And I can confirm that the dialog is not in focus - it's the main foobar window which is - so I need to click on it with the mouse to get rid of it.

If you can tell that it's a CD being tagged, I'd suggest not trying to save artwork.
Equally, an option for a "silent mode" where errors like this are suppressed would be good, but I realise spurious extra options are odious.
And I suspect you can't make the error dialog take focus (might be more of a core foobar thing?) but if you can that'd work for me too!


Reply #1537
Error handling is currently pretty bad in the component and I'll be working on revamping and improving it over time. :-)

If you copy the Directory field from Album art into Artist art does the error go away? (That seems to work for me.)

Now the bigger question I have is... why is Directory set to blank by default in the Artist art section, and what's supposed to happen when it is blank? I've never used this feature in the past so I don't know how it's intended to work.


Reply #1538
Error handling is currently pretty bad in the component and I'll be working on revamping and improving it over time. :-)

No worries!

If you copy the Directory field from Album art into Artist art does the error go away? (That seems to work for me.)

Now the bigger question I have is... why is Directory set to blank by default in the Artist art section, and what's supposed to happen when it is blank? I've never used this feature in the past so I don't know how it's intended to work.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but this error is from the album art not artist art - I'm not downloading artist art. It's only with CDs where $directory_path(%path%) is obviously not writeable.
Meanwhile, however, I realised that _I_ can tell when it's a CD anyway - $directory_path(%path%) computes to cdda:/

With that in mind, I changed the Directory field to be this:
Code: [Select]

which works beautifully  No more errors, covers saved properly if we're tagging files and sent to null if we're tagging a CD 


Reply #1539
Glad to hear that fixed it (for now). :-)


Reply #1541
Is this something that can be incorporated into an updated release?

You can do this yourself - right-click, Tagging -> Discogs -> Configuration and on the Album / artist art tab you have the Directory field, which you can set to my formula above.


Reply #1542
Once Headings are incorporated, would it be possible to get a field for them such as <DISCOGS_HEADING>?  I would like to be able to make a column in Foobar for releases like this one that lists the headings.  Thanks!


Reply #1543
Once Headings are incorporated, would it be possible to get a field for them such as <DISCOGS_HEADING>?  I would like to be able to make a column in Foobar for releases like this one that lists the headings.  Thanks!

Added for the next version.


Reply #1544
Nothing happens when I click "Authorize" in OAuth Authorization. My browser is Firefox, i tried to shut off Adblock, then tried to shut off everything i could and it didn't work anyway.


Reply #1545
Hi, I have this request, plz. add Catalog # and Country to releases info in release list.
It's important to pick the rite album issue.


Reply #1546
What do you guys think of adding track length to the file comparison list? Automatically matching track length option doesn't seem to work accurately because the durations are usually entered wrongly on Discogs. This column could be optionally disabled.

And is it OK to remove the multi-disc stuff? I'm attempting to automatically parse disc and track numbers from the Discogs tracklist, which should work in the majority of cases.

This is based wholly on my own personal ideas. Feedback and suggestions from others is welcome. :-)



Reply #1547
Hi, I have this request, plz. add Catalog # and Country to releases info in release list.
It's important to pick the rite album issue.

Unfortunately, that information isn't available without loading the full release pages. This would mean loading all releases when expanding the master release. Not sure that this is feasible (probably slow).


Reply #1548
perhaps you could ask discogs add it to their api? it seems like a very reasonable thing to expect when looking at an overview of releases that are presumably part of the same master?

(i've never had any dealings with discogs so i have no idea how open they are to feature requests.. )


Reply #1549
My mistake... that information is already available. I'll look into adding it. :-)