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Topic: Foobar2000 audio player info (Read 100818 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar2000 audio player info

Author: zZzZzZz


foobar2000 feature list: (notice: player features constantly updating)

  • supported format: MP3, Ogg Vorbis, MPC, FLAC, Ogg FLAC, WAV, MOD (needs foo_mod.dll), SPC (needs foo_spc.dll)

  • 32bit floatingpoint audio processing pipeline, with 6dB hard limiter and conversion to 16/24bit (dithered) at the end.

  • lossy formats (MP3, Vorbis, MPC) are decoded directly to 32bit FP so there's no clipping

  • transparent rar/zip reading (slow)

  • full unicode support, new playlist format (m3u8) storing international filenames properly (using UTF-8)

  • runs *only* on win2k/winxp or newer

  • builtin SSRC resampler component (DSP)

  • reads APEv2 tags from MP3 files (id3v2 is not supported and will never be)

  • fully customizable keyboard shortcuts, including global hotkeys
Juha Laaksonheimo

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #1
Yes! Download it! Dont ask questions!

Ruairi - nothing going on

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #2
we need a volume control

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #3
we need a volume control

I need a UI

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #4
@Benjamin: you need to RTFM about keyboard shortcuts
@ErikS: go somewhere else
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #5


Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #6
before anyone else complains: foobar2000 is about functionality, technical capabilities and high-quality audio playback, NOT about cool-looking user interface. if you want skinning, visualisation, etc, then fb2k is not for you.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #7
-replaygain support in mpc and vorbis?
-decoding to output uncompressed files?

-playtime information could be the first info at the left bottom of ui, so i can resize the window the way i want (or is that configurable somehow?)

(iam not complaining)
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #8
1. been there since the beginning (always uses album mode, ability to configure it coming later)
2. not planned at the moment - decoding to a file would need all replaygain/hardlimiter/etc stuff to be disabled, and IMO it's not worth the trouble since most of serious people out there use external programs for that (eg. dbpoweramp).

[edit] 3. OK, noted that
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #9
I don't need a 1337 user interface, but more something so that I can skip ahead in long files for example. And a toolbar with some buttons for play, next, etc is not asking for too much IMO. But I'm sure that will all come later on.

Edit: I found it! Arrow keys...

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #10
refer to my first reply to Benjamin for info on play/stop/next buttons and seeking.
toolbar is considered (it was there at some point before first semi-public build made it out of my computer)
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #11
Good Job zZzZzZz

I like these simple sweet and to the point players.
nothing but pure audio enjoyment.  too bad only win2000/xp.  looks like i will be using the boys computer.  good thing he is in school

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #12
foobar2000 feature list: (notice: player features constantly updating)

  • runs *only* on win2k/winxp or newer

No, it's not a bug, it's a feature!

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #13
Is playlist sorting by filename hardcoded? Can't sort by tracknumbers after droping folder. Have tried all the means I can figure out, no success.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #14
win9x is not supported and will never be, because if i wanted to support it, i'd have to put huge amount of stupid hacks to redirect all unicode functions calls to ansi versions win9x; imo it's just not worth the trouble.

@ak: that would be a bug in sorting routine, thanks for info.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #15
A promising concept for a player, to be sure! It sounds a lot better than my Winamp (which indicates that my Winamp setup is screwy... and another good reason to use Foobar2000, because I can't screw it up too badly!)

How big a priority are programmable hotkeys?

And a question about crossfeed DSP (I'm assuming it's a headphone crossfeed): is this your own concoction, or an adaptation of Trelane's Winamp2 plugin?

Oh, and I know that you're probably already annoyed that I'm making feature requests after the first beta release  but I've also got a "feature" I'd like to comment on: the player apparently resets my Windows volume slider to maximum whenever I switch to another program. Is this intended (to minimize signal loss), or just a bug designed to deafen headphone users?

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #16
sorting fixed in 0.23b (waiting for download page to be updated).

crossfeed DSP uses Trelane's code.

programable keys added to todo list.

about volume control - i really can't reproduce it, must be a soundcard driver thing.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #17
about volume control - i really can't reproduce it, must be a soundcard driver thing.

Edit: I will try updating to the latest TBSC driver and see if that helps.

Okay, well I'll just state my system information for anyone else on this board who runs into the problem:

For reference: the problem I'm talking about is that whenever I click on the Foobar2000 application in the taskbar after switching away from the program, my main Windows volume slider is reset to maximum. The slider I'm talking about is the one that appears when you single-click on the speaker icon in the system tray.

Operating system: Windows XP, no service pack
Soundcard: Turtle Beach Santa Cruz
Driver version: XP reports (the driver package), dated 12/15/2001

Note: there is a newer driver version, dated 4/26/02 ( on the Turtle Beach website. I will try updating the drivers before complaining further. 

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #18

Being the curious person that I am, I tried to run the player in Win98, and this is what I got:

Yeah... well... nice job, Peter

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']edited image to link[/span]

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #19
yeah, win9x flame got edited out in current version
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #20
sorting fixed in 0.23b (waiting for download page to be updated).

That was rapid, thank you very much.
Little request, may I? Could you add a config entry, something like default sort order (with priorities) on adding folders, e.g Artist\Album\Track Nr., if appropriate info presented in tags.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #21
FWIW: I thought, cool, let's test this thing and made it read my mpc dir. That's ca 5800 files. I wanted to change the file sorting (I think to "by artist") and after a short time my system completely hung. The sound was playing in a loop and keyboard/mouse(?) was inactive. After a minute or so my patience faded and I reset the pc.

Win2k sp 3
foobar 0.21a beta
diamond monster sound mx 300... crappy win2k driver support but they have worked so far. I don't think that is causing the trouble.

If you need more info, just ask.

edit: (now using version 0.23b beta)

tray icon bug: when I right click, I can normally make the popup window go away by clicking someplace else on the desktop. This doesn't seem to work for foobar, I allways have to click a menu item.

If I may make a feature request: toggle between "time played" and "time remaining"

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #22
about the time display, there could be a second holder for the 'how much time is left till the end of the song', so both time displays will show at the same time.

like | 1:23 | -0:12 | volume 0.00 dB

p.s. no 'fagot' on NT, i mean there is no error or warning of any kind (0.23b)
(it will just skip through the songs with the speed of light)
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #23
feature request / better sorting - noted

it's possible that sorting big playlist takes somewhat longer, but it really shouldn't (wtf, it's quicksort), i'll look into it, noted

NT4 OS is not supported, it won't work, don't bother (maybe i've been too lazy to put proper error).
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Foobar2000 audio player info

Reply #24
Downloaded...I like it! Good Job
[span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']"Guai a voi anime prave!
Non isperate mai veder lo cielo:
i' vegno per menarvi a l'altra riva
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