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Topic: REACT 2 Released (Read 1333821 times) previous topic - next topic
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REACT 2 Released

Reply #1625
Welcome to HA Hydroballou.

Quoting myself: the default REACT currently doesn't move cuesheets created with CreateCuesheet setting to the target folder(s). That's a bummer, I know, it's on my Todo list. Fortunately, with a bit of tinkering of the REACT-track.cfg file, one can get file reference corrected cuesheets to the target folder(s); here's the Wiki guide: Amending Cuesheet File References. Remember to download the GSAR tool and put it in REACT tools folder.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1626
I am having trouble installing Akkurat's latest release to get REACT 2.0 to work with EAC V0.99 PB5.  I downloaded and installed EAC V0.99 PB5 on my D drive along with REACT 2.0.  Now I downloaded the REACT_2.0.ssb16p and extracted it to my desktop.  Now when I try to run the .EXE all I get is Couldn't start C:\program files\exact audio copy\eac.exe.  Is there a way to make it look on the D drive?

Also how do you uninstall previous versions of REACT?


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1627
I am having trouble installing Akkurat's latest release to get REACT 2.0 to work with EAC V0.99 PB5.  I downloaded and installed EAC V0.99 PB5 on my D drive along with REACT 2.0.  Now I downloaded the REACT_2.0.ssb16p and extracted it to my desktop.  Now when I try to run the .EXE all I get is Couldn't start C:\program files\exact audio copy\eac.exe.  Is there a way to make it look on the D drive?

Also how do you uninstall previous versions of REACT?


Nevermind I changed it in the .ini file and now it works.

Also I extracted the in the REACT2 folder replacing the other files is this OK?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1628
Hello _qualm_, welcome to HA.

I am having trouble installing Akkurat's latest release to get REACT 2.0 to work with EAC V0.99 PB5.  I downloaded and installed EAC V0.99 PB5 on my D drive along with REACT 2.0.  Now I downloaded the REACT_2.0.ssb16p and extracted it to my desktop.  Now when I try to run the .EXE all I get is Couldn't start C:\program files\exact audio copy\eac.exe.  Is there a way to make it look on the D drive?

First, REACT_2.0.ssb16p is not my mod. I suggest that you check the REACT:Mods wiki page again.

You have to extract the mod zip where you "installed" REACT. And since you don't have EAC in the default install folder, you've to edit REACT.ini file (most probably you want to edit that anyways); there is an EAC= setting that you have to amend. Check REACT Wiki page for more information.

Also how do you uninstall previous versions of REACT?

You can't. Since there's no "real" installer. Just delete the files.


EDIT: you were a bit faster than me.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1629
Thanks I just went and downloaded and replaced the existing REACT 2.0, After I deleted the old files that I installed above.

How do I output FLAC?

Sorry really new at this.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1630
Thanks I just went and downloaded and replaced the existing REACT 2.0, After I deleted the old files that I installed above.

How do I output FLAC?

Sorry really new at this.

Never mind it does it automatically.  I feel like a tard. 

Is there a way to get no mp3s just FLAC? 
Also I can't get the Cover Art Downloader to work.  I get "the remote server returned an error: (410) gone"

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1631
Thanks I just went and downloaded and replaced the existing REACT 2.0, After I deleted the old files that I installed above.

How do I output FLAC?

Sorry really new at this.

Never mind it does it automatically.  I feel like a tard. 

Is there a way to get no mp3s just FLAC? 
Also I can't get the Cover Art Downloader to work.  I get "the remote server returned an error: (410) gone"

Never mind about the MP3 thing I just changed to 0 in the .ini file.

I still can't get the Cover Art Downloader to work though.

Can I use AlbumArtDownloader XUI Version 0.31 (2009-09-26) instead?  If so how do I tell the .ini to use this?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1632
All right i figured out to use the AlbumArtDownloader XUI Version 0.31 (2009-09-26) instead.  I kept changing the location of this in the .ini, but did not reset REACT so it did not take effect.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1633
Nice that you found solutions yourself. Next time you've a problem (with whatever app), keep reading the manuals and try learning how to use the app instead of instantly "spamming" with questions.  (you posted 6 times within ~3 hours)

BTW, did you notice to change the CoverDownloaderXUI setting on?

Happy REACTing.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1634
I'm a noob here and I have a question about sound levels.  I've searched around and haven't seen this discussed before, so forgive me if it's been brought up and I didn't catch it.  I've been using EAC v0.99b3 /REACT2 with the Akkurat mod (v2.0.akku.b04) to rip my huge CD collection.  I'm doing an Image rip to FLAC and MP3.  I use FLAC for archiving and MP3 for listening in iTunes and on my iPods.  REACT is a fantastic tool and I love it.  One reason that I wanted to use the tool is that I want the sound levels to be consistent across my entire MP3 library.  However, it seems like the levels of the ripped CDs (when played in iTunes and on an iPod) are generally lower than on the MP3 files I download from eMusic, Amazon, etc, though they are consistent across the ripped CDs.

Here are the settings I'm using in REACT.ini for ReplayGain etc:


From what I understand from reading up on this, the MP3 files generated actually have gain added to them at the conversion stage, as well as having the ReplyGain tags set.  Is that correct?  I can see the album gain being applied when watching the conversion in the DOS window.  However, for most CDs it seems like the gain applied is negative rather than positive, resulting in an even lower sound level than when I was just doing straight rips.  Most of my CDs are pretty old and the sound levels are low compared to more recent ones, and it doesn't seem like I'm getting the needed boost on those.

So is there anything I should be doing different?  Note that I do not have Soundcheck enabled in iTunes (nor have I copied the ReplayGain values to COMMENT ITUNESNORM), but from what I understand, I shouldn't have to if the sound levels in the files are already directly altered.  And I understand that the gain is being applied equally to all tracks on an album based on album analysis as a whole (which is what I want) rather than on individual tracks, but it still seems like I should be getting overall boosts rather than volume lowering.  Should I increase AdjustAlbumGain_dB even more to get my desired result?  Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks!

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1635
If your downloaded files are too loud then apply replaygain to them as well. Then they should be consistent with the files that you rip.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1636
I'm having problems getting REACT 2 to work in Windows 7.

I've been using the same REACT setup for 3 years now on XP, just upgraded to Windows 7 a few days ago, and can't get it to work anymore.  EAC rips the entire CD to a wave file but after the ripping process is finished, the REACT encoding window doesn't pop up and encode anymore.  I've tried XP compatibility mode for EAC, REACT, LAME, etc.. and it still doesn't work.  Also ran those as Administrator but still no difference.

BTW, I am using EAC 0.95b4 with the original REACT 2.  I never got around to upgrading EAC or REACT as my REACT images config file is heavily modified and I wasn't sure if it would work with the new mods that have come out in the past 3 years.

Anybody know what might cause this to not work in Windows 7?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1637
ESP85, your custom config most probably won't work with the newest versions of REACT mods. Still it might be worth to bite the bullet and upgrade & customize again (use diff app? like WinMerge). Anyways, back to your problem, here's couple of recent posts quoted:

I'm not an expert with Win7 and user rights, all I can say is that follow the instructions described here: mod notes about Vista (& Win7).

Just for info ... With win7 my React was not working properly.

I had to download and install in my windows\system32\ the file "msvcr71.dll".

This file is required for "acdir" cmd file (that .exe take a cue sheet and split to multiple file ...).
Before that, the result was only log in my destination directory.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1638
Ok, just wanted to let people know I got this to work on Windows 7 64-bit.

I upgraded to EAC 0.99pb5 and REACT v2.0.akku.b04, copied the msvcr71.dll from my old XP installation, and installed the following mods:

And it works just like it did before.

I'm not sure if REACT can run without msvcr.dll but I'm not going to mess with my setup since it works.  You might want to put some of this stuff in your next readme file since more people will eventually upgrade to Win7.

Thanks for the mod BTW Akkurat.  What features are planned for the next release?

Also, do you think it would be worth it to modify the REACT-image file to work with this multi-core LAME mp3 encoder:

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1639
Ok, just wanted to let people know I got this to work on Windows 7 64-bit.
and installed the following mods:

Good to hear that you got it to work again. However, are you saying that it was absolutely necessary to implement the above 2 amends in order to make REACT work in Win7? Just bringing this up so that other users don't get the wrong idea.

You might want to put some of this stuff in your next readme file since more people will eventually upgrade to Win7.

Of course, was already in my ToDo list. Though, I think that I'll add the msvcr71.dll to the mod download file. There seems to be lots of discussion whether it is redistributable or not. I wasn't able to find a definitive answer (especially for my situation).. maybe MS doesn't care too much.

What features are planned for the next release?

Who knows.  I've lots of ideas, very little time ATM.. so don't expect any releases soon.

Also, do you think it would be worth it to modify the REACT-image file to work with this multi-core LAME mp3 encoder

No idea. Depends on many things. Do you mean my REACT mod, or just your REACT config?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1640
Ok, just wanted to let people know I got this to work on Windows 7 64-bit.
and installed the following mods:

Good to hear that you got it to work again. However, are you saying that it was absolutely necessary to implement the above 2 amends in order to make REACT work in Win7? Just bringing this up so that other users don't get the wrong idea.

Oh no, I just meant that was how I personalized my setup.  It now works the same as it did before for me.  I didn't mean that people need those two mods for it to work on Win7.  They're optional of course.

Also, do you think it would be worth it to modify the REACT-image file to work with this multi-core LAME mp3 encoder

No idea. Depends on many things. Do you mean my REACT mod, or just your REACT config?

Either one.  I was just wondering what your thoughts were on how compatible that multi-core mp3 encoder would be with REACT.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1641
Either one.  I was just wondering what your thoughts were on how compatible that multi-core mp3 encoder would be with REACT.

I haven't tested it and I don't know the details of that app, but I don't see why that wouldn't work with REACT. However AFAIU, it doesn't suit REACT's diverse user base (don't have actual data though..) because basically it seems that it needs new multi-core x64 CPU's (and x64 OS's).

Anyways, I'm not interested to integrate completely new apps to REACT before I address old problems (outdated album art app, inconsistent features (create cuesheet but don't copy it to target folders), etc.) which bother me a lot. Also, like I've said before, I don't like the way the documentation is spread across forum/Wiki. I guess I've (somewhat) big ideas about where I'd like to go next with REACT. Since everybody seems to be relatively happy about the current situation, I haven't stressed (well a little ) about the fact that I don't have much time to put into it.. now. I guess I'm trying to say out loud to all of you that I'm still "active" (feeling a bit guilty of not releasing new versions lately, huh?). My ToDo list is over 1000 lines long currently.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1642
I have an addition to my old, old post here:
Using windows powershell instead of sed, it looks similar to this:
Code: [Select]
IF @various@==0 powershell.exe "(Get-Content -LiteralPath '@albumfile@.[mg].cue') | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '$cdartist$ - $album$ - $track$ - $title$.wav', '%TrackName%.flac'} | Set-Content -LiteralPath '@albumfile@.[mg].cue'"

IF @various@==1 powershell.exe "(Get-Content -LiteralPath '@albumfile@.[mg].cue') | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'Various - $album$ - $track$ - $title$.wav', '%TrackName%.flac'} | Set-Content -LiteralPath '@albumfile@.[mg].cue'"   

Just in case someone should be interested ;-)

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1643
I'm using react to rip to wv and mp3 to tracks using ssb16p mod and the ripping, encoding & album art work well however it does not automatically create a log file or cue file.

ideally i would like to put these 2 files in a location of my choice. log file in both mp3 and wv directories and the cue file in a separate dir incase i want to burn to CD.

Is this possible with this mod? any work arounds?

I'm using eac 0.95 beta4


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1644
Dobo, you have to amend your cfg file; image.cfg if ripping with F10, or tracks.cfg if ripping with F4.

I suggest that you keep your cuesheet with your lossless rip, that's your "backup", right? Follow the Amending Cuesheet File References Wiki guide in order to save file reference corrected cuesheet. Remember to download GSAR and put it in your tools folder.

For the log files, you've to amend the config. Say if you need specific instructions.

Any reasons why you aren't using the latest EAC 0.99pb5? Note that if you upgrade, my mod is the only one that supports that version. And in addition, my mod has many fixes/enhancements, so you might want to check it out from the REACT:Mods Wiki page.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1645
Remember to download GSAR and put it in your tools folder.

As I mentioned before, you can alternatively use sed or powershell. With the latest EAC and Akkurat's mod, the following line works fine:
Code: [Select]
powershell.exe "(Get-Content -LiteralPath '@albumfile@.[mg].cue') | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '$cdartist$ - $album$ - $track$ - $title$.wav', '%TrackName%.flac'} | Set-Content -LiteralPath '@albumfile@.[mg].cue'"

You may want to replace .flac by .wv ;-)

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1646
Frank vZ, I wouldn't advertise using SED, it has problems with some special chars (also mentioned in the wiki guide). Synthetic Soul and I discussed this some time ago in this thread.

About the powershell, have you thoroughly tested it? Especially with special chars? And, does it work in image mode as well?

I recommend using the GSAR method mentioned in Amending Cuesheet File References Wiki guide if one is ripping in F4 mode (track.cfg). I'm going to implement this feature (both modes.. without external tools) to my REACT mod.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1647
About the powershell, have you thoroughly tested it? Especially with special chars? And, does it work in image mode as well?

You're right, Akkurat, I'm a user and not a developer. Therefore, I have tested the powershell in track mode with the CDs that caused sed to fail, and with the ones I have bought since I started using the powershell. This is not too much testing, all in all. Actually, I didn't know about GSAR and I was just looking for a command line tool which can search and replace better than sed can 
I'm going to implement this feature (both modes.. without external tools) to my REACT mod.

This is VERY good news!

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1648
I'm a user and not a developer.

That doesn't mean that you can't come up with great solutions. I was just curious of your powershell method and tests. Though your suggestion to use SED raised a flag.

Jeez, your answer kind of put me in a pedestal, a magic knowitall developer pedestal.. I hope you don't have that kind of image in your head.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1649
Jeez, your answer kind of put me in a pedestal, a magic knowitall developer pedestal.. I hope you don't have that kind of image in your head.

Don't panic - I've been working for too long in software engineering to no longer have an image of godlike monster brains - probably I never did 
I just wanted to say that I did not test it the way it should be tested before releasing. But sometimes these user-given solutions work fine for some people. Therefore I wanted to share the idea.