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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466205 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #775
New version (first post to download)


- compiled with 1.0 SDK final, requires fb2k 1.0+
- fix: randomly, plugin could blame itself for other plugins crashes
- fix: "View album art page" and "View artist art page" were not working due to URL change
- chg: by default "Match discogs track to local track on track length" is disabled as it sometimes get order wrong.
- new: added tag "Artist Name Variation". This tag is written only if there's only one artist for the release or the track, and if that name is an ANV (artist name variation). It is not enabled to be written by default.
- fix: track credits tags "featuring", "remix", "vocals" were not written if more than one credit


Reply #776
Yay! Awesome update, thanks!

he- is there any way via the discogs API to add an option for "Add to My Collection"? That way instead of having to open up all the release pages and do it I could just click a button... just a thought


Reply #777
- new: added tag "Artist Name Variation". This tag is written only if there's only one artist for the release or the track, and if that name is an ANV (artist name variation). It is not enabled to be written by default.
- fix: track credits tags "featuring", "remix", "vocals" were not written if more than one credit

I love you for this.
I Just tested it and works as expected. =)

Just one thing: "This tag is written only if there's only one artist for the release or the track". Is there any reason for this?
Why would it not just store the unaltered string even if there are multiple artists?

Anyways I do not want to be ungrateful! Thank you very much! And as promised I would like to donate you some bucks!
Please let me know where to donate (Paypal).


Reply #778
Not sure if this has been brought up before,.. but:

When I write tags I get the option to only write 1 value for example for the genre (instead of having 2 entries for the genre tag..). Now when I update it with the update tags function there is however no option to leave this as it is (1 value..). So all genres are added again in their own genre tag. Could you add the feature to not write duplicate values when updating?


Reply #779
Do I have to change anything in my config 'cause the links to artist and label look like this: Zero%207; Atlantic%20Recording%20Corporation
Has it something to do with unicode and stuff?


Reply #780
That's URL encoded string. We are talking about URLs after all.
Sharing delusions since 1991.


Reply #781
I have experinced several crashes when enable "display preview in release dialog", what's wrong with it?



Reply #782
lately when trying to grab covers with foobar 1.0 and your newest plugin I get this error:

foo_discogs: error: could not save url=, skipping...
Location not parsable: "Z:\Musik\(Post-)Rock, Punk, Shoegaze\Mogwai - Mr. Beast\cover.jpg", reason: Unsupported file format
Image loading failure: bad allocation

I already had this in the older version was working though and then it just stopped, I don't know why. any idea?


Reply #783
Thank you for your work!
Please add possibility to write images to a _new_ folder. For example, if I set:
in configuration dialog, I receve an error.
Thank you.


Reply #784
What about writing to a .cue? Is it possible?


Reply #785
it would be great:
1) to have commas instead of semicolon when multiple genres are presented in genre field or to have it optional (some players doesn't recognize them and show only first genre)
2) to be able to put several fields of discogs data into one tag field and vice versa one discogs field in several tag fields =)
for example i want to put "release credits" and "release notes" into "comment" field.


Reply #786
hello. i just try to use this awesome plugins for foobar (foo_discogs.dll).

i would like to know if it's possible to rename file using the vinyl track indexes as number track.

example :

01 - Artist - Title ===> A1 - Artist - Title

is it possible? cheers


Reply #787
I'm sure you could do this using foo_fileops, included in the original foobar2000 installer.
It's an optional component as far as I remember, so you have to tick it upon installation.


Reply #788
Right click menu (click on a track) > Tagging > Discogs > Edit Tag Mappings > in left side list, scroll to the Vinyl Track Number and click it > in right side, change the Map To: dropdown list to the typed in tag of your choice (in this case you want to type TRACKNUMBER) and also make sure the Write Tag checkbox is checked.

I don't know if writes in order listed. If it does, you do not need to untick the Write Tag box on the Track # entry as it will first write the normal tracknumber and then, if it exists, write the vinyl tracknumber over top. But like I said, I don't if that is the behaviour or not, so you may need to uncheck Track # or remap it to another field.


Reply #789
so is no one able to help me?
I read everything on the subject...I think the bad allocation error is because discogs can't grab the file so it makes a 0 byte big cover.jpg. so why doesn't it grab the covers anymore? additional info: I'm on win xp...


Reply #790
so is no one able to help me?
I read everything on the subject...I think the bad allocation error is because discogs can't grab the file so it makes a 0 byte big cover.jpg. so why doesn't it grab the covers anymore? additional info: I'm on win xp...

may be,  It's because you have unicode characters in the folder name. try to grab covers for smth placed into the root directory. if that will work then it probably unicode characters made foo_discogs unable to parse the location path.

have bad english


Reply #791
Right click menu (click on a track) > Tagging > Discogs > Edit Tag Mappings > in left side list, scroll to the Vinyl Track Number and click it > in right side, change the Map To: dropdown list to the typed in tag of your choice (in this case you want to type TRACKNUMBER) and also make sure the Write Tag checkbox is checked.

I don't know if writes in order listed. If it does, you do not need to untick the Write Tag box on the Track # entry as it will first write the normal tracknumber and then, if it exists, write the vinyl tracknumber over top. But like I said, I don't if that is the behaviour or not, so you may need to uncheck Track # or remap it to another field.

nice one. it works perfect now! this tools is very awesome. tnx for the tip. cheers and good work


Reply #792
I really the discogs feature was hoping it register itself as an information lookup service so it can be used in the converting/ripping process in 1.0+.

As in this screenshot.


Reply #793
so is no one able to help me?
I read everything on the subject...I think the bad allocation error is because discogs can't grab the file so it makes a 0 byte big cover.jpg. so why doesn't it grab the covers anymore? additional info: I'm on win xp...

may be,  It's because you have unicode characters in the folder name. try to grab covers for smth placed into the root directory. if that will work then it probably unicode characters made foo_discogs unable to parse the location path.

have bad english

even tried another hdd, it doesn't work. so that's not the reason. but thanks for at least trying to help me.


Reply #794

Using foo_discogs every single day i must thank you a lot for your amazing job!

Now there s only one thing bugging me right now. If you have less tracks on tyour drive that what appears on discogs(happens for example where bonus videos are reported on discogs) then the totaltrack number written is the one from discogs and not yours. I think it should be yours! dont you?

As i think about it, on the contrary when you have more tracks than the discogs release, shared info is not written on tracks not referenced in discogs. I really would like to have an option for that as i have to do it myself everytime.

THanks a lot


Reply #795
Now there s only one thing bugging me right now. If you have less tracks on tyour drive that what appears on discogs(happens for example where bonus videos are reported on discogs) then the totaltrack number written is the one from discogs and not yours. I think it should be yours! dont you?

In the special case you're describing (bonus videos messing the track count), yes. Now for the more common case were you'd have not all the tracks of the release, I think most people would expect the real release track count to be written...

As i think about it, on the contrary when you have more tracks than the discogs release, shared info is not written on tracks not referenced in discogs. I really would like to have an option

In which case you'd have more tracks than the discogs release ?  Only case I can think of is if you have some variant of a release that would have more tracks, and not present in the discogs db yet.


Reply #796
Now there s only one thing bugging me right now. If you have less tracks on tyour drive that what appears on discogs(happens for example where bonus videos are reported on discogs) then the totaltrack number written is the one from discogs and not yours. I think it should be yours! dont you?

In the special case you're describing (bonus videos messing the track count), yes. Now for the more common case were you'd have not all the tracks of the release, I think most people would expect the real release track count to be written...

As i think about it, on the contrary when you have more tracks than the discogs release, shared info is not written on tracks not referenced in discogs. I really would like to have an option

In which case you'd have more tracks than the discogs release ?  Only case I can think of is if you have some variant of a release that would have more tracks, and not present in the discogs db yet.

Yes for both, i am talking about special case. SO i think having an option may be even in the release dialog would be a good thing. At least it would be very useful, and not only for me i hope!


Reply #797
do you have idea for my image saving problem e.g.:
"foo_discogs: error: could not save url=, skipping..."

would be cool if you could help only creates 0byte jpegs. It used to work but then it stopped to and I really tried everything.


Reply #798
do you have idea for my image saving problem e.g.:
"foo_discogs: error: could not save url=, skipping..."

would be cool if you could help only creates 0byte jpegs. It used to work but then it stopped to and I really tried everything.

could be possible that you requested too many images at one time, so discogs stops your requests... change your ip-adress and continue where discogs stopped working.


Reply #799
do you have idea for my image saving problem e.g.:
"foo_discogs: error: could not save url=, skipping..."

would be cool if you could help only creates 0byte jpegs. It used to work but then it stopped to and I really tried everything.

Check in the Artist/album art configuration tab, that the directory evaluate to a valid directory. The default is $directory_path(%path%) to write files
in the same directory than the release.