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Topic: foo_uie_single_column_playlist (Read 764387 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #675
i think the MEIN problem for me got fixed, thanx alot. 


Reply #676
THANX terrestrial!!!!

I can see the fixes already!!


Reply #677
updated with a couple of small bug fixes... haven't had time for too much else.

thanks a lot, now the situation with autoplaylists is much better, but it's still jumpy


Reply #678
what situation with autoplaylists?


Reply #679
Any chance buttons might be implemented soon? Oh, and thanks for fixing the quicksearch bug!


Reply #681
The extra item drawn crash bug seems to be gone, though.


Reply #682
I have a rating script that I use with a kb shortcut - increases rating by + 1 every time.
In the single colums view it drawms the 1st rating star and then it dtops redrawing until i click on another tab and then switch back so it can redraw.

Also was wondering what the chances are of inline editing ala columns ui with meta editing this would be very cool..

keep up the awesome work am really enjoying this component now - I dont even use track info anymore my single column is enough for all my uses album art - album info etc..

I would really like it wildcards could be introduced for displaying images so  I could get any *.jpg;*.png to be displayed from the albums folder.. this would then make album art component totally redundant for me...

the less components i use the faster foobar runs +++ thanks in advanced


Reply #683
Question, I turned ClearType on once and it seems to remain in the Single Columsn after I shut it off even after restart, or does this component automatically enable it? and I just didn't notice it the first time


Reply #684
what situation with autoplaylists?

try the following:
go to properties on any autoplaylist created song and change any tag, then press apply and look what happens, playlist scroll position changes. That won't happen with simple playlist


Reply #685
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I've found a small bug with the way infomation is displayed when it begins with the word 'draw'.

Below is an image showing the bug on a track where the title begins with the word 'Drawn'... I've tested it on other tracks by adding 'draw' to the beginning of the title and it shows up as seen in the image.

I don't think it's the code, but here's what I'm using...

Code: [Select]

$if(%_selected%,$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-224-232-240 pencolor-null))

[$if($meta(band),%artist%,) • ]$replace(%title%,'(',$get(color2)'(',')',')'$get(color1))


Reply #686
If i use Maxthon2.0, Os will game over


Reply #687
Hello and sorry for this post

I'm a big beginner on customizing foobar. But I just couldn't resist after seeing these nice single column layouts

The problem is, how do I apply these styles to my Foobar? I've installed a bunch of components (Columns UI, Track info panel mod, Single Column Playlist Display) and I've read a lot of the wiki's about the components i've installed, but I can't figure out where to place the code that is posted here in this topic. Couldn't someone give me a hint in the right direction or a link to a clear (newb) tutorial?

Thanks in advance.



Reply #688
Hello and sorry for this post

I'm a big beginner on customizing foobar. But I just couldn't resist after seeing these nice single column layouts

The problem is, how do I apply these styles to my Foobar? I've installed a bunch of components (Columns UI, Track info panel mod, Single Column Playlist Display) and I've read a lot of the wiki's about the components i've installed, but I can't figure out where to place the code that is posted here in this topic. Couldn't someone give me a hint in the right direction or a link to a clear (newb) tutorial?

Thanks in advance.

just right click on single column playlist/settings


Reply #689
I keep getting this problem with the playlist:

The group header is cut in half and a random item line is added at the end with either a solid color or an image from the window open below it


Reply #690
update to latest version
err... i'm not using windows any more ;)


Reply #691

Hello and sorry for this post

I'm a big beginner on customizing foobar. But I just couldn't resist after seeing these nice single column layouts

The problem is, how do I apply these styles to my Foobar? I've installed a bunch of components (Columns UI, Track info panel mod, Single Column Playlist Display) and I've read a lot of the wiki's about the components i've installed, but I can't figure out where to place the code that is posted here in this topic. Couldn't someone give me a hint in the right direction or a link to a clear (newb) tutorial?

Thanks in advance.

just right click on single column playlist/settings

Ok, i'm going to ask something really stupid now. Where can I find the single column playlist/settings in the preferences, I can't seem to locate them. I did install the component and I don't get any errors starting foobar.


Reply #693
Vrieskist: It's not in the perferences page. Just click on the ACTUAL single playlist panel you have in your view, and choose 'settings' in the popup.

Nickoladze: look a page or two back to see when terrastrial said he updated it and see if you got yours then.


Reply #694
Yeah thats a good one you got there except I can't reproduce it. When I rename songs to start with draw or drawn they show properly so it has to be the way the song is tagged.

JustElliot is right. This was one of the bug fixes in the latest. The version you should have is 3.2beta October 11


Reply #695
i have 0.3.2beta [October 11 2006 - 22:00:56] installed


Reply #696
I still get those ghost items drawn sometimes though.


Reply #697
I get it everytime i change columnui layouts, then randomly on other occasions