Hey Russell,
I made some changes to your "Date Range" section. Instead of Showing the number of years, months, etc., and today or yesterday, I have it showing the date in a format like "September 29th, at 8:55:07 PM". Thought you might like to use it as a base for your mod. It does the same swap of "First Played", "Last Played", and "Times Played". It took a bit to figure out how you had yours set up, but once I did it was easy to modify my old Track Info Panel code.
Here it is
//////////////////////////////////////////Date Range///////////////////////////////////////////////
// Day Conversion
// Month Conversion
// Year Conversion
// Time Conversion
// 24 Hour to 12 Hour Conversion
// AM/PM Conversion
// Date Format
$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx)',' $get(year))
// Time Format
$puts(time_of_day,$get(hour1)$get(min)$get(sec) $get(yy))
Last played: $if(%last_played%,$get(time_of_year) at $get(time_of_day),'Never'),
First played: $if(%first_played%,$get(time_of_year) at $get(time_of_day),'Never'),
Number of times played: $if($or(%play_count%,%play_counter%),%play_count%,0)
I still need to figure out how to add it in correctly to the panel.
Figured it out.
I hope you like it.