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Topic: foobar playback stops for a second (Read 4260 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar playback stops for a second

Hello, my problem is that when I'm listening to music and do something in other apps like totalcommander, when I click back to foobar for example for volume adjusting, it stops playback for a very short time, than continue playback.
Every time I click back to foobar from another window, this dropout occurs.
What could it be?

Tamas Dragon

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #1
What user interface are you using (standard, columns UI, or otherwise)?  If Columns UI, are you displaying any panels (like albumart, trackinfomod, etc)?

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #2
Hello, my problem is that when I'm listening to music and do something in other apps like totalcommander, when I click back to foobar for example for volume adjusting, it stops playback for a very short time, than continue playback.
Every time I click back to foobar from another window, this dropout occurs.
What could it be?

Tamas Dragon

Is your playback thread priority (under Preferences->Advanced->Playback->Thread Priority) set to the maximum (7) ?

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #3
I use the standard gui, no additional windows and thread priority is 7. I have no idea what could happen. My machine is a 3.2Ghz prescott with 2gb ram. Any idea?

Tamas Dragon

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #4
Remove plugins one by one and find out if a plugin is causing this. Save anything before.
Sysinternals Process Explorer to see if and which process takes massive cpu cycles at the time your audio interrupts.

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #5
Remove plugins one by one and find out if a plugin is causing this. Save anything before.
Sysinternals Process Explorer to see if and which process takes massive cpu cycles at the time your audio interrupts.

Excuse me my ignorance, but where can I remove plugins?

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #6
I have removed everything, the situation is the same. What now?

Tamas Dragon

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #7
Did you investigate if there are cpu peaks? I can't imagine how a bare foobar200 could cause cpu peaks just when acticvating it.
How is "preferences - Playback -Output" configured? Buffer too small?

foobar playback stops for a second

Reply #8
Didn't notice any cpu spikes. But the playback stops as before. I really have no idea.