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Topic: REACT 2 Released (Read 1333818 times) previous topic - next topic
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REACT 2 Released

Reply #1250
Yes, 10 points and a parrot stamp to your booklet. Enjoy.
Well, my "victory" was, as ever, short-lived.

Shortly after posting, I realised that I am not using "FILE \1 WAVE", but "FILE %1 WAVE" in the SED command.  This means that there could be issues with text/escaping, most notably with ampersands (link).

Therefore my proposed resolve would be to used SED to find the specific FILE command text, but to generate GSAR commands - much like the Amending Cuesheet File References code - which would do the actual replacing.  I have two ideas at the moment: either SED replaces the line in the cuesheet with something generic like "{FILE NN}", so GSAR can find it easily, or SED writes the full line to the GSAR batch file.  I'm a little worried (given past experiences) that this process could result in yet more escaping issues though.  Unfortunately I am way out of time now, and really need to get on with my work (which has been rudely ignored so far today).
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1251
I was closer to a solution than I thought, so I concluded.  Here's my updated code,which uses GSAR and SED, for added grins (both should be in your tools directory):

Section code:

Code: [Select]
ECHO CHCP 1252 ^| PROMPT>update-cuesheet.bat
FOR %%G IN (*.flac) DO CALL :ReplaceCuesheetFileReference "%%G"
@tools@\SED -f sedlist.txt <"@albumfile@.[mg].cue" >"$cdartist$ - $album$.cue"
@tools@\GSAR.EXE -s%% -r%%%% -o update-cuesheet.bat
CALL update-cuesheet.bat
DEL sedlist.txt
DEL update-cuesheet.bat

Code to be placed at the end of the config:

Code: [Select]
SET trackno=%1
SET trackno=%trackno:~1,2%
ECHO s/FILE ".* - %trackno% - .*\.wav" WAVE/{FILE %trackno%}/>>sedlist.txt
ECHO @tools@\GSAR "-s{FILE %trackno%}" "-rFILE :x22%~1:x22 WAVE" -o "$cdartist$ - $album$.cue">>update-cuesheet.bat

SED is used to find the FILE reference, as it utilises regular expressions.  We are using no dodgy characters in the SED command so all should be well.  GSAR is used to do the actual replacing, as it has proved to be more robust. SED replaces the variable FILE commands in the cuesheet with a more generic {FILE NN} entry; GSAR then looks for this entry and replaces it. I preferred this method, as the process to get SED to write GSAR's commands would involve writing temporary files to set variables, etc - all of which I felt could end up being very confusing if we had various characters that needed either GSAR or DOS escaping.... I've had enough of escaping issues for one day.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1252
I assume some changes need to be to the cfg files to take advantage of lame 3.98's ability to include albumArt in the ID3v2.3 tag.

Has anyone done that yet?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1253
Hi Everyone

I've started using EAC with mareo a couple of years ago, but have been putting off ripping my entire collection for the n-th time as I wasn't 100% convinced with the setup I had.

Then at last I discovered REACT2 and some excellent hi-fi guides which made me feel much more confident in creating an almost perfect archive, especially with the CD repair guide.

After a few tests with the setup I still have a few questions which require clarification.

(My settings and log file follows below.)

1) Setting replaygain to '1' only seems to produce replaygain for the flac files and not the MP3 or Ogg files for the same album. How do I get it to apply the same replaygain settings calculated for the flac files into the ogg & mp3 tags?

I know LAME can perform replaygain, but I would like it to use the settings determined for the flac files.

1a) Even though I asked it to, REACT did not add any replaygain info to the cue sheets.

(work around)

The problem here was that the cue sheet to which REACT adds the RG info is not one of the four that is being copied to the flac directory. It does add it but to the wrong cue file.

As I did not know how to add it to all 4 cue sheets, I changed the image.cfg file to add it to the log file instead, by making the following code changes

Code: [Select]
REM ---- Image ----

REM Ensure that the EAC log is available
IF NOT EXIST "@eaclog@" GOTO Pause

REM Add ReplayGain to front of log file
TYPE "@eaclog@" >> %wg_tmp%.rg
MOVE /Y %wg_tmp%.rg "@eaclog@"

2) I've tested three different (popular) albums and none of these seems to have any album art which I find curious. (All three sites return nothing.) How do I test this, can I add sites and/or load the album art manually either from other sites or scanning it myself?(solved in post #1207 of this thread)

2a) If I put the album art only in the (album) folder will media players such as an iPod (Classic v5) or XBMC (XBOX Media Centre) pick up the art when playing playlists or in random order?

3) I assume that REACT automatically complete the tags and it thus need not be specified in the flac, ogg or mp3 options?


Inspecting the image.cfg file indicates that the tags are populated when the tracks are created.

3a) I noticed that foobar would recognise the total number of tracks (xx/yy) but only for ogg and flac files. Am I missing a setting for the MP3 tracks or does the MP3 tags not allow/cater for this?

3b) What type of tags does REACT produce and can this be changed?

4) Is it possible to rename the EAC logfile to "album + EACLogfile"?

(work around)

I used the following code to copy the log file without renaming it. You of course have to do this for each of the encodings for which you require a copy of the log file.

Code: [Select]
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EACLog.txt"
Code: [Select]
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" .

5) Is it possible to produce a logfile of the actual Ogg and MP3 encoding results or is there any other way to produce a file that states the encoding options used?

6) Are there any media players that recognise the cue sheets in random play order mode and thus not play the gaps?

7) Do I still have to submit my results to accurate rip or is that also automated?

8) How do I make the files read-only so the media players cannot alter any of the files?

The idea with my setup is as follows;

1) Rip my entire collection as flac tracks for archive purposes and perform backup of archive (on HDD)
2) Encode flac tracks in Ogg for playback on XBMC (XBOX Media Centre) and my computer (via NAS)
3) Encode flac tracks in MP3 for playback on iPod
4) Directory structure -> "Artist - Album  [YEAR]/TrackNo. TrackName" and "Various Artist - Album  [YEAR]/TrackNo. TrackName [Artist]" (I know my ini does not reflect this yet.)
5) Include album art so it will be displayed on all players and all different replay modes.
6) Apply track and album replaygain
7) Generate cue and log files
8) Generate flac fingerprints
9) make all files and directories read only to protect it from modification by players which might try to "fix" the tags, artwork, etc.
10) Generate MD5 checksums on directories for backup purposes

Thanks for the assistance/advice



Ps. I use XP Pro SP3, EAC V0.99 pb4, REACT2, flac 1.2.1, lame 3.98 and oggenc 2.85

--------------> Debug.bat file

Code: [Select]
TITLE "The Memory Of Trees"

REM Copyright © Tycho, 2006
REM ** Ripping to .wav image.
REM **
REM ** To archive a CD as one large "image", you must SET
REM ** ImageExt=... in the REACT.ini file (Press Alt-F2).
REM ** This will set the wav variable. Extensions
REM ** currently supported:  flac, wv, mp3. Set to 'wav'
REM ** for no image archiving (default).
REM **
REM ** Also creates tracks by encoding directly to tracks, using ACDIR.
REM **
REM ** Flac requires flac.exe/metaflac.exe (v1.1.3)
REM ** NeroAac requires NeroAacEnc.exe/NeroAacTag.exe/AacGain.exe.
REM ** OggEnc2 requires OggEnc2.exe/VorbisGain.exe.
REM **
REM ** I prefer applying album gain 92dB to get a reasonable
REM ** volume for my DAP. The RG tags are still relative
REM ** to 89dB SPL, i.e. album gain will be about -3.0dB.

REM ============== Begin Main Script ==================


IF 0==0 SET TrackName=$n - $~t
IF 0==1 SET TrackName=$n - $~t [$~a]

SET add_rg=1
SET have_cover=0
SET embed_cover=0

IF NOT 1==1 GOTO end_RG
    SET RG_Flac=--replay-gain
    SET RG_MetaFlac=--add-replay-gain
    SET RG_MetaMP3=--replay-gain

IF NOT 1==1 GOTO end_apply_AG
    SET ApplyAG_MetaMP3=--apply-gain album+3
    SET ApplyAG_AacGain=/a /o /c /d +3
    SET add_rg=1

IF EXIST "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" (
    SET have_cover=1
    SET embed_cover=1

IF 0==0 (
    SET ArtistField=artist
    SET MP3Artist=--artist "Enya"
) else (
    SET ArtistField=album artist
    SET MP3Artist=--user-text "[album artist]Various Artists" --frame "TPE2:Various Artists"

REM ** Create Disc-related tags if we have a set

REM If a disc name has been provided
IF "" EQU "" GOTO end_discname
SET discName=discname
SET discName=@%discname%@
IF "" EQU "%discName%" GOTO end_discname

    REM Set tagging switches
    SET Disc_Flac=-T "discname="
    SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discname="
    REM SET Disc_MP3=--frame TSST:""
    SET Disc_MP3=--frame "TXXX[setsubtitle]:"
    SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discname="
    SET Disc_Tak=-t "discname="
    SET Disc_Flac_acdir=-T $qdiscname=$q
    SET Disc_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qdiscname=$q
    REM SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame TSST:$q$q
    SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame $qTXXX[setsubtitle]:$q
    SET Disc_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qdiscname=$q
    SET Disc_Tak_acdir=-t $qdiscname=$q

    REM Add disc name to image and track folder paths
    SET imageDir=%imageDir%\
    SET trackDir=%trackDir%\

    GOTO :end_discnumber


REM Ensure that we have numeric values
SET /A discNumber = 1 + 0
SET /A totalDiscs = 1 + 0

REM IF a valid disc number and total number of discs has been provided
IF %totalDiscs% LEQ 1 GOTO :end_discnumber
IF %discNumber% LEQ 0 GOTO :end_discnumber

    REM Set tagging switches
    SET Disc_Flac=-T "discnumber=1" -T "totaldiscs=1"
    SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discnumber=1" -w "totaldiscs=1"
    SET Disc_MP3=--frame TPOS:"1/1"
    SET Disc_NeroAac=--disk "1/1"
    SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discnumber=1" -c "totaldiscs=1"
    SET Disc_Tak=-t "discnumber=1" -t "totaldiscs=1"
    SET Disc_Flac_acdir=-T $qdiscnumber=1$q -T $qtotaldiscs=1$q
    SET Disc_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qdiscnumber=1$q -w $qtotaldiscs=1$q
    SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame TPOS:$q1/1$q
    SET Disc_NeroAac_acdir=--disk $q1/1$q
    SET Disc_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qdiscnumber=1$q -c $qtotaldiscs=1$q
    SET Disc_Tak_acdir=-t $qdiscnumber=1$q -t $qtotaldiscs=1$q

    REM Add disc number to image and track folder paths
    SET imageDir=%imageDir%\Disc 1
    SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc 1


SET run_wavegain=1
IF 1==1 SET run_wavegain=1

IF %run_wavegain%==0 GOTO end_wavegain
    SET wg_tmp=wg_%RANDOM%
    C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\WaveGain.exe --album "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5.wav" --exec ECHO '%%ALBUM_GAIN%%'%%ALBUM_PEAK%%'%%ALBUM_NEW_PEAK%%'%%ALBUM_SCALE%%'> %wg_tmp%.txt
    FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1-6 delims='" %%a IN (%wg_tmp%.txt) DO (
        SET album_gain=%%b
        SET album_peak=%%c
        SET album_new_peak=%%d
        SET album_scale=%%e
    ECHO REM REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN %album_gain% dB> %wg_tmp%.rg
    ECHO REM REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK %album_peak%>> %wg_tmp%.rg
    ECHO REM REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_SCALE %album_scale%>> %wg_tmp%.rg
    REM DEL %wg_tmp%.txt
    REM TYPE "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" >> %wg_tmp%.rg
    REM MOVE /Y %wg_tmp%.rg "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log"

REM ** Transfer RG values from Wavgain calculations, instead of recalculation.
IF 1==1 IF %add_rg%==1 (
    SET RG_Flac=-T "replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" -T "replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_MetaFlac=--set-tag="replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" --set-tag="replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_Wavpack=-w "replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" -w "replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qreplaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB$q -w $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%$q
    SET RG_Tak=-t "replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" -t "replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_Tak_acdir=-t $qreplaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB$q -t $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%$q
    SET RG_MetaMP3=--user-text "[replaygain_album_gain]%album_gain% dB" --user-text "[replaygain_album_peak]%album_peak%"
    SET RG_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qreplaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB$q -c $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%$q

REM ** Apply AlbumGain by using --scale <factor> computed from WaveGain. Only for MP3 and OGG.
IF 1==1 IF 1==1 (
    SET ApplyAG_Lame=--scale %album_scale%
    SET ApplyAG_MetaMP3=--apply-gain +3
    SET RG_MetaMP3=--user-text "[replaygain_album_gain]0.0 dB" --user-text "[replaygain_album_peak]%album_new_peak%"
    SET RG_OggEnc2_acdir=--scale %album_scale% -c $qreplaygain_album_gain=0.0 dB$q -c $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_new_peak%$q

REM ---- Image ----

REM Ensure that the EAC log is available
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" GOTO Pause

REM Add ReplayGain to front of log file
TYPE "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" >> %wg_tmp%.rg
MOVE /Y %wg_tmp%.rg "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log"

IF NOT wav==flac GOTO end_flac_image
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\FLAC-images\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [$year]%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture="|image/jpeg|||C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg"
    C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\flac.exe -6 -f %RG_Flac% %Cover_tag% %Disc_Flac% -T "%ArtistField%=Enya" -T album="The Memory Of Trees" -T totaltracks="11" -T date="1995" -T genre="Celtic" -T comment="Created with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04" -T encoded-by="%USERNAME%" -T encoding="Flac 1.2.1 -6 -f" --tag-from-file="cuesheet=C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue" --tag-from-file="eaclog=C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5.wav" -o "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" %dest%\"Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].jpg"

IF NOT wav==wv GOTO end_wavpack_image
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\WV-images\Enya [$year] The Memory Of Trees%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\wavpack.exe -hmy %RG_Wavpack% %Disc_Wavpack% -w "%ArtistField%=Enya" -w album="The Memory Of Trees" -w totaltracks="11" -w year="1995" -w genre="Celtic" -w comment="Created with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04" -w encodedby="%USERNAME%" -w encodersettings="Wavpack 4.40 -hmy" -w cuesheet="@C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue" -w eaclog="@C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5.wav" "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    IF 1==1 IF 1==0 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\wvgain.exe -a "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    TITLE "The Memory Of Trees"
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" %dest%\"Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].jpg"

IF NOT wav==tak GOTO end_tak_image
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\TAK-images\Enya [$year] The Memory Of Trees%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\takc.exe -e -pN -overwrite "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5.wav" "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\tag.exe %RG_Tak% %Disc_Tak% -t "%ArtistField%=Enya" -t album="The Memory Of Trees" -t totaltracks="11" -t year="1995" -t genre="Celtic" -t comment="Created with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04" -t encodedby="%USERNAME%" -t encodersettings="TAK 1.0.1 -pN -overwrite" -f cuesheet="C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue" -f eaclog="C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" %dest%\"Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].jpg"

IF NOT wav==mp3 GOTO end_lame_image
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\MP3-images\Enya [$year] The Memory Of Trees%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--pict "{3}C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg"
    C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\lame.exe -V4 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist %ApplyAG_Lame% "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5.wav" "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.exe %RG_MetaMP3% %Cover_tag% %Disc_MP3% %MP3Artist% --album "The Memory Of Trees" --track 11 --year "1995" --genre "Celtic" --comment "Created with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04" --frame TENC:"%USERNAME%" --frame TSSE:"LAME 3.98 -V4 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist" "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    IF 1==1 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.exe %ApplyAG_MetaMP3% "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav"
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" %dest%\"Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].jpg"

REM ---- Tracks ----

IF NOT 1==1 GOTO end_flac_tracks
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\FLAC\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995]%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF 0==1 SET VA_tag=-T $qalbum artist=Various Artists$q
        IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture=$#x
        C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.flac" --extra-opt "|image/jpeg|||C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N flac $#T & C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\flac.exe -6 -f %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_Flac_acdir% -T artist=$#a -T album=$#T -T title=$#t -T tracknumber=$n/$N -T date=$q1995$q -T genre=$qCeltic$q -T comment=$qCreated with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04$q -T encoded-by=$q%USERNAME%$q -T encoding=$qFlac 1.2.1 -6 -f$q - -o $#o" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5-react.cue"
        IF %add_rg%==1 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\Glob.exe -v -c C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metaflac.exe %RG_MetaFlac% *.flac
        COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" .
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" "folder.jpg"
        IF EXIST "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.[*].cue" COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.[*].cue" .

IF NOT 0==1 GOTO end_wavpack_tracks
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\WV\Enya [1995] The Memory Of Trees%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF 0==1 SET VA_tag=-w $qalbum artist=Various Artists$q
        C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.wv" --pipe "C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\wavpack.exe -hmy %RG_Wavpack_acdir% %VA_tag% %Disc_Wavpack_acdir% -w artist=$#a -w album=$#T -w title=$#t -w track=$n/$N -w year=$q1995$q -w genre=$qCeltic$q -w comment=$qCreated with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04$q -w encodedby=$q%USERNAME%$q -w encodersettings=$qWavpack 4.40 -hmy$q - $#o" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5-react.cue"
        IF 1==1 IF 1==0 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\wvgain.exe -a *.wv
        COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" "EAClog.txt"
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" "folder.jpg"
        IF EXIST "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.[*].cue" COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.[*].cue" .
    TITLE "The Memory Of Trees"

IF NOT 0==1 GOTO end_tak_tracks
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\TAK\Enya [1995] The Memory Of Trees%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF 0==1 SET VA_tag=-t $qalbum artist=Various Artists$q
        C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.wav" --extract "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5-react.cue"
        C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\acdir.exe --exec "C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\takc.exe -e -overwrite -pN -overwrite $q%TrackName%.wav$q $q%TrackName%.tak$q && C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\tag.exe %RG_Tak_acdir% %VA_tag% %Disc_Tak_acdir% -t artist=$#a -t album=$#T -t title=$#t -t track=$n/$N -t year=$q1995$q -t genre=$qCeltic$q -t comment=$qCreated with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04$q -t encodedby=$q%USERNAME%$q -t encodersettings=$qTAK 1.0.1 -pN -overwrite$q $q%TrackName%.tak$q && DEL $q%TrackName%.wav$q" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5-react.cue"
        COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" "EAClog.txt"
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" "folder.jpg"
        IF EXIST "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.[*].cue" COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.[*].cue" .

IF NOT 1==1 GOTO end_lame_tracks
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\MP3\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995]%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF 0==1 SET VA_tag=--user-text $q[album artist]Various Artists$q --frame $qTPE2:Various Artists$q
        IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--pict $#x
        C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.mp3" --extra-opt "{3}C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N mp3 $#T & C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\lame.exe -V4 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist %ApplyAG_Lame% - $#o & C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.exe %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_MP3_acdir% --artist $#a --album $#T --title $#t --track $n/$N --year $q1995$q --genre $qCeltic$q --comment $qCreated with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04$q --frame TENC:$q%USERNAME%$q --frame TSSE:$qLAME 3.98 -V4 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist$q $#o" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5-react.cue"
        IF %add_rg%==1 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.exe %RG_MetaMP3% *.mp3
        IF 1==1 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.exe %ApplyAG_MetaMP3% *.mp3
        COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" .
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" "folder.jpg"

IF NOT 0==1 GOTO end_nero_aac_tracks
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\AAC\Enya [1995] The Memory Of Trees%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF 0==1 SET VA_tag=--albumArtist $qVarious Artists$q --compilation true
        IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--artwork $#x
        C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.m4a" --extra-opt "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N aac $#T & C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\neroAacEnc.exe -lc -q 0.21 -ignorelength -if - -of $#o & C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\AtomicParsley.exe $#o -o REACT_tmp.m4a %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_NeroAac_acdir% --artist $#a --album $#T --tracknum $n/$N --title $#t --year $q1995$q --genre $qCeltic$q --comment $qCreated with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04$q --encodingTool $qneroAacEnc -lc -q 0.21$q & MOVE /Y REACT_tmp.m4a $#o" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5-react.cue"
        IF 1==1 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\aacgain.exe %ApplyAG_AacGain% *.m4a > gainlog.txt
        REM COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" "EAClog.txt"
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" "folder.jpg"

IF NOT 1==1 GOTO end_oggenc_tracks
    SET dest="C:\Music (EAC)\OGG\Enya - The Memory Of Trees  [1995]%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF 0==1 SET VA_tag=-c $qalbum artist=Various Artists$q
        C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.ogg" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N ogg $#T & C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\oggenc2.exe -q 6.0 %RG_OggEnc2_acdir% %VA_tag% %Disc_OggEnc2_acdir% -c artist=$#a -c album=$#T -c title=$#t -c tracknumber=$n/$N -c date=$q1995$q -c genre=$qCeltic$q -c comment=$qCreated with EAC/REACT2, 2008-08-04$q -c encoded-by=$q%USERNAME%$q -c encoding=$qOggEnc 2.85 aoTuV b5.5 -q 6.0$q - -o $#o" "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5-react.cue"
        IF 1==1 IF 1==0 C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\vorbisgain.exe -a *.ogg
        COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log" .
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg" "folder.jpg"

REM ================ End Main Script ===================

IF 1==1 (

REM ** Cleanup

DEL "C:\Music (EAC)\Etmp!58)5.wav"
DEL "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].log"
DEL "C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].cue"
DEL "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.[*].cue"
DEL "C:\Music (EAC)\The Memory Of Trees.jpg"

REM ** Delete this .bat file:
DEL %0


REM Pause for 2000 milliseconds and return to :CheckForLog
@ECHO Waiting for EAC log file...
PING -n 1 -w 2000 >NUL
GOTO CheckForLog

-------------> EAC log file

Code: [Select]
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008

EAC extraction logfile from 4. August 2008, 11:31

Enya / The Memory Of Trees

Used drive  : MATSHITAUJDA765aDVD/CDRW  Adapter: 0  ID: 1

Read mode              : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : No
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 102
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks  : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations      : No
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 1024 kBit/s
Quality                        : High
Add ID3 tag                    : No
Command line compressor        : C:\Program Files\REACT2\REACT.exe
Additional command line options : REACT %o %s %d "%a" "%g" "%t" "%n" "%x" "%y" "%m" "%e" "%f" "%b" %r
Use compression offset          : 0

TOC of the extracted CD

    Track |  Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
        1  |  0:00.00 |  4:19.70 |        0    |    19494 
        2  |  4:19.70 |  3:59.35 |    19495    |    37454 
        3  |  8:19.30 |  4:59.50 |    37455    |    59929 
        4  | 13:19.05 |  3:42.07 |    59930    |    76586 
        5  | 17:01.12 |  2:22.65 |    76587    |    87301 
        6  | 19:24.02 |  4:49.60 |    87302    |  109036 
        7  | 24:13.62 |  4:48.48 |    109037    |  130684 
        8  | 29:02.35 |  2:43.32 |    130685    |  142941 
        9  | 31:45.67 |  3:18.25 |    142942    |  157816 
      10  | 35:04.17 |  3:38.18 |    157817    |  174184 
      11  | 38:42.35 |  5:09.10 |    174185    |  197369 

Range status and errors

Selected range

    Filename C:\Music (EAC)\Enya - The Memory Of Trees [1995].wav

    Peak level 97.7 %
    Range quality 99.9 %
    Copy CRC 10778AA6
    Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary
Track  1  accurately ripped (confidence 144)  [54BAC4DF]
Track  2  accurately ripped (confidence 149)  [FA619840]
Track  3  accurately ripped (confidence 148)  [0738ED88]
Track  4  accurately ripped (confidence 145)  [3E31DA7D]
Track  5  accurately ripped (confidence 147)  [0DA4164A]
Track  6  accurately ripped (confidence 148)  [8D76585A]
Track  7  accurately ripped (confidence 146)  [9BDD6555]
Track  8  accurately ripped (confidence 147)  [B2FBF93B]
Track  9  accurately ripped (confidence 147)  [7215C45E]
Track 10  accurately ripped (confidence 147)  [A68A5E24]
Track 11  accurately ripped (confidence 146)  [9E8E7206]
All tracks accurately ripped

End of status report

-------------------> REACT.ini

Code: [Select]
ImageNaming=$artist$ - $album$ [$year$]
VA=Various Artists
CoverDownloader=C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe
EAC=C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\EAC.exe
Tools=C:\Program Files\REACT2\tools


OutRoot=C:\Music (EAC)
ImageDir_Flac=@OutRoot@\FLAC-images\$cdartist$ - $album$ [$year]
ImageDir_Wavpack=@OutRoot@\WV-images\$cdartist$ [$year] $album$
ImageDir_Tak=@OutRoot@\TAK-images\$cdartist$ [$year] $album$
ImageDir_MP3=@OutRoot@\MP3-images\$cdartist$ [$year] $album$
TrackDir_Flac=@OutRoot@\FLAC\$cdartist$ - $album$ [$year$]
TrackDir_Wavpack=@OutRoot@\WV\$cdartist$ [$year$] $album$
TrackDir_Tak=@OutRoot@\TAK\$cdartist$ [$year$] $album$
TrackDir_MP3=@OutRoot@\MP3\$cdartist$ - $album$ [$year$]
TrackDir_AAC=@OutRoot@\AAC\$cdartist$ [$year$] $album$
TrackDir_OGG=@OutRoot@\OGG\$cdartist$ - $album$  [$year$]
TrackName_SA=$track$. $title$
TrackName_VA=$track$. $title$ [$artist$]
TrackName_SA_acdir=$n - $~t
TrackName_VA_acdir=$n - $~t [$~a]

Comment=Created with EAC/REACT2, @curdate@
Opt_Flac=-6 -f
Opt_Tak=-pN -overwrite
Opt_LameMP3=-V4 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist
Opt_NeroAac=-lc -q 0.21
Opt_iTunesAac=-d -s 2000
Opt_OggEnc2=-q 6.0
Ver_OggEnc2=2.85 aoTuV b5.5


--------------> REACT-image.cfg

Code: [Select]
TITLE "@album@"

REM Copyright © Tycho, 2006
REM ** Ripping to .wav image.
REM **
REM ** To archive a CD as one large "image", you must SET
REM ** ImageExt=... in the REACT.ini file (Press Alt-F2).
REM ** This will set the @ImageExt@ variable. Extensions
REM ** currently supported:  flac, wv, mp3. Set to 'wav'
REM ** for no image archiving (default).
REM **
REM ** Also creates tracks by encoding directly to tracks, using ACDIR.
REM **
REM ** Flac requires flac.exe/metaflac.exe (v1.1.3)
REM ** NeroAac requires NeroAacEnc.exe/NeroAacTag.exe/AacGain.exe.
REM ** OggEnc2 requires OggEnc2.exe/VorbisGain.exe.
REM **
REM ** I prefer applying album gain 92dB to get a reasonable
REM ** volume for my DAP. The RG tags are still relative
REM ** to 89dB SPL, i.e. album gain will be about -3.0dB.

REM ============== Begin Main Script ==================

IF @Debug@==1 ECHO ON

IF @various@==0 SET TrackName=@TrackName_SA_acdir@
IF @various@==1 SET TrackName=@TrackName_VA_acdir@

SET add_rg=@ReplayGain@
SET have_cover=0
SET embed_cover=0

IF NOT @ReplayGain@==1 GOTO end_RG
    SET RG_Flac=--replay-gain
    SET RG_MetaFlac=--add-replay-gain
    SET RG_MetaMP3=--replay-gain

IF NOT @ApplyAlbumGain@==1 GOTO end_apply_AG
    SET ApplyAG_MetaMP3=--apply-gain album@AdjustAlbumGain_dB@
    SET ApplyAG_AacGain=/a /o /c /d @AdjustAlbumGain_dB@
    SET add_rg=1

IF EXIST "@cover@" (
    SET have_cover=1
    SET embed_cover=@EmbedCover@

IF @various@==0 (
    SET ArtistField=artist
    SET MP3Artist=--artist "@artist@"
) else (
    SET ArtistField=album artist
    SET MP3Artist=--user-text "[album artist]@VA@" --frame "TPE2:@VA@"

REM ** Create Disc-related tags if we have a set

REM If a disc name has been provided
IF "@discname@" EQU "" GOTO end_discname
SET discName=discname
SET discName=@%discname%@
IF "@discname@" EQU "%discName%" GOTO end_discname

    REM Set tagging switches
    SET Disc_Flac=-T "discname=@discname@"
    SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discname=@discname@"
    REM SET Disc_MP3=--frame TSST:"@discname@"
    SET Disc_MP3=--frame "TXXX[setsubtitle]:@discname@"
    SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discname=@discname@"
    SET Disc_Tak=-t "discname=@discname@"
    SET Disc_Flac_acdir=-T $qdiscname=@discname@$q
    SET Disc_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qdiscname=@discname@$q
    REM SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame TSST:$q@discname@$q
    SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame $qTXXX[setsubtitle]:@discname@$q
    SET Disc_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qdiscname=@discname@$q
    SET Disc_Tak_acdir=-t $qdiscname=@discname@$q

    REM Add disc name to image and track folder paths
    SET imageDir=%imageDir%\$discname$
    SET trackDir=%trackDir%\$discname$

    GOTO :end_discnumber


REM Ensure that we have numeric values
SET /A discNumber = @discnumber@ + 0
SET /A totalDiscs = @totaldiscs@ + 0

REM IF a valid disc number and total number of discs has been provided
IF %totalDiscs% LEQ 1 GOTO :end_discnumber
IF %discNumber% LEQ 0 GOTO :end_discnumber

    REM Set tagging switches
    SET Disc_Flac=-T "discnumber=@discnumber@" -T "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
    SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discnumber=@discnumber@" -w "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
    SET Disc_MP3=--frame TPOS:"@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@"
    SET Disc_NeroAac=--disk "@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@"
    SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discnumber=@discnumber@" -c "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
    SET Disc_Tak=-t "discnumber=@discnumber@" -t "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
    SET Disc_Flac_acdir=-T $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -T $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q
    SET Disc_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -w $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q
    SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame TPOS:$q@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@$q
    SET Disc_NeroAac_acdir=--disk $q@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@$q
    SET Disc_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -c $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q
    SET Disc_Tak_acdir=-t $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -t $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q

    REM Add disc number to image and track folder paths
    SET imageDir=%imageDir%\Disc @discnumber@
    SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc @discnumber@


SET run_wavegain=@UseWaveGainAG@
IF @AddCuesheetAG@==1 SET run_wavegain=1

IF %run_wavegain%==0 GOTO end_wavegain
    SET wg_tmp=wg_%RANDOM%
    @tools@\WaveGain.exe --album "@source@" --exec ECHO '%%ALBUM_GAIN%%'%%ALBUM_PEAK%%'%%ALBUM_NEW_PEAK%%'%%ALBUM_SCALE%%'> %wg_tmp%.txt
    FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1-6 delims='" %%a IN (%wg_tmp%.txt) DO (
        SET album_gain=%%b
        SET album_peak=%%c
        SET album_new_peak=%%d
        SET album_scale=%%e
    ECHO REM REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN %album_gain% dB> %wg_tmp%.rg
    ECHO REM REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK %album_peak%>> %wg_tmp%.rg
    ECHO REM REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_SCALE %album_scale%>> %wg_tmp%.rg
    REM DEL %wg_tmp%.txt
    REM TYPE "@eaclog@" >> %wg_tmp%.rg
    REM MOVE /Y %wg_tmp%.rg "@eaclog@"

REM ** Transfer RG values from Wavgain calculations, instead of recalculation.
IF @UseWaveGainAG@==1 IF %add_rg%==1 (
    SET RG_Flac=-T "replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" -T "replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_MetaFlac=--set-tag="replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" --set-tag="replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_Wavpack=-w "replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" -w "replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qreplaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB$q -w $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%$q
    SET RG_Tak=-t "replaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB" -t "replaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%"
    SET RG_Tak_acdir=-t $qreplaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB$q -t $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%$q
    SET RG_MetaMP3=--user-text "[replaygain_album_gain]%album_gain% dB" --user-text "[replaygain_album_peak]%album_peak%"
    SET RG_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qreplaygain_album_gain=%album_gain% dB$q -c $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_peak%$q

REM ** Apply AlbumGain by using --scale <factor> computed from WaveGain. Only for MP3 and OGG.
IF @UseWaveGainAG@==1 IF @ApplyAlbumGain@==1 (
    SET ApplyAG_Lame=--scale %album_scale%
    SET ApplyAG_MetaMP3=--apply-gain @AdjustAlbumGain_dB@
    SET RG_MetaMP3=--user-text "[replaygain_album_gain]0.0 dB" --user-text "[replaygain_album_peak]%album_new_peak%"
    SET RG_OggEnc2_acdir=--scale %album_scale% -c $qreplaygain_album_gain=0.0 dB$q -c $qreplaygain_album_peak=%album_new_peak%$q

REM ---- Image ----

REM Ensure that the EAC log is available
IF NOT EXIST "@eaclog@" GOTO Pause

REM Add ReplayGain to front of log file
TYPE "@eaclog@" >> %wg_tmp%.rg
MOVE /Y %wg_tmp%.rg "@eaclog@"

IF NOT @ImageExt@==flac GOTO end_flac_image
    SET dest="@ImageDir_Flac@%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture="|image/jpeg|||@cover@"
    @tools@\flac.exe @Opt_Flac@ %RG_Flac% %Cover_tag% %Disc_Flac% -T "%ArtistField%=@cdartist@" -T album="@album@" -T totaltracks="@numtracks@" -T date="@year@" -T genre="@genre@" -T comment="@comment@" -T encoded-by="%USERNAME%" -T encoding="Flac @Ver_Flac@ @Opt_Flac@" --tag-from-file="cuesheet=@cuesheet@" --tag-from-file="eaclog=@eaclog@" "@source@" -o "@image@"
    MOVE /Y "@image@" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "@cuesheet@" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\"@basename@.jpg"

IF NOT @ImageExt@==wv GOTO end_wavpack_image
    SET dest="@ImageDir_Wavpack@%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    @tools@\wavpack.exe @Opt_Wavpack@ %RG_Wavpack% %Disc_Wavpack% -w "%ArtistField%=@cdartist@" -w album="@album@" -w totaltracks="@numtracks@" -w year="@year@" -w genre="@genre@" -w comment="@comment@" -w encodedby="%USERNAME%" -w encodersettings="Wavpack @Ver_Wavpack@ @Opt_Wavpack@" -w cuesheet="@@cuesheet@" -w eaclog="@@eaclog@" "@source@" "@image@"
    IF @ReplayGain@==1 IF @UseWaveGainAG@==0 @tools@\wvgain.exe -a "@image@"
    TITLE "@album@"
    MOVE /Y "@image@" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "@cuesheet@" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\"@basename@.jpg"

IF NOT @ImageExt@==tak GOTO end_tak_image
    SET dest="@ImageDir_Tak@%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    @tools@\takc.exe -e @Opt_Tak@ "@source@" "@image@"
    @tools@\tag.exe %RG_Tak% %Disc_Tak% -t "%ArtistField%=@cdartist@" -t album="@album@" -t totaltracks="@numtracks@" -t year="@year@" -t genre="@genre@" -t comment="@comment@" -t encodedby="%USERNAME%" -t encodersettings="TAK @Ver_Tak@ @Opt_Tak@" -f cuesheet="@cuesheet@" -f eaclog="@eaclog@" "@image@"
    MOVE /Y "@image@" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "@cuesheet@" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\"@basename@.jpg"

IF NOT @ImageExt@==mp3 GOTO end_lame_image
    SET dest="@ImageDir_MP3@%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--pict "{3}@cover@"
    @tools@\lame.exe @Opt_LameMP3@ %ApplyAG_Lame% "@source@" "@image@"
    @tools@\metamp3.exe %RG_MetaMP3% %Cover_tag% %Disc_MP3% %MP3Artist% --album "@album@" --track @numtracks@ --year "@year@" --genre "@genre@" --comment "@comment@" --frame TENC:"%USERNAME%" --frame TSSE:"LAME @Ver_LameMP3@ @Opt_LameMP3@" "@image@"
    IF @ApplyAlbumGain@==1 @tools@\metamp3.exe %ApplyAG_MetaMP3% "@image@"
    MOVE /Y "@image@" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "@cuesheet@" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\"@basename@.jpg"

REM ---- Tracks ----

IF NOT @Flac@==1 GOTO end_flac_tracks
    SET dest="@TrackDir_Flac@%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=-T $qalbum artist=@VA@$q
        IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture=$#x
        @tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.flac" --extra-opt "|image/jpeg|||@cover@" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N flac $#T & @tools@\flac.exe @Opt_Flac@ %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_Flac_acdir% -T artist=$#a -T album=$#T -T title=$#t -T tracknumber=$n/$N -T date=$q@year@$q -T genre=$q@genre@$q -T comment=$q@comment@$q -T encoded-by=$q%USERNAME%$q -T encoding=$qFlac @Ver_Flac@ @Opt_Flac@$q - -o $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"
        IF %add_rg%==1 @tools@\Glob.exe -v -c @tools@\metaflac.exe %RG_MetaFlac% *.flac
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" .
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" "folder.jpg"
        IF EXIST "@albumfile@.[*].cue" COPY /Y "@albumfile@.[*].cue" .

IF NOT @Wavpack@==1 GOTO end_wavpack_tracks
    SET dest="@TrackDir_Wavpack@%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=-w $qalbum artist=@VA@$q
        @tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.wv" --pipe "@tools@\wavpack.exe @Opt_Wavpack@ %RG_Wavpack_acdir% %VA_tag% %Disc_Wavpack_acdir% -w artist=$#a -w album=$#T -w title=$#t -w track=$n/$N -w year=$q@year@$q -w genre=$q@genre@$q -w comment=$q@comment@$q -w encodedby=$q%USERNAME%$q -w encodersettings=$qWavpack @Ver_Wavpack@ @Opt_Wavpack@$q - $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"
        IF @ReplayGain@==1 IF @UseWaveGainAG@==0 @tools@\wvgain.exe -a *.wv
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EAClog.txt"
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" "folder.jpg"
        IF EXIST "@albumfile@.[*].cue" COPY /Y "@albumfile@.[*].cue" .
    TITLE "@album@"

IF NOT @Tak@==1 GOTO end_tak_tracks
    SET dest="@TrackDir_Tak@%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=-t $qalbum artist=@VA@$q
        @tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.wav" --extract "@sourcecuesheet@"
        @tools@\acdir.exe --exec "@tools@\takc.exe -e -overwrite @Opt_Tak@ $q%TrackName%.wav$q $q%TrackName%.tak$q && @tools@\tag.exe %RG_Tak_acdir% %VA_tag% %Disc_Tak_acdir% -t artist=$#a -t album=$#T -t title=$#t -t track=$n/$N -t year=$q@year@$q -t genre=$q@genre@$q -t comment=$q@comment@$q -t encodedby=$q%USERNAME%$q -t encodersettings=$qTAK @Ver_Tak@ @Opt_Tak@$q $q%TrackName%.tak$q && DEL $q%TrackName%.wav$q" "@sourcecuesheet@"
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EAClog.txt"
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" "folder.jpg"
        IF EXIST "@albumfile@.[*].cue" COPY /Y "@albumfile@.[*].cue" .

IF NOT @LameMP3@==1 GOTO end_lame_tracks
    SET dest="@TrackDir_MP3@%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=--user-text $q[album artist]@VA@$q --frame $qTPE2:@VA@$q
        IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--pict $#x
        @tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.mp3" --extra-opt "{3}@cover@" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N mp3 $#T & @tools@\lame.exe @Opt_LameMP3@ %ApplyAG_Lame% - $#o & @tools@\metamp3.exe %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_MP3_acdir% --artist $#a --album $#T --title $#t --track $n/$N --year $q@year@$q --genre $q@genre@$q --comment $q@comment@$q --frame TENC:$q%USERNAME%$q --frame TSSE:$qLAME @Ver_LameMP3@ @Opt_LameMP3@$q $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"
        IF %add_rg%==1 @tools@\metamp3.exe %RG_MetaMP3% *.mp3
        IF @ApplyAlbumGain@==1 @tools@\metamp3.exe %ApplyAG_MetaMP3% *.mp3
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" .
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" "folder.jpg"

IF NOT @NeroAac@==1 GOTO end_nero_aac_tracks
    SET dest="@TrackDir_AAC@%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=--albumArtist $q@VA@$q --compilation true
        IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--artwork $#x
        @tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.m4a" --extra-opt "@cover@" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N aac $#T & @tools@\neroAacEnc.exe @Opt_NeroAac@ -ignorelength -if - -of $#o & @tools@\AtomicParsley.exe $#o -o REACT_tmp.m4a %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_NeroAac_acdir% --artist $#a --album $#T --tracknum $n/$N --title $#t --year $q@year@$q --genre $q@genre@$q --comment $q@comment@$q --encodingTool $qneroAacEnc @Ver_NeroAac@ @Opt_NeroAac@$q & MOVE /Y REACT_tmp.m4a $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"
        IF @ApplyAlbumGain@==1 @tools@\aacgain.exe %ApplyAG_AacGain% *.m4a > gainlog.txt
        REM COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EAClog.txt"
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" "folder.jpg"

IF NOT @OggEnc2@==1 GOTO end_oggenc_tracks
    SET dest="@TrackDir_OGG@%trackDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    PUSHD %dest%
        IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=-c $qalbum artist=@VA@$q
        @tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.ogg" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N ogg $#T & @tools@\oggenc2.exe @Opt_OggEnc2@ %RG_OggEnc2_acdir% %VA_tag% %Disc_OggEnc2_acdir% -c artist=$#a -c album=$#T -c title=$#t -c tracknumber=$n/$N -c date=$q@year@$q -c genre=$q@genre@$q -c comment=$q@comment@$q -c encoded-by=$q%USERNAME%$q -c encoding=$qOggEnc @Ver_OggEnc2@ @Opt_OggEnc2@$q - -o $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"
        IF @ReplayGain@==1 IF @UseWaveGainAG@==0 @tools@\vorbisgain.exe -a *.ogg
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" .
        IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" "folder.jpg"

REM ================ End Main Script ===================

IF @Debug@==1 (

REM ** Cleanup

DEL "@source@"
DEL "@eaclog@"
DEL "@cuesheet@"
DEL "@albumfile@.[*].cue"
DEL "@cover@"

REM ** Delete this .bat file:
DEL %0


REM Pause for 2000 milliseconds and return to :CheckForLog
@ECHO Waiting for EAC log file...
PING -n 1 -w 2000 >NUL
GOTO CheckForLog

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1254
I think I am finally ready to rip my cd collection. However having done a lot of testing I have noticed some discrepencies with the results I am getting from replaygain=1 in the react.ini (note I am not using applyalbumgain or usewavegainAG for the mp3s).

I am ripping to flac image, flac tracks and mp3 tracks. The results for album and track gain in the resulting flac image, flac tracks and mp3 tracks are not consistent with each other and I thought they would be since they are all being rg at the same time.

I also did a seperate test on one of the albums by using the foobar rg feature and whilst the album and track gains were close to what I am getting with react, the peaks were completely different.

So my question - which is the more reliable way to RG the flac image, and two types of tracks - react or foobar (or is there something that is better than both). If foobar then I would just disable rg in the react.ini and run the image and tracks through foobar afterwards.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1255
I'm experiencing some weirdness with Various Artist albums.  I ran in debug mode and what I've found is that even though EAC shows the Various Artists check box checked, the @various@ variable is passed as 0.

The files end up being stored in a folder named with the first track artist instead of Various or Various Artists.

How do I fix this?

So I came up with my own kludgey hack to at least get the results I am looking for.

I made copies of REACT.ini and REACT-image.cfg and forced them to treat VA albums the way I want them treated.  I changed the destination folders in the ini and ripped out the IF statements in the cfg so the code only runs the VA portion.  That way it doesn't matter what EAC thinks the album is.

I saved these files as and  Then I wrote a DOS batch script to rename the active ini and cfg to and and remove the va from the other two files.  I wrote another to do the opposite.

So when I want to rip a VA album I run the batch file so that REACT uses the VA configuration.  When I'm done, I run the SA batch to go back to normal operations.

Pretty ugly...  But it gives me what I want.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1256
So my question - which is the more reliable way to RG the flac image, and two types of tracks - react or foobar (or is there something that is better than both).

I have just done some more testing on this and thought I would use wavegain to produce the rg information in react rather than let flac and metamp3 calculate it seperately. However I notice it has not produced track peak and track gain data. Is this normal. I also notice that the album peak and album gain data is different to what foobar rg generated.

My settings are
Code: [Select]

I am really looking for a view from someone who understands this rg stuff a lot better than me as to whether foobar is more accurate than wavegain or not!


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1257
I think I am finally ready to rip my cd collection. However having done a lot of testing I have noticed some discrepencies with the results I am getting from replaygain=1 in the react.ini (note I am not using applyalbumgain or usewavegainAG for the mp3s).

I am ripping to flac image, flac tracks and mp3 tracks. The results for album and track gain in the resulting flac image, flac tracks and mp3 tracks are not consistent with each other and I thought they would be since they are all being rg at the same time.

I also did a seperate test on one of the albums by using the foobar rg feature and whilst the album and track gains were close to what I am getting with react, the peaks were completely different.

Ok, I'm trying to answer something for this.. disclaimer: I'm not so familiar with RG.

I ripped one of my CDs to flac image & tracks + mp3 tracks and I looked at the RG values in mp3tag. Here's a screenshot:
[a href="" target="_blank"] (I've been working really hard for the next REACT release, it was supposed to come out last weekend but I was on a roll and decided to crush more things off my ToDo list... it's going to be a HUUUUUGE update.. I just started with the last thing; Various problems.. after that, it's release time!)

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1258
Hi, your post is a bit long.. but I'll try to answer the best I can..

1) Setting replaygain to '1' only seems to produce replaygain for the flac files and not the MP3 or Ogg files for the same album. How do I get it to apply the same replaygain settings calculated for the flac files into the ogg & mp3 tags?

You have "ApplyAlbumGain=1" setting in INI -> the gain is applied to Mp3s and thus not written to tags. I don't know about the Ogg though.. somebody else?

First clarify what do you want, the RG values in tags and/or applied to the lossy formats?

1a) Even though I asked it to, REACT did not add any replaygain info to the cue sheets.

This is done only in image mode ripping.. and only to the image cuesheet. Please read carefully the REACT Wiki page.

2a) If I put the album art only in the (album) folder will media players such as an iPod (Classic v5) or XBMC (XBOX Media Centre) pick up the art when playing playlists or in random order?

No clue.. but why on earth you wouldn't want to also embed the images? Hard disk space? It's cheap.. and honestly you can't find BIG cover images... or good quality for the matter, covers are always rotated, have spots & stuff, etc. (that's why I've to at least edit the covers.. or scan them myself if there's not even decent ones to edit).

3) I assume that REACT automatically complete the tags and it thus need not be specified in the flac, ogg or mp3 options?

Answer would be yes... to a certain point.. what tags do you want? All the basic tags are written, but if you want some special tags, you're going to have to amend the cfg's. If you're familiar with Dos batch programming language, you can open up the REACT-track.cfg file and see yourself what tags are written. Or use mp3tag program for user friendly way to peruse the written tags.

3a) I noticed that foobar would recognise the total number of tracks (xx/yy) but only for ogg and flac files. Am I missing a setting for the MP3 tracks or does the MP3 tags not allow/cater for this?

You can check the mp3 files with mp3tag program.. I get "track/numtracks" in my Mp3 files.. maybe it's the foobar..?

4) Is it possible to rename the EAC logfile to "album + EACLogfile"?

Yes. Again you need to know the Dos batch language ir order to do this. Amend your REACT-track.cfg file.

Here's an example (for all formats): find the COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EAClog.txt" string(s) in the REACT-track.cfg and change them to:
Code: [Select]
COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "$album$ EAClog.txt"

5) Is it possible to produce a logfile of the actual Ogg and MP3 encoding results? (Is this debug mode?)

No it's not debug mode. If the Ogg (oggenc2.exe) and Mp3 (lame.exe) can produce such logs, then it's possible.. see the manuals for Ogg and Mp3 for such feature.

7) Do I still have to submit my results to accurate rip or is that also automated?

The submit results window will come up once per month (IIRC).

8) How do I make the files read-only so the media players cannot alter any of the files?

You can do this by ATTRIB. Note though that the read-only attribute can be overridden, so it's not a foolproof method.

In flac post-processing section of REACT-track.cfg file:
Code: [Select]
IF @Flac@==1 (
    PUSHD %TrackDir_Flac%
        IF %add_rg%==1 @tools@\Glob.exe -v -c @tools@\metaflac.exe %RG_MetaFlac% *.flac
        COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EAClog.txt"
        IF EXIST "@albumfile@.[*].cue" COPY /Y "@albumfile@.[*].cue" .

        REM ** Add read-only attribute to all files in the destination folder and it's subfolders.
        ATTRIB +R *.* /S

Ps. I use XP Pro SP3, EAC V0.99 pb4, REACT2, flac 1.2.1, lame 3.98 and oggenc 2.85

I hope you have downloaded and installed a newer mod of REACT?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1259
As you can see, the gain values are pretty same for all (if your values differ about the same, I wouldn't worry), but the mp3 peak values differ from flacs. I'm curious about why this is happening.

Thanks for the reply Akkurat.
Yes this is very similar to what I am seeing as well. Gain values close but not exactly the same but peak values differ wildly. I don't understand the technicalities of RG at all either. I just don't want to rip all my collection with incorrect RG tags.

I did post a follow up to my original post where I used wavegain to create the tags but for some reason it only creates album rg info and not track rg info. Any ideas why this would be?


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1260
Yes this is very similar to what I am seeing as well. Gain values close but not exactly the same but peak values differ wildly. I don't understand the technicalities of RG at all either. I just don't want to rip all my collection with incorrect RG tags.

I tried to search a bit for information on this issue but got absolutely nothing.. maybe I'm crap at searching (or I'm far too lazy to read all the threads which have "replaygain", "peak", "above", etc. words... why oh why people doesn't use proper topic titles?). Maybe you could ask this in MP3 forum?

I did post a follow up to my original post where I used wavegain to create the tags but for some reason it only creates album rg info and not track rg info. Any ideas why this would be?

Missed that.

REACT: "UseWaveGainAG = Instruct to use WaveGain to calculate AlbumGain values on the wav image file. The values will be transferred to the various compressed formats, rather than calculating them via other tools. ..."

It can't calculate track values from an image.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1261
Thanks for the response.

You have "ApplyAlbumGain=1" setting in INI -> the gain is applied to Mp3s and thus not written to tags. I don't know about the Ogg though.. somebody else?

First clarify what do you want, the RG values in tags and/or applied to the lossy formats?

I did not realise the gain is actually applied. I thought it would only be written to the tags. Do you apply the album or track gain?

No clue.. but why on earth you wouldn't want to also embed the images? Hard disk space? It's cheap.. and honestly you can't find BIG cover images... or good quality for the matter, covers are always rotated, have spots & stuff, etc. (that's why I've to at least edit the covers.. or scan them myself if there's not even decent ones to edit).

It seems that foobar does not support embedded album art and would thus need to use the folder.jpg. So you would need both, but at the moment as I understand REACT can only do the one or the other, not both. Is this correct?

I hope you have downloaded and installed a newer mod of REACT?

I'm in fact already using the latest download, just forgot to update the ini file.

Thanks again for all your help and pointers.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1262
This may be an EAC problem but my latest cuesheet has come out as if for a single file.  React has ripped the files as tracks.  The name of the single file in the cuesheet is "Range.WAV".  What did I do wrong?  And is the cause EAC or REACT?

Reading a bit.  Range.wav is what you get when you do a single file cuesheet, so I guess the question becomes why I have I got this rather than my usual 'noncompliant' sheet?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1263
This may be an EAC problem but my latest cuesheet has come out as if for a single file.  React has ripped the files as tracks.  The name of the single file in the cuesheet is "Range.WAV".  What did I do wrong?  And is the cause EAC or REACT?

1) Which mod are you using?
2) Which cuefile came out as "S" cue? (REACT.cue or one of the other 4 cuefiles generated when "CreateAllCuesheets=1")
3) Can you reproduce this problem with the same CD?

Let's start with those.

@Paul Burger: Please try to fix your quotes.. also there's no need to quote if you're only answering thanks/sorry, I counted at least 7 quotes/answers falling into this category. EDIT: IIRC, the forum software goes wonky when using several nested quotes (there was some kind of limit I also encountered a while ago).. so, your syntax could be correct.. just cut down the quotes AND nested quotes especially.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1264
1) Which mod are you using?
2) Which cuefile came out as "S" cue? (REACT.cue or one of the other 4 cuefiles generated when "CreateAllCuesheets=1")
3) Can you reproduce this problem with the same CD?

1.  One of synthetic soul's later ones (I'm not at the machine right now!)
2.  I don't know.  I only ever have it grab the non-compliant one.
3.  I don't have access to the CD anymore.

Its no big problem as I can convert the cuesheet using this knowledge:

I was just wondering how it could happen.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1265
1.  One of synthetic soul's later ones (I'm not at the machine right now!)
I was just wondering how it could happen.

There, that's why it happened. I hate to say but this is exactly the case what could happen when I wrote a while ago why everyone (who creates cuesheets) should update to my mod.. I guess people didn't take that too seriously.

The problem is that the mod is not able to "catch" one EAC window during the gap/indices detection AND messes up the cuefile renaming = wrong cuefiles.. but NO visible errors! That's why I said that it's a really BAD problem.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1266
Ah, I'm clearly out of date and need to overhaul my installation.  I just need the time to catch up on this monster thread!

As a start: Where do I get your mods?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1268
Really? Where you got the other mod?

Cheers.  (SS used to PM me his mods.  I prompted him to start by badgering him for the additional metadata feature)
I'll wait until the update then!

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1269
Ah, I'm clearly out of date and need to overhaul my installation.  I just need the time to catch up on this monster thread!

As a start: Where do I get your mods?

You can get the link to his mod a his post to me a little higher up on this page.

I agree about this being a monster thread. It takes you days to find anything in this thread. A lot of it should be extracted and included in a How To/FAQ page.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1270
I did not realise the gain is actually applied. I thought it would only be written to the tags. Do you apply the album or track gain?

As for the Mp3's, it's the album gain.

It seems that foobar does not support embedded album art and would thus need to use the folder.jpg. So you would need both, but at the moment as I understand REACT can only do the one or the other, not both. Is this correct?

No, REACT will always create the folder.jpg to the directory.

REACT: "EmbedCover = Select if you want your cover pictures embeded into the audio files, or only copied to the target directory as 'folder.jpg'." Note the "OR ONLY" part.

I'm in fact already using the latest download, just forgot to update the ini file.

Update the ini file? Are you meaning the "Version=" setting? You don't have to change that (or rather should not.. although currently it doesn't matter.. but maybe in the future).

I agree about this being a monster thread. It takes you days to find anything in this thread. A lot of it should be extracted and included in a How To/FAQ page.

Yep, a monster, I still remember the time I read this thread from the start to the end. Akkurat still pining for the dedicated REACT forum.. but the "Masters of the Universe" are reluctant to make this happen. News at eleven!

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1271
Update the ini file? Are you meaning the "Version=" setting? You don't have to change that (or rather should not.. although currently it doesn't matter.. but maybe in the future).

Yes, I'm referring to the ini file. I thought that's where you picked up that I might be running and old(er) mod.

I'll change it back and just add a REM for myself so I can keep track of which version I'm using.

Thanks again for all your good work, help and advice.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #1272
Yes, I'm referring to the ini file. I thought that's where you picked up that I might be running and old(er) mod.

I'll change it back and just add a REM for myself so I can keep track of which version I'm using.

No I picked that up from your "Ps. I use XP Pro SP3, EAC V0.99 pb4, REACT2, flac 1.2.1, lame 3.98 and oggenc 2.85" line.

IIRC, you shouldn't use REM for commenting out INI files, use semicolon (  ;  ) instead.. just to be safe.

EDIT: aah, you were fast to stroke that out.. anyways, use the semicolon if you like.

EDIT2: Forgot to mention that starting from the next version, the INI and the program version will be synchronized (even if there's no update to the INI file).

REACT 2 Released

Reply #1273
I want to add a specific comment into my flac and mp3 files along the lines of:

"Listened to" NO

Once I have listened to the tracks, to check the they are OK I'll use MP3Tag to get rid of the comment. Having "NO" in a special comment field called "Listened to" enables me to easily find the albums I have not yet listened to on my DAP or Squeezebox.

How can I add this into the flac and mp3 tracks section of REACT-image.cfg (I am also creating a FLAC image at same time)



REACT 2 Released

Reply #1274
In the FLAC tracks section add -T $qListened to=NO$q to the call to ACDIR (look near the end of the command):

Code: [Select]
@tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.flac" --extra-opt "|image/jpeg|||@cover@" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N flac $#T & @tools@\flac.exe @Opt_Flac@ %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_Flac_acdir% -T artist=$#a -T album=$#T -T title=$#t -T tracknumber=$n/$N -T date=$q@year@$q -T genre=$q@genre@$q -T comment=$q@comment@$q -T encoded-by=$q%USERNAME%$q -T encoding=$qFlac @Ver_Flac@ @Opt_Flac@$q -T $qListened to=NO$q - -o $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"

In the MP3 tracks section add --frame $qTXXX[Listened to]:NO$q to the call to ACDIR (look near the end of the command):

Code: [Select]
@tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.mp3" --extra-opt "{3}@cover@" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N mp3 $#T & @tools@\lame.exe @Opt_LameMP3@ %ApplyAG_Lame% - $#o & @tools@\metamp3.exe --fit %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_MP3_acdir% --artist $#a --album $#T --title $#t --track $n/$N --year $q@year@$q --genre $q@genre@$q --comment $q@comment@$q --frame $qTXXX[Listened to]:NO$q $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"

NB: I am unsure about using TXXX frames, but I believe the above should work.
I'm on a horse.