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Topic: Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory. (Read 69511 times) previous topic - next topic
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Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #50
Well, there actually is an odd case where the call would be required twice. If the audio only consumes a single WavPack block then the additional flush is required to make sure that the RIFF header and trailer are not in the same block. Not very likely, but possible...

Ah OK, but couldn't all this be automated behind the scenes somehow?

And, of course, you know I'm not going to rename the function, B!    But I will update the docs.

Stubborn to the last .  Seriously, the guy most likely got it wrong because he went by the function name, not the docs.  At least pencil it in when you really have to rename one in the future.

I haven't tried to turn it off (because I like it), but I think that the button labelled "+ QUOTE" with the tooltip "Toggle multiquote addition" might do it.

Thanks, I was trying to avoid a situation where people only get notified of the first reply's text, and then not notified of additional chunks (not sure if that actually happens).
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #51

The author of the software has made the corrections that you noted and has published a link to the updated .dll's in the thread at : . Thanks very much for your help and your great softwares.
Wow, that was fast!

Thanks for the link, but unfortunately only registered users can access that page. Does it seem to fix the problem?


Everything is working great. In fact I have this nice new dual core proc, RAM and so forth so I just re-ripped a lot of the CD's I already had ripped with the previous encoder. Not a single problem and all files check out.

The author of that software is Jukka Poikolainen. His followup comment was :

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:53 am    Post subject:    Reply with quote

The encoder was missing the WavpackFlushSamples() after WavpackStoreMD5Sum() as suggested by the author of the WavPack.

Here's the new (4.40 updated):

Thanks again for your time.


Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #52
<snip> ... so, doing both verifing the integrity (blocks' crcs) and fingerprint should take about 2 minutes.
how you do it in a one ?

Hi snow, I missed your message originally.

The CRCs are handled internally in David's Wavpack code.  As each audio block is decoded, Wavpack is able to detect CRC errors (just like hard disk CRC errors are detected by the OS as data is read).  So I simply decode the audio data & create the MD5 hash from it in one pass, then ask Wavpack if any CRC errors were detected at the end.
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #53

Is the shell ext meant to work with Vista? I have a dual boot setup with Vista and XP Pro, and
the shell extension works fine with XP but not Vista.

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #54
Is the shell ext meant to work with Vista? I have a dual boot setup with Vista and XP Pro, and
the shell extension works fine with XP but not Vista.

It should do.  I  was running Vista for a while but don't know if I tried it (I went back to XP as Vista was too slow and unstable).

Can anybody else on Vista try it?
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #55
I've tried several times to get the shell ext to work with Vista but have been unsuccessful. I use FreeCommander in both Vista and XP, and the shell ext works in XP for both Windows Explorer and Freecommander, but it won't work in Vista.

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #56
I've tried several times to get the shell ext to work with Vista but have been unsuccessful. I use FreeCommander in both Vista and XP, and the shell ext works in XP for both Windows Explorer and Freecommander, but it won't work in Vista.

Does it work in Vista's Explorer?
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #57
No, it does not work in Vista's Explorer. Since I have a dual boot situation I just use XP's Explorer or
FreeCommander to check files for both XP and Vista. I love the app!

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #58
No, it does not work in Vista's Explorer. Since I have a dual boot situation I just use XP's Explorer or
FreeCommander to check files for both XP and Vista. I love the app!

Have you tried removing the shell extension (with the included .bat file) and then running the .exe again?  Does it try to create the shell extension at least?  And does it still not work?

It's a pain I don't have Vista installed anymore, can anybody else confirm the problem?
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-

Free utility to check all Wavpack files in a Directory.

Reply #59
I've released a new 2.0 version (currently in beta) that adds multi-core/processor support.  Keep an eye on this thread.
Author of -Wavpack4Wavelab- and -CheckWavpackFiles-